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Emiel Mols edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 1 revision

Submitting and distributing your plugin


Each plugin has two secret codes associated with it.

  • The installation code, which you can spread around to allow other people to install your plugin in their happenings.
  • The upload code, which you can use to upload new version of the plugin bundle. This code should only be known by the plugin's developer(s). Both codes can be found on the plugin settings page, for plugins owned by you.


The template plugin comes with a deploy script. When you run it with the upload code as its argument, it will try to deploy the code in its directory to the Happening platform. The platform will immediately try to compile and sandbox your plugin code. Errors and warnings may be output to your console. If there are no problems, your plugin will usually be live-updated on devices within a second.


Initially, a plugin is tied to the "My Plugins" happening of its developer. The plugin settings page will show you an install code which can be shared and used by Happening admins to enable the plugin in their Happening.

When a new version of a plugin is submitted, it will immediately update in the plugin in the "My Plugins" happening. Other happenings that use the plugin will be updated within a 15 minute window.


manifest holds your app configuration.

  • name Group App name.
  • desciption Group App description.
  • api API version, don't use anything other than 2
  • icon Default icon, list of available icons. Alternatively, you can bundle your own icon.svg.

Becoming a Featured plugin

If you think your Plugin is useful for other happenings, and should be included in the Featured list, please contact us.

See also

Basic topics

API reference

  • API Reference
    • Client
      • [client plugin](client plugin)
      • [client dom](client dom)
      • [client obs](client obs)
      • [client db](client db)
      • [client server](client server)
      • [client page](client page)
      • [client ui](client ui)
      • [client form](client form)
      • [client icon](client icon)
      • [client modal](client modal)
      • [client photo](client photo)
      • [client photoview](client photoview)
      • [client time](client time)
      • [client share](client share)
      • [client map](client map)
      • [client geoloc](client geoloc)
    • Server
      • [server event](server event)
      • [server plugin](server plugin)
      • [server http](server http)
      • [server db](server db)
      • [server photo](server photo)
      • [server time](server time)
  • Example UI elements

Advanced topics

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