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Autonomous Navigation System Simulator

This repository includes a complete ROS2 package for the simulation of autonomous robots. It features the simulation models, navigation algorithms and other components to run and evaluate cooperative driving scenarios. Each scenario can be extended to feature different robots, additional system components and more. The launch files are modularly built, so that each part can be configured without directly affecting the other components of the simulation.

Additionally, it integrates ROS2-Foxy with MATLAB/Simulink and OMNeT++/Artery, to enable the integration of control systems and communication standards. Currently, it includes a CACC-controller for platooning and an implementation of the ETSI-ITS-G5 communication architecture.

Package Setup and Overview


The following steps explain the required installation steps to run the framework on a machine running Ubuntu 20.04:

ROS2 and Gazebo

Run the script or manually run the commands in the script.

MATLAB and Simulink

First, install MATLAB and Simulink as described here:

Install Python3.9:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3.9 python3.9-venv libpython3.9

Create symlinks to the Python3.9 installation:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

Install numpy:

sudo apt-get install python-numpy

In every MATLAB script, you need to add the following line at the beginning:


After that, ROS2 and MATLAB/Simulink are connected.

OMNeT++ and Artery

Run the and script and follow the instructions that are given in the scripts to complete the installation.

File stucture:

├── auna_cacc
│   ├── CACC # Includes the MATLAB script and Simulink model
│   └── launch # Launch files for the CACC controller
├── auna_common # Commonly used scripts and functions
│   └── auna_common # Scripts
├── auna_gazebo
│   ├── config # Configuration files
│   │   ├── map_params # Map specific parameters
│   │   └── model_params # Robot model specific parameters
│   ├── include # Header files
│   ├── launch # ROS2 launch files
│   ├── models # Robot model URDF files
│   ├── src # Source files
│   └── worlds # Gazebo world files
├── auna_its_msgs # Simplified CAM message
│   └── msg # Message folder
├── auna_msgs # Commonly used custom message types
│   ├── msg # Messages
│   └── srv # Services
├── auna_nav2
│   ├── config # Configuration files
│   │   └── nav2_params # Nav2 parameters
│   ├── launch # ROS2 launch files
│   ├── maps # Map-specific occupancy grid maps
│   └── rviz # Rviz configurations
├── auna_omnet
│   ├── include # Header files
│   ├── launch # ROS2 launch files
│   └── src # Source files
├── auna_scenarios # Compiled ROS2 launch files for scenarios
│   └── launch # ROS2 launch files
├── auna_teleoperation # Teleoperation scripts
│   └── scripts # Scripts
└── etsi_its_msgs # CAM Message
    └── msg # Messages

How to use?


Run the platooning scenario using the following command:

ros2 launch auna_scenarios

Adjust the number of robots using parameters:

ros2 launch auna_scenarios robot_number:=3

MATLAB and Simulink

In general, it is possible to integrate any MATLAB and Simulink script via the ROS2 publisher and subscriber functionalities.

An example is shown by the platooning controller, which can be found in src/car_simulator/matlab/CACC. It receives the current state of the direct leading vehicle and outputs the corresponding velocity and steering angle, so that a stable inter-vehicle distance is maintained.

OMNeT++ and Artery

The scenario can be launched by running the following command

cmake --build build --target run_ros2_platooning

After building, select the Fast option to run the simulation.


We would like to thank all the authors who helped to extend the framework. In particular, we would like to thank Anggera Bayuwindra, Enio Prates Vasconcelos Filho, Raphael Riebl, and Ricardo Severino for providing their components and implementation details for the integration.


Autonomous Navigation Framework






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