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Configuration File parameters

ninja-hu edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 14 revisions

Explains the various user-defined parameters and flags in the configuration file of the Toolbox. A sample configuration file is shown here.


Parameter/Flag Description Default value
channel Wireless channel used in the 5.0 GHz range. The center frequency is automatically calculated in the code. Check the range of channel values in 20Mhz range here here. Recommended to use channels > 100. 104
nphi Denotes resolution of the profile in the azimuth (x-y plane). 360
ntheta Denotes resolution of the profile in the elevation (x-z plane). 180
phi_min Smallest value of angle in azimuth (x-y plane) -180
phi_max Largest values of the angle in azimuth (x-y plane) 180
theta_min Smallest value of angle in elevation (x-z plane)) 0
theta_max Largest values of the angle in elevation (x-y plane) 180
max_packets_to_process Maximum number of CSI data packets to use for computing AOA 1000
min_packets_to_process Minimum number of CSI data packets to use for computing AOA 1
use_max_packets_threshold Boolean flag to enable/disable using max_packets_to_process threshold false
interpolate_phase Boolean flag to enable/disable phase interpolation true
displacement_type Type of robot motion (2D/3D) 2D
sub_sample_channel_data Boolean flag to enable/disable using 50% of CSI data packets (every alternate one) for AOA computation false
antenna_position_offset Set the offset of the antenna [x,y,z] wrt the center of the pose estimation center axis. [x,y,z]
use_packet_id Boolean flag to enable/disable usage of packet id for matching forward (CSI data collected by transmitting robot) and reverse packets (CSI data collected by receiving robot). Provided to support legacy data of timestamp based matching. true
aoa_estimator Select algorithm for computation of AOA profile (bartlett). bartlett
use_two_antennas Boolean flag to enable/disable use of two antenna SAR formulation. false
antenna_separation Separation between two antennas (in meters) used to get relative channel. 0.25
scnum_start Starting subcarrier number. For details, refer here. 14
scnum_end Ending subcarrier number. 16

Input Data information

Parameter/Flag Description
input_TX_channel_csi_fn The CSI file collected for each of the neighboring transmitting robot. The details of the transmitting robot includes is mac_id and the location of the file. Please refer this section for an example of how CSI data can be collected.
input_RX_channel_csi_fn The CSI file collected by the signal receiving robot performing SAR.
input_displacement_csv_fn_rx The csv file corresponding to the displacement information of the receiving robot. Please refer this section for the details on the csv file format.
debug_dir Directory location to save intermediate data files that can be used for debugging. Information about the intermediate files and how to visualize them is available here
input_trajectory_csv_fn_tx The csv file corresponding to the displacement information of the transmitting robot (WIP)
use_relative_trajectory Boolean flag to enable/disable using relative displacement. Use when both transmitting and receiving robots are moving. (WIP)


Parameter/Flag Description
normalize_profile Boolean flag to enable/disable profile normalization
top_N_magnitude Minumum magnitude of a peak with respect to the top peak (in precentage) in order to be considered in top N peaks. Default = 40. Related discussion is available here
topN_count Returns Top N strongest multipath peaks in the AOA profile that are atleast k% (top_N_magnitude) of the max AOA peak.
debug Boolean flag to enable/disable debug messages in the terminal.
peak_radius radius around a Top N peak associated with the peaks grating lobes. This ignores any new candidate peak for Top N that is within such a radius.
time_offset Offset for time difference (micro seconds) on transmitting and receiving robot. Provided to support legacy data processing and will be deprecated in future.
time_threshold Maximum threshold of time difference (micro seconds) between forward and reverse packets during packet matching. Provided to support legacy data processing and will be deprecated in future.