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Problem Domain

This project is our initial attempt to understand and replicate the blockchain technology and potential applications.

Due to the blockchain's immutability, it allows both the sender and receiver to trust that the information sent follows a dictated structure and has a determined result.

We included the ability for distributed nodes to add to the blockchain with a simple terminal command.


Install the stable version of Node JS, which is available at the following link

This environment should allow you to run all code present in this repository.


Create a new directory where you would like to store our project.


mkdir noncents

Clone the repository to this directory

git clone

Install NPM dependencies

npm install 

If you would like to begin mining immediately, use the following command

node index.js

Mining Starts

↑ Before Mining

After Mining ↓

Mining Example

For advanced users, a server side code base is available under the branch herokuStaging at the project's git repository.

Running the tests

To run the tests, you type into the command line npm run test This will run all tests and output a coverage level (provided by Jest) describing percentage of lines covered across documents.

Main Server Test Results:

Main Server Test Results

Node Server Test Results:

Node Server Test Results

Server Endpoints

  • POST /block

    • Node sends request to Heroku server to post new block to stable chain.
    • Heroku server checks to see if it is the next valid block in the chain.
    • If block is valid, Heroku server returns a 204 success status code to the node.
    • If block is valid, Heroku appends new block to the stable chain.
    • Returns a 400 failure status code to the node if either the index, previous hash, current hash are invalid or if this information is missing.
  • GET /chain

    • Node sends a request to the Heroku server for the current stable chain.
    • Heroku server retrieves stable chain from database and sends stable chain back to node.
    • Heroku server returns a 200 success status code to the node.
    • Returns a 404 failure status code if an incorrect route is specified.
  • /

    • Catch all route for any unspecified routes.
    • Returns a 404 Not Found

Built With

  • Node - JS Runtime Build
  • Mongo DB - Chain Persistence
  • Heroku - Hosted Deployment
  • Travis CI - Integration Testing

Code Examples

Block from Chain

        "index": 1,
        "previousHash": "000lUu0u82sRhgvltSGzbBJZefYnbv+E6py9dC1/0NU=",
        "timeStamp": "Fri Jan 05 2018 08:54:21 GMT-0800 (PST)",
        "ledger": "necessitatibus aut enim voluptates ut est sed dolor voluptas nulla",
        "currentHash": "0006dXneGWKoICEfxybrwhwwu257M/cmFytTXdye4l0=",
        "nonce": 616877

Hashing Code Example

chainSchema.methods.makeBlockHash = function(index, timeStamp, previousHash, ledger, nonce){
  let SHA256 = new Hashes.SHA256;
  let nextHash = SHA256.b64(index + timeStamp + previousHash + ledger);
  let nonceHash = SHA256.b64(nextHash + nonce);
  return nonceHash;

NPM Packages Used

  • Express - CRUD routes to server
  • Jest, Superagent - Unit Testing
  • Mongoose - Data manipulation within Mongo
  • JS Hashes - SHA256 Hashing
  • Eslint - Linting
  • HttpErrors, Winston - Activity/Error Logging


  • Kerry Nordstrom
  • Seth Donohue
  • Nicholas Carignan
  • Jacob Evans
  • Sam Hamm


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Travis CI:

Heroku App Deployment:

Heroku Chain Get Route:



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