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Getting Started

Allyson Souza edited this page Aug 30, 2018 · 3 revisions


Just download Haste Starter and place it in your themes folder, like any theme.

Search and Replace

Haste Starter is meant to be a base theme, not a child theme. That been said, you can change the theme name, text-domain and even the functions prefix. The basic theme details are defined in style.css, here you can change the theme name and text-domain for example.

If you change the text-domain in style.css, you need to change it in theme files. To replace the Haste Starter names everywhere, just open the theme folder in your preferred editor and use the search and replace tool.

Replacing text-domain

Search for haste-starter replace for your-theme-name

Replacing functions prefix

Search for haste_starter_ replace for your_theme_name_

Replacing @package

Search for HasteStarter replace for YourThemeName


With the search and replace done, just go to your admin panel and activate your fresh new theme.


Haste Starter bundle comes with lot's of WordPress templates, like index.php, header.php, footer.php, category.php and others. Just open with your editor and start working. There's already a functions.php that basically include modules from /inc folder, each module is responsible for one aspect of the theme, like add theme supports, enqueue styles and scripts, register sidebars, create custom template tags and other stuff.


The theme style are not in the style.css, but in the assets/css/main.css, so you can open that file and start working on your incridible theme design, or instead if you're comfortable with Sass, you can use it, changing the .scss files stored in /src folder.