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External Tools

George Kurelic edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 13 revisions

A concise list of tools useful to HaxeFlixel developers. This list is under construction. Suggest more, here.

Official Flixel Libraries

These are tools created and managed by the core HaxeFlixel team.

A set of useful, but optional classes for HaxeFlixel created by the community. Includes some classes from the Flixel Power Tools.

A series of tools for creating and UI elements and managing ui events in HaxeFlixel.

a collection of 80+ demos using the HaxeFlixel engine and demonstrating its capabilities. All the ones that are compatible with a web target (HTML5 and/or Flash) can be found on

External Flixel Libraries

A list of repos and libraries made with the purpose of extending HaxeFlixel's capabilities. One day, these may be officially incorporated into HaxeFlixel, but for now they serve a niche demand on their own.

A library of extensions, utilities, and other helpful classes for making games quickly in haxeflixel! There's also a framework agnostic version simply called Zerolib

A repository made by CheemsAndFriends and DotWith made for playing all spritesheet formats and the mysterious but interesting export called Texture Atlas

Yagp's Gif Player for HaxeFlixel.

A library which adds native video support for OpenFL and HaxeFlixel.