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A ExoPlayer extension for support flac.


Please refer to AndroidX Media for the usage instructions of the latest release.

ExoPlayer modules can be obtained from the Google Maven repository. It's also possible to clone the repository and depend on the modules locally.

From the Google Maven repository

1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

2. Add module dependencies

The easiest way to get started using ExoPlayer is to add it as a gradle dependency in the build.gradle file of your app module. The following will add a dependency to the full library:

implementation 'com.github.HeHang0:exoplayer-extension-flac:1.3.0'

where 1.3.0 is your preferred version.

3. Turn on Java 8 support

If not enabled already, you also need to turn on Java 8 support in all build.gradle files depending on ExoPlayer, by adding the following to the android section:

compileOptions {
  targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

4. Enable multidex

If your Gradle minSdkVersion is 20 or lower, you should enable multidex in order to prevent build errors.

Using LibflacAudioRenderer with ExoPlayer

ExoPlayer.Builder builder = ExoPlayer.Builder(context);
DefaultRenderersFactory factory = new DefaultRenderersFactory(context.getApplicationContext())
ExoPlayer player =;
  • If you're passing a DefaultRenderersFactory to ExoPlayer.Builder, you can enable using the module by setting the extensionRendererMode parameter of the DefaultRenderersFactory constructor to EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_ON. This will use LibflacAudioRenderer for playback if MediaCodecAudioRenderer doesn't support the input format. Pass EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_PREFER to give LibflacAudioRenderer priority over MediaCodecAudioRenderer.
  • If you've subclassed DefaultRenderersFactory, add a LibflacAudioRenderer to the output list in buildAudioRenderers. ExoPlayer will use the first Renderer in the list that supports the input media format.
  • If you've implemented your own RenderersFactory, return a LibflacAudioRenderer instance from createRenderers. ExoPlayer will use the first Renderer in the returned array that supports the input media format.
  • If you're using ExoPlayer.Builder, pass a LibflacAudioRenderer in the array of Renderers. ExoPlayer will use the first Renderer in the list that supports the input media format.
