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michael.vidal edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 2 revisions



This method will allow client applications to retrieve a list of Clients that the authorization service knows about.

GET /clients/
GET /clients/{clientid}


Name Location Type Description
clientid path Guid the unique identifier for the client


The GET /clients/ request requires the authorization with the following scopes:

  • fabric/authorization.manageclients
  • fabric/

The GET /clients/{clientId} request requires authorization with the following scope:

  • fabric/

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method



    "id": guid,
    "name": string,
            "id": guid,
            "name": string,
                    "id": guid,
                    "name": string,
                    "securableItems": []

403 Forbidden

A Forbidden response will be returned in the following cases:

  • If the requested clientid does not match the clientid presented and the access token does not have the fabric/authorization.manageclients scope
  • If the access token can not be validated (i.e. is forged or doesn't have the correct scope)


This method allows clients to add clients to the Authorization service store.

POST /clients/


Name Location Type Description
None N/A N/A N/A


This request requires authorization with the following scopes:

  • fabric/authorization.manageclients
  • fabric/authorization.write

Request Body

    "name": string,
    "topLevelSecurableItem": {
            "id": guid,
            "name": string



A 201 created response will be returned if the client is successfully created and will include the client object that was created:

    "name": string,
    "topLevelSecurableItem": {
            "name": string


A 400 Bad Request will be returned in the following cases:

  • If the request is malformed
  • If the client already exists

403 Forbidden

A Forbidden response will be returned in the following cases:

  • If the access token can not be validated (i.e. is forged or doesn't have the correct scope)