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Release Notes

lindachan465 edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 6 revisions


NEW = new endpoint or new function

UPDATE = update on existing endpoint functionality

Date Available Type Resources Comments
2/20/2018 NEW role, permission, securableItem Created a new dos(grain)/datamarts(securableItem) that allows authorized clients and users to set roles, permissions, and securableItem at a global level that can be shared across all applications. All clients can GET roles, permissions, securableItems at the dos/datamarts level but cannot modify them without the appropriate scope and user permission (if user is included the access token).
2/20/2018 UPDATE user When GET /v1/user/permissions or GET /v1/user/{identityProvider}/{subjectId}/permissions, permissions set at the dos-grain for the user will be automatically returned in addition to any app-specific permissions. Response can be filtered to specific grain and securableItemin by specifying extra parameters in the url.
2/20/2018 NEW user Add/remove roles directly with users
11/7/2017 NEW user GET a user's granular permissions and permissions set under roles that are mapped to that user's custom groups (does not include permissions inherited from AD groups)
10/17/2017 NEW user GET all users and non-custom groups for a given client, with sorting/filtering/paging ability
9/26/2017 NEW client GET all users and groups and their corresponding roles for a given client
UPDATE group Default groupSource value to the configuration in appsettings.json ('GroupSource') if empty when POST a custom group
NEW user Add or remove granular permissions at user level
9/5/2017 NEW group POST custom groups in fabric.auth and add/remove users from custom groups
7/3/2017 NEW client, group, permission, role, securableItem Created POST/PUT/DELETE/GET client, group, permission, role, securableItem to create, update, or remove resources in fabric.authorization
NEW group Add or remove roles from groups
NEW role Add or remove permissions from existing roles
NEW user GET authenticated user's permissions
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