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5. Other Observations

Eric Haas edited this page Sep 24, 2016 · 1 revision

This Profile on Observation defines any other observations not otherwise listed for a culture.

labs can report a variety of other observations for a micro report. Many of these fall into the generic other category.

Based on DAF-Core/US-Core plus additional USlab (LRI) and US-Core Micro Report constraints (in italics):

Each Other Observation must include:

  1. a status
  2. a category code of ‘laboratory’
  • micro category code as translation
  1. a LOINC code, if available, which tells you what is being measured
  2. performing organization
  3. a patient
  4. a result value and, if the result value is a numeric quantity, a standard UCUM unit

Each AOE must include: must support:

(stuff from LRI OBX and OBR)

  1. an identifier (Filler/Placer) - Discuss whether this is a must support - not an LRI requirement
  2. a time indicating when the specimen was collected
  3. a time indicating when the measurement was reported1.
  4. the specimen
  5. a specimen rejection reason This is really a data absent reason and should go there instead of an extension on Obs - consider a DAR profile

Terminology considerations ( note need help from community to work these out)
