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7. Susceptibility Observation Profile

Eric Haas edited this page Sep 25, 2016 · 8 revisions

####This Observation profile defines the Susceptiblity Measurement reported as a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)

Susceptibility results are commonly reported as the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), which is the lowest concentration of drug that inhibits the growth of the organism. Reports typically contain a quantitative result in µg/mL and a qualitative interpretation. The interpretation usually categorizes each result as susceptible (S), intermediate (I), resistant (R), sensitive-dose dependent (SD), or no interpretation (NI).( Other method of reporting antibacterial susceptibility may be used as well and may require additional profiles or modifications to this one.

Based on DAF-Core/US-Core plus additional USlab (LRI) and US-Core Micro Report constraints (in italics):

Each Observations must include:

  1. a status
  2. a category code of ‘laboratory’
  • micro category code as translation
  1. a LOINC code for the MIC measurement.
  2. a patient
  3. performing organization
  4. a numeric result value or a reason if there are no values

Each micro atomic observation must support:

(stuff from LRI OBX and OBR)

  1. an identifier (Filler/Placer) - Discuss whether this is a must support - not an LRI requirement
  2. a time indicating when the specimen was collected
  3. a time indicating when the measurement was reported
  4. the specimen
  5. a specimen rejection reason This is really a data absent reason and should go there instead of an extension on Obs - consider a DAR profile
  6. a reference range
  7. a coded interpretation of the result

Terminology considerations ( note need help from community to work these out)

  1. The set of LOINC codes for MIC measurements - METHOD_TYP = MIC
  1. For the concepts representing the possible interpretations use a subset of the Observation Interpretation Codes:
    • susceptible (S)
    • intermediate (I)
    • resistant (R)
    • sensitive-dose dependent (SDD)
    • no interpretation (NI) (nullflavor)
  1. For the MIC UCUM - suggested values TBD - expected to be ug/mL - discuss