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Fairyland for Neo3 smart contract testing & debugging! TODO: multisig? debug adapter protocol compatibility?; stable websocket features (memorize fairy txns & deliver in fairy blocks through WS?); set variable value in debugging (difficult), simulate GAS distribution to NEO, ...


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The last tool you need for repeatable, lighting fast, fully automatic smart contract testing on Neo N3 blockchain!

Fairy.csproj builds an extended RpcServer plugin in your local neo-cli node, to "fork" the N3 network. Through RPC calls, You can execute your own fairy transactions or deploy your own fairy contracts, with access to the environment of all other on-chain contracts, but without having to write your transactions onto the chain. The executions of your fairy transactions are saved in your snapshots in the memory of neo-cli. Access these snapshots with session strings defined by yourself. You can change the timestamp (the returned value of Runtime.Time called by smart contracts) and the random number generated for smart contracts at will, by setting the timestamp or the random number of a snapshot, through RPC.

No GAS fee is needed for your fairy transactions. This is a great help when your contract heavily manipulates GAS and you want to ensure correct GAS transferring. If you do need to compute the GAS system fee and network fee, just read ["networkfee"] and ["gasconsumed"] in the result of invoked fairy transactions. Network fee is calculated only when the correct wallet is opened and the transaction can be validly signed by the opened wallet.

Fairy can also debug your contracts. DumpNef is needed for debugging. Build snapshots with testing APIs, and start debugging by setting debug info, setting breakpoints and invoking function with the debugging API.

Detailed traceback is returned in result["traceback"] if there is any fault. Sample:

"ASSERT is executed with false result."
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteInstruction() in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\neo-vm\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 374
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteNext() in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\neo-vm\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 1436
InstructionPointer=2281, OpCode ASSERT, Script Length=8518
InstructionPointer=4458, OpCode JMP, Script Length=8518
InstructionPointer=502, OpCode STLOC2, Script Length=806
InstructionPointer=21375, OpCode RET, Script Length=21375
[0x5c1068339fae89eb1a743909d0213e1d99dc5dc9] AnyUpdateShortSafe: Transfer failed
"ASSERT is executed with false result."
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteInstruction() in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\neo-vm\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 374
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteNext() in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\neo-vm\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 1436
InstructionPointer=2281, OpCode ASSERT, Script Length=8518
InstructionPointer=5699, OpCode LDLOC5, Script Length=8518
InstructionPointer=5365, OpCode JMP, Script Length=8518
InstructionPointer=502, OpCode STLOC2, Script Length=806
InstructionPointer=21390, OpCode RET, Script Length=21390
[0x5c1068339fae89eb1a743909d0213e1d99dc5dc9] AnyUpdateShortSafe: No enough token to lend

The traceback of the debugger is even more detailed, with your DebugInfo registered:

Called Contract Does Not Exist: 0x2a6cd301cad359fc85e42454217e51485fffe745
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Span`1& arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
   at Neo.SmartContract.ApplicationEngine.OnSysCall(InteropDescriptor descriptor) in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo\src\neo\SmartContract\ApplicationEngine.cs:line 522
   at Neo.SmartContract.ApplicationEngine.OnSysCall(UInt32 method) in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo\src\neo\SmartContract\ApplicationEngine.cs:line 506
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteInstruction(Instruction instruction) in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\Neo.VM\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 439
   at Neo.VM.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteNext() in C:\Users\RhantolkYtriHistoria\NEO\neo-vm\src\Neo.VM\ExecutionEngine.cs:line 1454
File NFTLoan.cs, line 247: ExecutionEngine.Assert((bool)Contract.Call(externalTokenContract, "transfer", CallFlags.All, renter, Runtime.ExecutingScriptHash, amountForRent, externalTokenId, TRANSACTION_DATA), "Transfer failed");
	ScriptHash=0xa59de097d11bc7130e51c5dcd7aa8e11fd9d4304, InstructionPointer=4448, OpCode SYSCALL, Script Length=8518
	ScriptHash=0x389193b1789bdecb40e817d74d90c1e124c6dbab, InstructionPointer=96, OpCode , Script Length=96

Fairy.Debugger relies on Fairy.Tester. Fairy.Coverage relies on Fairy.Debugger.

Instructions for running neo-cli and RpcServer from full source codes for debugging:


Neo <= 3.7.4:

Consider cloning neo-modules and building such a directory: neo-modules/src/Fairy and place everything in my repo into your neo-modules/src/Fairy. Build Fairy.csproj.

Alternatively you can use Fairy.sln to build your own solution.

You probably have to change the directories of dependencies in Fairy.csproj

Neo > 3.7.4:

neo-modules have been archived and migrated into neo repository. Just build from neo/src/Plugins.


  1. Place Fairy as a plugin of neo-cli (neo-cli/bin/Debug/net8.0/Plugins/Fairy/{Fairy.dll + config.json + Fairy.json}). You may also need to place an RpcServer.dll at neo-cli/bin/Debug/net8.0. Happy testing on the mainnet! Since you can run all the fairy transactions virtually, it is recommended to use the mainnet in order to have access to the real environment for production.
  2. Please read the source codes for help about APIs. I have not written any docs.
  3. Non official client: . Watch the fully automatic and repeatable test cases in the repository if you do not know how to use Fairy.
  4. Create new empty wallets for testing. Fairy is derived from RpcServer which can really relay transactions that affects your wallet. To prevent mis-operation, it is not recommended to use wallets with any value of asset. You can virtually set your asset balance with Fairy.
  5. Through RPC, SetGasBalance(session, account, balance) to help yourself get 100_0000_0000 (or any amount of) GAS. (Fairy.Utils.cs). Use any string as your session name. If the session name is not recognized by Fairy, a new snapshot from current blockchain state will be generated for your session. Keep using the same session name for continuous executions.
  6. VirtualDeploy your contract. (Fairy.Utils.cs)
  7. InvokeFunctionWithSession (Fairy.Tester.cs)
  8. Set timestamp and runtime random number obtained by smart contracts at will! (Fairy.Engine.cs)
  9. If you want to debug a call, you shall first use DumpNef to let you and Fairy understand the mapping from the assembly instructions to the source codes. Make sure that an nefdbgnfo file is generated by your smart contract compiler (nccs YourCSharpSourceCodeProjectDir --debug for C# compiler). Then dumpnef and make sure that your dumped text file includes source codes (dumpnef YourContract.nef > YourContract.nef.txt). Now switch your fairy client, SetDebugInfo(Fairy.Debugger.DebugInfo.cs) and SetSourceCodeBreakpoints(Fairy.Debugger.Breakpoint.cs). Then run your debug session with DebugFunctionWithSession(session, ...)(Fairy.Debugger.cs). The runtime environment is inherited from the same session name constructed by InvokeFunctionWithSession.
  10. The debugger shall break on breakpoints or exceptions. Use APIs in Fairy.Debugger.cs for happy debugging!
  11. Try the command fairy in neo-cli, which lists all of your snapshots and DebugInfo! Just type fairy in the black cli window (which prints Fairy server running at X.X.X.X:XXXX when initialized) and press ENTER.

Playing with oracles?

Do what is needed to trigger the oracle (with a fairy session). If the oracle is activated, there will be info in ['result']['oraclerequests'] in the returned content of invokeFuntionWithSession. Then pretend that you are the oracle contract (Use signer == OracleContract 0xfe924b7cfe89ddd271abaf7210a80a7e11178758. Fairy accepts any signer even without signature!), and call the callback method in your smart contract.

WebSocket features

Quick example: connect to ws://localhost:16869 and send


to subscribe new blocks from websocket. Fairy will respond immediately (for "needresponse":true) with:


and then give you new blocks continuously like this:


About signature simulation

Here we do have some conflicting demands:

  1. Playing without real private keys
  2. Let the signatures (witnesses) be valid in the execution of smart contracts
  3. Calculate the network fee of the transaction

Now we are going to explain how these demands are met:

For each invocation of function or script, you can assign the signers of this fairy transaction (let's call it T). Fairy builds T such that all the senders assigned by you are filled in the transaction. Then, T (with signers & WitnessScopes claimed, but without actual signature) is executed by FairyEngine and committed to the Fairy snapshot, without verifying the signature. During the execution in FairyEngine, all the witness checks can be passed.

And how to calculate the network fee? Fairy.Wallet.cs offers a default FairyWallet. Its GetAccount method always returns the first account in the wallet if the given scripthash is not found. In this way, FairyWallet signs the transaction using its own account, instead of the signers assigned by you.

Remember not to relay such transactions to the real blockchain! You can still use the OpenWallet and InvokeFunction methods of RpcServer to build real transactions and actually relay them.

Sometimes you may still need to simulate the actual single- or multi-sig for a transaction, and in such cases you are willing to give out the actual private keys. I have let Fairy support single-signature in ForceSignMessage and ForceSignTransaction. Multi-account is supported by FairyWallet, but for now we are not able to sign with multiple accounts.


Fairyland for Neo3 smart contract testing & debugging! TODO: multisig? debug adapter protocol compatibility?; stable websocket features (memorize fairy txns & deliver in fairy blocks through WS?); set variable value in debugging (difficult), simulate GAS distribution to NEO, ...






