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NPM Public Package Template

About The Project


This project provides a streamlined process for developers to rapidly and efficiently deploy public NPM packages. It minimizes the setup effort, facilitating the creation, management, and distribution of NPM packages with ease.

Key Features

  1. Easy Public NPM Package Deployment: Simplifies the process of deploying packages to the public NPM registry.
  2. Automated Testing: Incorporates automated testing, including the downloading of .tgz files to simulate real deployment environments. It also supports a Jest-based testing environment for TypeScript projects.
  3. TypeScript Support: Fully accommodates TypeScript-based projects, enhancing the development and management process.

Getting Started

To begin using this template, simply click on "Use this template" at the top of this repository and select "Create a new repository".


  • Node.js (Version 16, 18, 20 or later recommended)
  • NPM (an account capable of publishing packages)


To install the dependencies:

npm install


To utilize this template for your NPM package:

  1. Edit the package.json file with your package details.
  2. Continuously Update the Version: It's crucial to keep updating the package.json version field with each release to track changes and manage releases effectively.

Modifications are needed in the package name, version, browser settings, test:pack script, and example import statements in the scripts.


Run Jest-based test scripts located in the __test__ folder. It's recommended to only include Jest test code in this folder:

npm run test:unit

Transform the current package into a .tgz file, download it, and then execute test scripts located in scripts. This simulates an environment very similar to after performing npm install:

npm run test:pack

Execute both of the above scripts simultaneously:

npm run test

Build the project using Webpack in production mode:

npm run build


The project currently uses Webpack for building. Configuration files can be found in the configs directory.


Each configuration file is set up for deployment. Note that it is assumed export default is being used:

// Configuration for webpack (detailed code here)


Base configuration for ESM and CJS. The entry is set to index.ts:

// Base tsconfig settings (detailed settings here)


Configuration for CJS. Includes settings for providing its own types:

// CJS specific tsconfig settings (detailed settings here)


Configuration for ESM. Includes settings for providing its own types:

// ESM specific tsconfig settings (detailed settings here)


Configuration for the browser deployment file:

// Browser-specific tsconfig settings (detailed settings here)

Building the project creates lib and dist folders. lib corresponds to the main and module fields in package.json, while dist corresponds to the browser setting.

Deploying Your Package

To deploy your package to NPM:

  1. Set up your NPM credentials locally.
  2. Run the following command, and provide your 2FA code if prompted:
npm publish

Note on 2FA and GitHub Actions

If 2FA is enabled on your NPM account, automated publishing via GitHub Actions is not possible as it requires manual entry of the 2FA code. Thus, local publishing is recommended.

GitHub Actions and Secrets

Please register the public token of the npm account in the secret variable NPM_TOKEN!
You must choose Publish!


Runs npm run tests on node 16, 18 versions before merging the puliquets to the main.


Designed to automatically publish the package when the main branch changes, automatically doing npm publish.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.