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ScaledAlphaHitmask - Hitmask plugin for ImpactJS game engine

ScaledAlphaHitmask is a plugin for the ImpactJS game engine and facilitates hit detection on transparent images. It is intended to be used to detect mouse clicks on partially transparent buttons. The hitmask is derived from the alpha channel of the button image. A scaling factor can be set to reduce the size of the hitmask. After initial creation of the hitmask we can call the hittest(...) function in our button's update() handler, passing in the relative x,y coordinates of the mouse.

(see also link to ImpactJS forum article: ImpactForum)

(added new minimal example - after GameButton example)

GameButton example

  • The sample code below demonstrates how to create a simple button that uses the ScaledAlphaHitmask plugin. To reduce the amount of code we also utilize the ButtonStateMachine plugin to handle button state changes.

  • To run the demo code

    • place the ScaledAlphaHitmask.js plugin into your [Project]/lib/plugins directory.
    • place the DemoGamebtn.js file into your [Project]/lib/game/entities directory.
    • place a samplebtn.png image into your [Project]/media/btns directory. (Note: to test the ScaledAlphaHitmask this image needs to have an alpha channel with transparent and non-transparent pixels)
    • copy relevant code from main.js snippet into your own main.js code.
    • download ButtonStateMachine plugin and place plugin into your [Project]/lib/plugins directory. (Note: this plugin is not required to use ScaledAlphaHitmask, but it is required to run the demo code.)
  • main.js

      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // main.js
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      	// ...
      	// ...
      MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
      	// ...
      	// ...
      	init: function() {
      		// ...
      		// ...
      		// Capture Mouse Down events ... 
      		ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.MOUSE1, 'click');		// note: we check for 'click' to determine if mouse down (see IsMouseDown() in DemoGameBtn.js)
      		// Test DemoGameBtn
      		var demoGamebtn =, 100, 100, { image: 'samplebtn.png', width: 106, height: 120});
      		ig.system.canvas.onclick = function() {
  • DemoGamebtn.js

      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // DemoGamebtn.js
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      .defines(function() {
      	EntityDemoGamebtn = ig.Entity.extend({
      		size: {x: 16, y: 16},
      		btnStateMachine: null,
      		hitmask: null,
      		// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      		// Button States
      		// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      		endClick: function() { this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnNormal;	},
      		endClickIgnore: function() { this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnNormal; },
      		endHover: function() { this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnNormal;	},
      		startClick: function() { this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnDown;	},
      		startHover: function() { this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnHover; },
      		// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      		// Alpha Hit Detection
      		// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      		// hittest - returns true if mouse cursor within bounds, else false
      		hittest: function() {
      			if ((ig.input.mouse.x > this.pos.x && ig.input.mouse.x < (this.pos.x + this.size.x)) &&
      				(ig.input.mouse.y > this.pos.y && ig.input.mouse.y < (this.pos.y + this.size.y)))
      				// if we have hitmask defined then check if we inside or outside of hitmask,
      				// if no hitmask then we already inside and return true
      				if (this.hitmask) {
      					return this.hitmask.hittest(ig.input.mouse.x - this.pos.x, ig.input.mouse.y - this.pos.y, 0 /* we only interested in frame 0 so no need to pass any other*/);
      				} else {
      					return true;
      			return false;						// hittest failed - mouse outside of entity
      		init: function(x, y, settings) {
      			this.animSheet = new ig.AnimationSheet('media/btns/' + settings.image , settings.width, settings.height);
      			this.addAnim('btnNormal', 1, [0]);
      			this.addAnim('btnHover', 2, [1]);
      			this.addAnim('btnDown', 3, [2]);
      			this.addAnim('btnDisabled', 4, [3]);
      			this.currentAnim = this.anims.btnNormal;
      			this.size.x = settings.width;
      			this.size.y = settings.height;
      			// ...
      			// ...
      			this.btnStateMachine = new ig.ButtonStateMachine();
      			this.btnStateMachine.isMouseInside = this.hittest.bind(this);
      			this.btnStateMachine.isMouseDown = function() { return ig.input.state('click'); };
      			this.btnStateMachine.startClick = this.startClick.bind(this);
      			this.btnStateMachine.endClick = this.endClick.bind(this);
      			this.btnStateMachine.startHover = this.startHover.bind(this);
      			this.btnStateMachine.endHover = this.endHover.bind(this);
      			this.btnStateMachine.endClickIgnore = this.endClickIgnore.bind(this);
      			this.hitmask = new ig.ScaledAlphaHitmask();
      			this.hitmask.scale = 8;
      			this.hitmask.verticalFrames = 4;				// normal | hover | down | disabled
      			this.hitmask.drawHitmask = true;				// set to 'false' to disable drawing of hitmask over btn image
      			this.parent(x, y, settings);
      		update: function() {

Simple (minimal) example

  • The sample code below demonstrates how to create a simple entity that uses the ScaledAlphaHitmask plugin.

  • To run the demo code

    • place the ScaledAlphaHitmask.js plugin into your [Project]/lib/plugins directory.
    • place a 3DBall_2frames.png image into your [Project]/media/ directory. (Note: to test the ScaledAlphaHitmask this image needs to have an alpha channel with transparent and non-transparent pixels)
    • copy relevant code from main.js snippet into your own main.js code.
  • main.js

      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // main.js
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      MyEntity = ig.Entity.extend({
      		hitmask: null,
      		size: {x: 128, y: 128},
      		init: function(x, y, settings) {
      			// Add the animations
      			this.animSheet = new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/3dball_2frames.png', 128, 128 ),		
      			this.addAnim( 'frame1', 1, [0] );
      			this.addAnim( 'frame2', 1, [1] );
      			this.currentAnim = this.anims.frame1;
      			this.hitmask = new ig.ScaledAlphaHitmask();
      			// this.hitmask.drawHitmask = true;		// don't draw debug mask over image
      			this.hitmask.scale = 4;
      			this.parent(x, y, settings);
      		update: function() {
      			if (ig.input.pressed('click')) {
      				if (this.hitmask.entityHittest(this)) {			// test if we hit opaque pixel in entity (animation/image frame1)
      					if (this.currentAnim == this.anims.frame1)
      						this.currentAnim = this.anims.frame2;
      						this.currentAnim = this.anims.frame1;
      MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
      	myentity: null,
      	init: function() {
      		// Initialize your game here; bind keys etc.
      		ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.MOUSE1, 'click');
      		this.myentity = this.spawnEntity(MyEntity, 10, 10); 
      // Start the Game with 60fps, a resolution of 160x160, scaled up by a factor of 2
      ig.main( '#canvas', MyGame, 60, 160, 160, 2 );


  • createDebugImage()
    • Creates an image of the hitmask created and saves it to the original image used to derive the hitmask.
    • This function is only intended for debugging purposes to show what the hitmask created looks like. The white parts of the image will result in hit 'misses' and the black parts of the image will result in 'hits' .
    • To enable drawing of the debug image set drawHitmask to true.
  • entityHittest(entity)
    • Test if mouse inside or outside of entity, and if mouse inside then test if we hit opaque pixel.
    • Returns true if we hit opaque pixel inside entity, else false.
  • hittest(xHitOffset, yHitOffset, frameIdx)
    • Test pixel at xHitOffset, yHitOffset for currently active image frame (frameIdx)
    • Recommend passing in '0' for frameIdx to always test on the first (default) frame (i.e. button state: normal)
    • See useOnlyFirstFrame property.
  • loadHitmask()
    • Once the hitmask image is assigned (using setImage()) loadHitmask() gets called to create the hitmask.
    • If the hitmask image is already loaded, loadHitmask() will be called immediately, else loadHitmask() will be called from the image's onload() handler.
  • setImage(image)
    • Call setImage(...) to assign the image to be used to derive hitmask.
    • Make sure that you have set the required hitmask creation properties before calling setImage(...).
  • reset()
    • Reset the hitmask. If an image reference is set, then clear that image's loadHitmask() callback before dereferencing the image.
    • Reset isLoaded flag to indicate that no hitmask is loaded.


  • scale
    • Value to downscale the hitmask by. A value of 1 implies no scaling. A value of 4 will scale down the hitmask by a factor of 4.
      • e.g. with a 20x100 pixel image with 4 vertical frames and a scaledown factor of 4 the resulting hitmask will be 5x7.
      • Hitmask Width = (w-1)/scale + 1 = (20-1)/4 + 1 = 5.
      • Hitmask Height = (h-1)/frames/scale + 1 = (100-1)/4/4 + 1 = 7.
  • verticalFrames
    • Specify how many vertical frames the input image has. If no frames, then specify 1.
    • Horizontal frames, or a combination of vertical and horizontal frames is not supported.
  • drawHitmask
    • Default to false. If true then the hitmask created will be drawn into the original input image used to create mask.
    • Only meant for debugging purposes.
    • See createDebugImage()
  • useOnlyFirstFrame
    • If true, then we only use the first frame of the input image to create hitmask. (for button hitmasks this is all we require)
    • Defaults to true. (recommended setting)
    • Note: code was initially written to support multiframe hitmasks, but this code has not been tested thoroughly as it is not required for button hitmasks.

Still Todo, and Bugs to be fixed (if required or requested)

  • Test changing hitmask by changing the hitmask input image. (Currently not required to change hitmask once loaded, but should hopefully work)
  • Feedback welcome here ...

Future Improvements

  • Any thoughts welcome here ...


Hitmask plugin for the ImpactJS game engine






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