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Down Notifier(WebApp Health Checker)

This repository was created for doing the Down Notifier coding-challenge.

Problem description

You are developing a web application to monitor target applications’ health. It takes a URL as input and periodically checks whether it’s up or not. It sends a notification message when a request to the URL returns a response code other than 2XX.

Solution Objectives

I used MediatR for CQRS + Clean Architecture To prepare this Solution and

  • ASP.NET Core MVC and bootstrap for UI
  • AJAX for refresh data-table(bootstrap-table) and load modal forms
  • Entity Framework ORM and localdb database
  • Elmah for logging errors(/elmah)
  • Register and login form for support multiple user accounts
  • You can easily implement the INotificationService interface to have more notification types


services.AddScoped<INotificationService, EmailService>(); //Add more INotificationService here

MailService need configs