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V edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 7 revisions



Our game is a platformer, with the primary objective to move (platform) our player character between points in a 2D environment. Platformers are characterised "by their level design featuring uneven terrain and suspended platforms of varying heights that require the player character's abilities, such as jumping and climbing, to navigate the player's environment and reach their goal". Our game includes other acrobatic manoeuvres, including ziplining from powerlines and cables, bouncing off a store’s awnings, dashing through the air, and switching between these perspectives, allowing the player to avoid obstacles.


While primarily a platformer, our other main focus is the game's narrative and appeal to the player's emotions. This is portrayed through cutscenes, the conversations the parents have about events, and the nostalgia of the songs played on the radio.

C-Scene-p01 C-Scene-p02 C-Scene-p03 C-Scene-p04