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Process Documentation

FoxOption edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 14 revisions



The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the process standards of the project.


Work items are first added as cards to the "Backlog" list of the Kanban Board (Trello). The card is moved to the "To Do" list when it is determined that it will be worked on in the near future. Developers can then move the cards to the "In Progress" list when work actually begins on said item, assigning themselves to the card. After an item is completed, it is moved to the "Review" list, where it waits to be reviewed by the team. After passing review, items are moved to the "Done" list. If an item remains in the Done list long enough without change, it is then archived.


Where possible, a new branch is created for major features that needs to be worked on. This minimises conflict between other features while allowing work to be transferred between workstations. The branch is then then merged into the main branch after it has been reviewed by the team.





The primary method of communication between team members is Discord. There is a group for the team as a whole and the software team itself to use.

The group made discord is now obsolete as we are able to pin messages which solved the need for the group one.


The team has two meetings each week, one with just the programming team and one with the games team. The meeting with the programming team is used to review code and plan work allocation, although code review may happen outside of this meeting. The other meeting is mainly used to communicate with the games team about requirements and features and demonstrate the game's state. This meeting is also used to generally coordinate the whole team or collaboratively complete paperwork.