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Closed Jul 31, 2019 100% complete

Issues for major update v2.0.0

  • Improvements
    • Tagged releases
      • Every release will now have an associated git tag following the semantic versioning guidelines. (#8)
    • Increased whitespace recognition
      • The more uncommon unicode points such as nonbreaking spaces and vertical tab characters (and more) are now recognized as whitespace. (#7)
    • Improved naming
      • P…

Issues for major update v2.0.0

  • Improvements
    • Tagged releases
      • Every release will now have an associated git tag following the semantic versioning guidelines. (#8)
    • Increased whitespace recognition
      • The more uncommon unicode points such as nonbreaking spaces and vertical tab characters (and more) are now recognized as whitespace. (#7)
    • Improved naming
      • Package and public function names have been changed to both better convey their use and make them easier to use. (#11)

This milestone is closed.

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