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Unified library providing both, an easy way to manipulate the game at runtime and definitions for many of Sonic Heroes' internal data structures and functions.

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Heroes SDK

🎈 Disassembly in Code 🎈

And a fairly easy to use SDK for making mods.


This is a single unified library providing both, an easy way to manipulate the game at runtime and definitions for many of Sonic Heroes' internal data structures and functions.

It primarily is intended for easier creation of mods with Reloaded II, though it does contain many structures invaluable to creating standalone tools/parsers. There are also some included parsers of its own, allowing for creation/extraction of various game formats.

This SDK is originally pieced together from mods made by Sewer and further driven by Donut's disassembly he will release once Half Life 3 releases the community disassembly.

Using the API

An easy to use API for manipulating the game at runtime is available in the Heroes.SDK.API namespace.


Execute Code At Start of Every Frame while In-Stage.

// Sets a method to execute at the start of a frame.
Event.AfterSleep += AfterSleep;

// Method to execute at the start of a frame.
private void AfterSleep()
    if (State.IsInLevel()) 
        /* Do Stuff when in Level */

Control The Camera

Camera.IsCameraEnabled = false; // Takes away camera control from the game.
if (State.IsInLevel()) 
    /* Do Stuff with Camera */
    ref var camera = ref Camera.Cameras[0];
    camera.MoveBy(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));

Get Controller Inputs

ref var PlayerOneInputs = ref State.FinalInputs[0];
if (PlayerOneInputs.ButtonFlags.HasFlag(ButtonFlags.Jump)) 
    /* Execute Code when Jump Button Pressed */

Edit Player Physics Realtime

if (State.IsInLevel() && Player.GetCharacterCount() > 0) 
    ref var speedCharacter = ref Player.PlayerTop[0].AsReference();
    speedCharacter.Physics.GravitationalPull = 9.81F;

Advanced Usage

See Advanced Usage

Using the Library

  1. Add this git repository as a submodule.
  2. Add Heroes.SDK to your solution.
  3. Add Heroes.SDK as a project reference to your project.

You might need to update the project you are referencing this library to netstandard2.0/netcoreapp3.1 or newer.

Adding External Libraries

To keep build sizes of compiled projects small, the library does not ship with all of its dependencies. Some dependencies need to be supplied manually to the library.

If you plan to create mods using the SDK, you may need to supply the SDK an instance of IReloadedHooks (Hooks/Detours), and IPrsInstance (Prs Compression).

To do so, download Reloaded.Hooks, and csharp-prs from NuGet and call the function SDK.Init, passing your instance of ReloadedHooks before executing any other SDK code.

SDK.Init(new ReloadedHooks(), new PrsInstance());   

Only download what you need, you can pass in null for the libraries you don't need.

If you are developing a mod with Reloaded II, consider using Shared Libraries as outlined below.

In Reloaded II Mods

The following are a simple set of heavily recommended guidelines for using the Heroes SDK in conjunction with developing Reloaded II mods.

// In Start() function of a Reloaded II mod, set the ReloadedHooks instance used to the shared one.
_modLoader.GetController<IReloadedHooks>().TryGetTarget(out ReloadedHooks);
_modLoader.GetController<IPrsInstance>().TryGetTarget(out PrsInstance);
SDK.Init(ReloadedHooks, PrsInstance);    

Reloaded.Hooks Shared Library CSharp.Prs Shared Library

  • If using Reloaded-II's Inter Mod Communication to expose interfaces, DO NOT INCLUDE THE TYPES FROM THE SDK IN YOUR INTERFACES.
    • Not only would that force mods to have a copy of the SDK in their output folder but it would force them to use the same version of the SDK as the source mod.
    • If you require to use some structs from the SDK, copy the structs into your interface library from the SDK and cast wherever needed from the copied type to the SDK type. See Heroes.Controller.Hook if an example is required.

Submitting Issues

If you are submitting an issue, your issue should include the following:

  • A clear, concise description of the problem.
  • Steps to reproduce the problem. If you cannot get the problem to happen on-command, it's going to be tough.
  • Screenshots and/or video would be appreciated.

Real-time Assistance & Discussion

The toolkit developer(s) and other community members familiar with it are frequently available at:


Unified library providing both, an easy way to manipulate the game at runtime and definitions for many of Sonic Heroes' internal data structures and functions.






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Contributors 4

