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Daniel Reed edited this page May 25, 2018 · 5 revisions


The simplest way to get started with this project is to use its Docker image. These images are updated each time a commit is made to the project’s source code. Follow the detailed instructions for getting started with the Docker images.

Some knowledge of Slack or HipChat would be beneficial if you plan on using these services with the bot.

Slack will require the creation of a custom bot. As part of this process you will create a Slack token for the bot that you will need to provide when running the Docker image. This is explained in more detail on the Docker project.

HipChat will require providing many variables when running the Docker image. There’s more information on the Hubot HipChat project.


These instructions assume that you are comfortable with Node.js, installing npm packages and using Git.

To get started building and running a local instance of Hubot with this project you’ll need git, node.js (version 6 or 7) and npm installed locally. Hubot and the project source should be installed in separate directories but in the same top level directory.

  1. Install Hubot

    npm install -g yo generator-hubot

    mkdir hubot

    cd hubot

    yo hubot (configure your bot at this step)

  2. Clone this project

    git clone

  3. Build the project's source

    From the project’s source directory:

    npm install --only=dev

    npm run prepublish

  4. Install project dependencies

    From the hubot directory install dependencies:

    npm install --only=prod ../hpe-oneview-hubot/

  5. Setup OneView appliance information

    From the hubot directory: cp ../hpe-oneview-hubot/oneview-configuration.json .

    Modify the oneview-configuration.json with your OneView appliance information

  6. Start hubot


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