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Scala CI codecov License: MIT Top Lang

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This project is developed as an example for the lecture Software Engineering at the HTWG Konstanz.

You can compile code with sbt compile, run it with sbt run, and sbt console will start a Scala 3 REPL.


Hexxagon is a strategy board game played in a 2 player mode. The goal is to capture as many fields as possible on a hexagonal grid. The player with the most stones on the board wins.

You can place your stones by inputting a two-indexed location. All adjacent Fields with opposite stones become your own.


IntelliJ IDEA is recommended for development. You can import the project by opening the build.sbt file. Each module has its own sbt file. You can run the project by selecting the main class and clicking the run button.

Testing is done with ScalaTest. You can run the tests by the predefined run configurations in .test or by running sbt test.

A push to master or dev will trigger a GitHub Action that will run the tests and build the project.

Pushing to master

Using #major or #minor in your commit message will trigger a corresponding version bump. Any commit to master will trigger a new release.



GitHub Contributors Image

GUI - Overview

HEXXAGON grafik grafik grafik

JOTD - Joke of the Day

Jokes Card