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Microbundle Compute Repository

python os license

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Table of Contents

Project Summary

The MicroBundleCompute software is developed as a multi-purpose tool for analyzing heterogeneous cardiac microbundle deformation and strain from brightfield movies of beating microbundles. In this repository, we share the source code, steps to download and install the software, tutorials on how to run the different main and optional functionalities of the software, and details about code validation. For more information, please refer to the main manuscript.

Briefly, the software requires two main inputs: 1) a binary mask of the cardiac tissue or muscle bundle and 2) consecutive movie frames of the beating microbundle. The mask can be either generated manually or externally, or automatically using one of the software’s built-in functionalities. Tracking points identified as Shi-Tomasi corner points are then computed on the first frame of the movie and tracked across all frames. From this preliminary tracking, we can identify individual beats. This allows us to perform the analysis per beat by tracking the marker points identified at the first frame of each beat across the beat frames. From these tracked points, we are able to compute full-field displacements, and subdomain-averaged strains. We also include post-processing functionalities to rotate the images and tracking results as well as interpolate the results at query points. To visualize the results, the software outputs timeseries plots per beat and movies of full-field and subdomain-averaged results. Finally, we validate our software against synthetically generated beating microbundle data with a known ground truth and against basic manual tracking.

code pipeline

Additionally, the user can specify to track the pillars or posts to which the microbundle is attached. In this case, a mask for the pillars (posts) should be provided. The outputs for this tracking option are timeseries plots of the pillars' mean absolute displacement and force results. We note that this additional functionality has not been vigorously validated at the moment.

We are also adding new functionalities to the code as well as enhancing the software based on user feedback. Please check our to-do list.

Project Roadmap

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop and disseminate a comprehensive software for data curation and analysis from lab-grown cardiac microbundle on different experimental constructs. Prior to the initial dissemination of the current version, we have tested our code on approximately 30 examples provided by 3 different labs who implement different techniques. This allowed us to identify challenging examples for the software and improve our approach. We hope to further expand both our testing dataset and list of contributors. The roadmap for this collaborative endeavor is as follows:

Preliminary Dataset + Software $\mapsto$ Published Software Package $\mapsto$ Published Validation Examples and Tutorial $\mapsto$ Larger Dataset + Software Testing and Validation $\mapsto$ Automated Analysis of High-Throughput Experiments

At present (may 2023), we have validated our software on a preliminary dataset in addition to a synthetically generated dataset (please find more details on the SyntheticMicroBundle github page and the main manuscript). We also include details on validation against manual tracking here. In the next stage, we are particularly interested in expanding our dataset and performing further software validation and testing. Specifically, we aim to 1) identify scenarios where our approach fails, 2) create functions to accomodate these cases, and 3) compare software results to previous manual approaches for extracting quantitative information, especially for pillar tracking. We will continue to update this repository as the project progresses.

Installation Instructions

Get a copy of the microbundle compute repository on your local machine

The best way to do this is to create a GitHub account and clone the repository. However, you can also download the repository by clicking the green Code button and selecting Download ZIP. Download and unzip the MicroBundleCompute-master folder and place it in a convenient location on your computer.

Alternatively, you can run the following command in a Terminal session:

git clone

Following this step, MicroBundleCompute folder will be downloaded in your Terminal directory.

Create and activate a conda virtual environment

  1. Install Anaconda on your local machine.
  2. Open a Terminal session (or equivalent) -- note that Mac computers come with Terminal pre-installed (type ⌘-space and then search for Terminal).
  3. Type in the terminal to create a virtual environment with conda:
conda create --name microbundle-compute-env python=3.9.13
  1. Type in the terminal to activate your virtual environment:
conda activate microbundle-compute-env
  1. Check to make sure that the correct version of python is running (should be 3.9.13)
python --version
  1. Update some base modules (just in case)
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Note that once you have created this virtual environment you can activate and deactivate it in the future -- it is not necessary to create a new virtual environment each time you want to run this code, you can simply type conda activate microbundle-compute-env and then pick up where you left off (see also: conda cheat sheet).

Install microbundle compute

  1. Use a Terminal session to navigate to the MicroBundleCompute-master folder or MicroBundleCompute folder (depending on the method you followed to download the github repository). The command cd will allow you to do this (see: terminal cheat sheet)
  2. Type the command ls and make sure that the file pyproject.toml is in the current directory.
  3. Now, create an editable install of microbundle compute:
pip install -e .
  1. If you would like to see what packages were installed, you can type pip list
  2. You can test that the code is working with pytest (all tests should pass):
pytest -v --cov=microbundlecompute  --cov-report term-missing
  1. To run the code from the terminal, simply start python (type python) and then type from microbundlecompute import image_analysis as ia. For example:
(microbundle-compute-env) hibakobeissi@Hibas-MacBook-Pro ~ % python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 13 2022, 16:12:19) 
[Clang 12.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from microbundlecompute import image_analysis as ia
>>> ia.hello_microbundle_compute()
'Hello World!'


This GitHub repository contains a folder called tutorials that contains an example dataset and a python script for running the code. To run the tutorials, change your curent working directory to the tutorials folder.

The data (frames to be tracked) will be contained in the movie folder. Critically:

  1. The files must have a .TIF extension.
  2. The files can have any name, but in order for the code to work properly they must be in order. For reference, we use sort to order file names. By default, this function sorts strings (such as file names) alphabetically and numbers numerically. We provide below examples of good and bad file naming practices.
(microbundle-compute-env) hibakobeissi@Hibas-MacBook-Pro MicroBundleCompute-master % python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 13 2022, 16:12:19) 
[Clang 12.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> bad_example = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15"]
>>> bad_example.sort()
>>> print(bad_example)
['1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
>>> good_example = ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15"]
>>> good_example.sort()
>>> print(good_example)
['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']
>>> another_good_example = ["test_001","test_002","test_003","test_004","test_005","test_006","test_007","test_008","test_009","test_010","test_011","test_012","test_013","test_014","test_015"]
>>> another_good_example.sort()
>>> print(another_good_example)
['test_001', 'test_002', 'test_003', 'test_004', 'test_005', 'test_006', 'test_007', 'test_008', 'test_009', 'test_010', 'test_011', 'test_012', 'test_013', 'test_014', 'test_015']
  1. If it is necessary to read other file types or formats (e.g., a single 3D TIFF array), that would be easy to implement -- single images are implemented now so that we don't exceed maximum file sizes allowable on GitHub.

All masks, whether for the tissue or the pillars, will be contained in the masks folder. Critically:

  1. The current version of the code can use externally generated masks titled tissue_mask.txt for the tissue and pillar_mask_1.txt and pillar_mask_2.txt for the pillars. We note here that if the user wishes to track one pillar only, it is enough to provide either pillar_mask_1.txt or pillar_mask_2.txt.
  2. Future functionality for new mask generation functions is possible.
  3. In our examples, tissue_mask.png, pillar_mask_1.png, and pillar_mask_2.png are simply visualizations of the corresponding mask text files. They are not necessary to run the code.

For the code to work properly, we provide below an example of the initial folder structure if both tissue and pillar tracking are to be run. Alternatively, if only one option is chosen, the corresponding mask(s) only is(are) required to be contained in the masks folder.

|___ example_folder
|        |___ movie
|                |___"*.TIF"
|        |___ masks    (this folder can be omitted if automated mask generation will be run as a first step and tissue tracking is run only. It is crucial to have this folder if pillar tracking is chosen)
|                |___"tissue_mask.txt"
|                |___"tissue_mask.png"        (optional)
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.txt"      
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.png"      (optional)
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.txt"
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.png"      (optional)

Aside from the folder structure, the code requires that the frames in the movie folder span at least 3 beats. We mandate this requirement for better result outputs.

Current core functionalities

In the current version of the code, there are 5 core functionalities available for tissue tracking (automatic mask generation, tracking, displacement results visualization, strain computation, and strain results visualization) and 2 core functionalities for pillar tracking (tracking, displacement and pillar force results visualization). As a brief note, it is not necessary to use all functionalities (e.g., you can consider displacement results but ignore strain calculations for tissue tracking or skip the visualization steps).

To be able to run the code, we stress that for the code snippets in this section, the variable input_folder is a PosixPath that specifies the relative path between where the code is being run (for example the provided tutorials folder) and the example_folder defined above that the user wishes to analyze.

Tissue tracking

If the user wishes to use the file to run the software, the track_mode should be specified as indicated below:

"""Specify if pillar or tissue tracking"""
track_mode = "tissue" # "pillar" or "tissue"

Alternatively, the user can run the tissue tracking functions directly in a microbundle-compute-env python terminal as we show below.

The function run_create_tissue_mask will use a specified segmentation function (e.g., seg_fcn_num = 1), a movie frame number (e.g., frame_num = 0), and a method (e.g., method = "minimum") to create a tissue mask text file with the name specified by the variable fname. The subsequent steps of the code will require a file called tissue_mask.txt that should either be created with this function or manually. At present, there are three segmentation function types available: 1) a straightforward threshold based mask, 2) a threshold based mask that is applied after a Sobel filter, and 3) a straightforward threshold based mask that is applied to either the minimum or the maximum (specified by the method input) of all movie frames.

from microbundlecompute import create_tissue_mask as ctm
from pathlib import Path

seg_fcn_num = 3
fname = "tissue_mask"
frame_num = 0
method = "minimum"
ctm.run_create_tissue_mask(input_folder, seg_fcn_num, fname, frame_num, method)
Fiducial marker identification, tracking, and visualization

The function run_tracking will automatically read the data specified by the input folder (tiff files and mask file), run tracking, segment individual beats in time, and save the results as text files.

It is essential to provide the run_tracking function with two movie parameters: 1) the frames per second (fps) and 2) the length scale (ls) in units of $\mu m/pixel$. We currently output all displacement results in units of $pixels$ but the movie parameters are implemented to calculate tissue beating frequency in $Hz$ ($1/s$), and tissue beating amplitude, and tissue thickness in $\mu m$. If both parameters are inputted as $1$ like in the example below, tissue beating frequency would be outputted in units of $1/frames$ and tissue beating amplitude and tissue thickness would be outputted in units of $pixels$.

from microbundlecompute import image_analysis as ia
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path

fps = 30 
ls = 4

input_folder = Path(folder_path)
 # run the tracking
# run the tracking visualization
automatic_color_constraint = True # Put False if manual limits are to be specified
col_min_abs = 0
col_max_abs = 3
col_min_row = -2
col_max_row = 2
col_min_col = -2
col_max_col = 2
col_map =

ia.run_visualization(input_folder, automatic_color_constraint, col_min_abs, col_max_abs, col_min_row, col_max_row, col_min_col, col_max_col, col_map)

The function run_visualization is for visualizing the tracking results. The inputs col_min_*, col_max_*, and col_map are the minimum absolute/row/column displacement in pixels, the maximum absolute/row/column displacement in pixels, and the matplotlib colormap selected for visualization, respectively. If the input automatic_color_constraint is put as True, the input values for col_max_* and col_min_* will be overwritten by the values automatically calculated by the code.

absolute displacement

The entire tracking process is fully automated and requires very little input from the user.

Post-tracking rotation

It is possible that the images may not be aligned with the desired global coordinate system, being in the horizontal and vertical directions for this code. After tracking, it is possible to rotate both the images and the tracking results based on a specified center of rotation and desired horizontal axis vector. Note that rotation must be run after tracking. This was an intentional ordering as rotating the images involves interpolation which will potentially lead to loss of information. To automatically rotate based on the mask, run the code with the following inputs:

input_mask = True  # this will use the mask to determine the rotation vector.
ia.run_rotation(input_folder, input_mask)

rotation direction

To rotate based on specified center, set input_mask = False and provide additional command line arguments. For example:

input_mask = False
center_row_input = 100
center_col_input = 100
vec_input = np.asarray([1, 0])

ia.run_rotation(input_folder, input_mask, center_row_input=center_row_input, center_col_input=center_col_input, vec_input=vec_input)

To visualize the rotated results, run the run_rotation_visualization function. For example:

automatic_color_constraint = True # Put False if manual limits are to be specified
col_min_abs = 0
col_max_abs = 3
col_min_row = -2
col_max_row = 2
col_min_col = -2
col_max_col = 2
col_map =

ia.run_rotation_visualization(input_folder, automatic_color_constraint, col_min_abs, col_max_abs, col_min_row, col_max_row, col_min_col, col_max_col, col_map)

Note: We also provide a function run_scale_and_center_coordinates() to transform the tracking results (rescale and center). If needed, this should be used as a final step.

Post-tracking interpolation and visualization

The tracking results are returned at the automatically identified fiducial marker points. However, it may be useful to know displacements at other locations (e.g., on a grid). After tracking and rotation, we can interpolate the displacement field to specified sampling points. For example one can do:

row_vec = np.linspace(230, 320, 12)
col_vec = np.linspace(105, 375, 26)
row_grid, col_grid = np.meshgrid(row_vec, col_vec)
row_sample = row_grid.reshape((-1, 1))
col_sample = col_grid.reshape((-1, 1))
row_col_sample = np.hstack((row_sample, col_sample))
fname = "interpolated_rotated"
ia.run_interpolate(input_folder, row_col_sample, fname, is_rotated=True)
ia.visualize_interpolate(input_folder, automatic_color_constraint, col_min_abs, col_max_abs, col_min_row, col_max_row, col_min_col, col_max_col, col_map, is_rotated=True, interpolation_fname=fname)

tracking visualization with interpolation

Post-tracking strain computation and visualization

After tracking, we can compute sub-domain strains. The function run_sub_domain_strain_analysis will automatically rotate the microtissue before performing strain sub-domain analysis to match the global row (vertical) vs. column (horizontal) coordinate system. To do this, we use the shape of the mask to automatically define an array of sub-domains. We note that there is no need for any prior rotation or interpolation. The average strain within each sub-domain will then be computed from the tracking results. Altering the inputs to the function run_sub_domain_strain_analysis will change the way the sub-domains are initialized.

from microbundlecompute import strain_analysis as sa

# run the strain analysis (will automatically rotate based on the mask)
pillar_clip_fraction = 0.5
clip_columns = True
clip_rows = False
shrink_row = 0.1
shrink_col = 0.1
tile_dim_pix = 40
num_tile_row = 3
num_tile_col = 5
tile_style = 1 # or 2
manual_sub = False # or True
sub_extents = None # if manual_sub = True provide as [r0,r1,c0,c1]
sa.run_sub_domain_strain_analysis(input_folder, pillar_clip_fraction, shrink_row, shrink_col, tile_dim_pix, num_tile_row, num_tile_col, tile_style, is_rotated = True,clip_columns=clip_columns,clip_rows=clip_rows, manual_sub=manual_sub, sub_extents=sub_extents)

# visualize the strain analysis results
automatic_color_constraint = True 
col_min = -0.025
col_max = 0.025
col_map =
sa.visualize_sub_domain_strain(input_folder, automatic_color_constraint, col_min, col_max, col_map, is_rotated = True)

The input pillar_clip_fraction allows the user to reduce the size of the region for strain computation by clipping from the tissue mask. The inputs clip_columns and clip_rows indicate whether the clipping is to take place in the column (horizontal) direction, row (vertical) direction, or in both directions.

Alternatively, manual subdomain extents can be specified for subdomain strain computation. Simply set the input manual_sub = True and provide the corners of a rectangular domain as an input to sub_extents = [r0,r1,c0,c1] where r0,c0 is the top left corner and r1,c1 is the bottom right corner.

For subdomain division, choosing tile_style = 1 will fit the maximum number of tiles with the specified side length tile_dim_pix. For tile_style = 2, the algorithm will use the specified grid size (num_tile_row, num_tile_col) and adjust the side length. In other words, tile_style = 1 will fix tile_dim_pix and adapt num_tile_row and num_tile_col accordingly, while tile_style = 2 will retain the input values for num_tile_row and num_tile_col and calculate an appropriate tile_dim_pix.

sub-domain visualization     sub-domain strains

sub-domain strains movie

Pillar tracking

If the user wishes to use the file to run the software, the track_mode should be specified as indicated below:

"""Specify if pillar or tissue tracking"""
track_mode = "pillar" # "pillar" or "tissue"

Alternatively, the user can run the pillar tracking functions directly in a microbundle-compute-env python terminal as we show below. As aforementioned, the user should provide at least one pillar mask in the masks folder saved according to the following format (pillar_mask_*.txt)

Fiducial marker identification, tracking, and visualization

The function run_pillar_tracking will automatically read the data specified by the input folder (tiff files and mask file), run tracking, and save the results as text files.

It is essential to provide the run_pillar_tracking function with either the value of the pillar stiffness or the pillar profile as either rectangular or circular and the relevant pillar parameters: 1) pdms Young's modulus (pdms_E) in $MPa$, 2) pillar width in $\mu m$, 3) pillar thickness in $\mu m$, 4 pillar diameter in $\mu m$, 5) pillar length in $\mu m$, 6)force application location in $\mu m$, and one movie parameter 1) the length scale (ls). We currently output all displacement results in units of pixels and force results in units of $\mu N$. We note that for calculating the pillar forces, we follow the approach detailed in this paper[1], where the pillar is modeled as a cantilever. We are aware that different setups may have different pillar geometries and we plan to accomodate for this variation in future iterations of the pillar tracking functionality.

'''Pillar stiffness can be directly provided: replace `None` by a value'''
pillar_stiffnes = 2.677 # Provide this value in microNewton per micrometer (uN/um) 
pillar_profile = 'circular' # Pillar profile can be either "rectangular" or "circular"

''' Or calculated based on the specified pillar parameters (Change as suitable)'''
pdms_E = 1.61 # Provide this value in MPa
pillar_length = 199.3 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
force_location = 163 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
# If rectangular: 
pillar_width = 163 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
pillar_thickness = 33.2 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
# If circular:
pillar_diameter = 400 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)

ls = 4
''' Set to `True` to eliminate drift if observed in pillar results'''
split = False

# run pillar tracking
ia.run_pillar_tracking(input_folder, pillar_stiffnes, pillar_profile, pdms_E, pillar_width, pillar_thickness, pillar_diameter, pillar_length, force_location, ls, split)
ia.visualize_pillar_tracking(input_folder, split)

The function visualize_pillar_tracking is for visualizing the pillar tracking results consisting of timeseries plots of mean absolute pillar displacement and force.

sub-domain visualization     sub-domain strains

Optional preprocessing functions

When testing our code on different real examples, we have encountered two main cases that decreased the fidelity of the code's output: 1) blurred movie frames and 2) movies that start from a contracted tissue position. To remedy this, we have provided two optional functions for frame preprocessing.

Image filtering

We provide run_image_filtering function that allows the user to apply a user-defined filter to all movie frames contained in the movie folder. For example, a high-pass sharpening filter can be applied:

from microbundlecompute import optional_preprocessing as op

kernel = np.array([[-1,-1,-1], [-1,9,-1], [-1,-1,-1]])
op.run_image_filtering(input_folder, kernel)
Adjust first frame

The tissue tracking code would output a warning if it detects that the movie does not start from a relaxed tissue configuration. In this case, we provide adjust_first_valley function which allows the user to specify the frame number where the first relaxed tissue position occurs. This frame is made the first frame for the tissue tracking analysis. We note that we do not implement this adjustment automatically because we are aware of some cases were the tissue is actuated in forms that do not resemble the natural beating action. To specify a custom first frame:

first_valley = 16
op.adjust_first_valley(input_folder, first_valley)

By default, these two functions are skipped by having the following input predefined:

kernel = None 
first_valley = 0

Running the code

Once the code is installed and the data is set up according to the instructions, running the code is actually quite straightforward. To run the tutorial example, navigate in the Terminal so that your current working directory is in the tutorials folder. To run the code on the provided single example, type:

python files/tutorial_example

And it will automatically run the example specified by the files/tutorial_example folder and the associated visualization function. You can use the to run your own code, you just need to specify a relative path between your current working directory (i.e., the directory that your Terminal is in) and the data that you want to analyze. Alternatively, you can modify to make running code more conveneint (i.e., remove command line arguments, skip some steps). Here is how the outputs of the code will be structured (in the same folder as inputs movie and masks) when both tracking modes (pillar and tissue) are run on the same example:

|___ example_data
|        |___ movie
|                |___"*.TIF"
|        |___ masks
|                |___"tissue_mask.txt"
|                |___"tissue_mask.png"        (optional)
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.txt"      
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.png"      (optional)
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.txt"
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.png"      (optional)
|        |___ results
|                |___"beat_info.txt"
|                |___"beat%i_row.txt"
|                |___"beat%i_col.txt"
|                |___"info.txt"
|                |___"interpolated_rotated_beat%i_row.txt"
|                |___"interpolated_rotated_beat%i_col.txt"
|                |___"rot_info.txt"
|                |___"rotated_beat%i_row.txt"
|                |___"rotated_beat%i_col.txt"
|                |___"strain__sub_domain_info.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_row.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_col.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_Fcc.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_Fcr.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_Frc.txt"
|                |___"strain__beat%i_Frr.txt"
|                |___"tissue_info.txt"
|        |___ visualizations
|                |___pngs
|                   |___pngs_abs
|                       |___"%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp_with_interp.png"
|                   |___pngs_col
|                       |___"%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp_with_interp.png"
|                   |___pngs_col
|                       |___"%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp.png"
|                       |___"%rotated_%04d_disp_with_interp.png"
|                |___"abs_disp.gif"
|                |___"column_disp.gif"
|                |___"row_disp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_abs_disp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_column_disp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_row_disp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_abs_disp_with_interp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_column_disp_with_interp.gif"
|                |___"rotated_row_disp_with_interp.gif"
|                |___"rotation direction.pdf"
|                |___strain_pngs
|                   |___Ecc
|                       |___"%04d_strain.png"
|                       |___"strain_timeseries_Ecc_beat%i.pdf"
|                   |___Ecr
|                       |___"%04d_strain.png"
|                       |___"strain_timeseries_Ecr_beat%i.pdf"
|                   |___Err
|                       |___"%04d_strain.png"
|                       |___"strain_timeseries_Err_beat%i.pdf"
|                   |___"strain_sub_domain_key.pdf"
|                |___"sub_domain_strain_Ecc.gif"
|                |___"sub_domain_strain_Ecr.gif"
|                |___"sub_domain_strain_Err.gif"
|        |___ pillar_results
|                |___"info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_row.txt"            (if split = False)
|                |___"pillar%i_col.txt"            (if split = False)
                 |___"pillar%i_beat%i_row.txt"      (if split = True)
|                |___"pillar%i_beat%i_col.txt"      (if split = True)
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_abs.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_row.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_col.txt"
|        |___ pillar_visualizations
|                |___"pillar_directional_displacement.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_mean_absolute_displacement.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_force_absolute.pdf"

Understanding the output files

The outputs of running this code will be stored in the results folder for tissue tracking and pillar_results for pillar tracking as text files. The results folder contains 5 "info" text files: beat_info.txt, info.txt, rot_info.txt, strain__sub_domain_info.txt, and tissue_info.txt, while the folder pillar_results contains a single info.txt file.

The info.txt file stores information pertaining to beat segmentaion. It has three columns. Column 0 refers to the beat_number (e.g., beat 0 is the first beat, beat 1 is the second beat etc.). Column 1 refers to the first_frame of each beat. Column 2 refers to the last_frame of each beat. These will be the frame numbers in the original movie 0 indexed. For example, info.txt could contain:

0 3 25
1 25 49
2 49 72

This means that beat 0 starts at frame 3 and ends at frame 25, beat 1 starts at frame 25 and ends at frame 49, and beat 2 starts at frame 49 and ends at frame 72. Note that if full beats cannot be segmented from the timeseries data there may be issues with running the code. Often, the visually apparent first and last beats will be excluded from this segmentation because we cannot identify clear start and end points.

The beat_info.txt file stores information regarding the beat frequency and mean amplitude. The frequency is displayed on the first row and the mean amplitude is shown on the second row. For example, the ``beat_info.txt` file could contain:


The file rot_info.txt will contain information to reconstruct the rotation if needed. The first row contains the rotation row center position and the column center position. The second row contains the rotation unit vector with the row in the first position and the column in the second position. For example, rot_info.txt could contain:

266.5   255
0       1

The file strain__sub_domain_info.txt will contain information about the strain subdomains. The first row contains the number of row sub divisions and the number of column sub divisions. The second row contains the number of pixels in the subdomain sides. The third row contains the row center position and the column center position. The fourth row contains the rotation unit vector with the row in the first position and the column in the second position. For example, strain__sub_domain_info.txt could contain:

3       5
40      40
266.5   255
0       1

This corresponds to a 3x5 array of subdomains with a 40 pixel side length, rotation center (266.5, 255), and rotation vector [0, 1]. Note that in all saved results, the rotation is already applied; this information is saved here to ensure that these results can be reproduced in the future.

The final text file is tissue_info.txt and contains a single value correspoding to the tissue width (in the row direction)measured at the center of the tissue mask.

The "row" and "col" files contain information regarding the row and column positions of the tracked marker (fiducial) points. For tissue tracking, there will be one row-position file and one col-position file for each beat. The row and col positions match the original image provided. Specifically:

  • beat%i_row.txt will contain the image row positions of each marker for the beat specified by %i
  • beat%i_col.txt will contain the image column positions of each marker for the beat specified by %i

For pillar tracking, we do not perform time segmentation by default, and hence, there will be one row-position file and one col-position file for the entire movie for each tracked pillar. Specifically:

  • pillar%i_row.txt will contain the image row positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i
  • pillar%i_col.txt will contain the image column positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i However, if the optional time segmentation step is run to remove any drift present in the tracked pillar results, there will be one row-position file and one col-position file for each beat as follows:
  • pillar%i_beat%i_row.txt will contain the image row positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i and beat %i
  • pillar%i_beat%i_col.txt will contain the image column positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i and beat %i

In these text files, the rows correspond to individual markers, while the columns correspond to the frames. For example, if a file has dimension AA x BB, there will be AA markers and BB frames. For tissue tracking and pillar tracking with time segmentation, the number of frames will be the number of frames per beat. For pillar tracking without time segmentation, the number of frames will correspond to the total number of frames tracked.

When run_rotation function is implemented, the rotated row and column positions of the tracked points are then stored in rotated_beat%i_row.txt and rotated_beat%i_col.txt. When interpolation is run, the interpolated row and column positions (starting from the sample points in frame 0 of each beat) are stored in interpolated_rotated_beat%i_row.txt and interpolated_rotated_beat%i_col.txt.

The files strain__beat%i_row.txt and strain__beat%i_col.txt contain the row and column positions of the center of each subdomain per beat. For example, if a file has dimension AA x BB, there will be AA subdomains and BB frames per beat.

Similarly, the files strain__beat%i_Fcc.txt, strain__beat%i_Fcr.txt, strain__beat%i_Frc.txt, and strain__beat%i_Frr.txt will have the corresponding component of the deformation gradient stored for each subdomain per beat. Again, if a file has dimension AA x BB, this corresponds to AA subdomains and BB frames per beat.

Finally, the pillar%i_pillar_force_abs.txt, pillar%i_pillar_force_row.txt, and pillar%i_pillar_force_col.txt files will store results corresponding to the mean absolute pillar force, mean pillar force in the row direction, and mean pillar force in the column direction respectively for each pillar. The files store timeseries results and have lengths equal to the number of input movie frames when time segmentaion is skipped. Alternatively, if time segmentation is implemented, the timeseries results will have a length equal to the number of frames corresponding to the tracked beats (i.e. excluding the first and last beats).

Understanding the visualization results

For tissue tracking, the outputs of running the visualization codes will be stored in the visualizations folder.

For the displacement tracking results, we plot absolute displacement of the identified markers as well as the displacements in the row and column directions. There is an optional argument in the visualization script that can be used to set the displacement bounds and the colormap. By default, the bounds are calculated automatically, and the default colormap is viridis.

tracking visualization with interpolation column tracking visualization

For the strain tracking results, we plot $E_{cc}$, $E_{cr}$, and $E_{rr}$ for each subdomain. Specifically, we visualize these strains organized in space in sub_domain_strain_E**.gif and %04d_strain.png, and organized in time (i.e. as a timeseries vs. frame number) in strain_timeseries_E**_beat%i.pdf. The legend in the timeseries plots corresponds to the subdomain labels in strain_sub_domain_key.pdf.

strain visualization strain timeseries visualization

In all cases, the output visualizations are stored as .png and .gif files, except for plots which are stored as .pdf files for higher resolution.

For pillar tracking, the outputs of running the visualization codes will be stored in the pillar_visualizations folder. Three timeseries plots should be contained here: pillar_directional_displacement.pdf, pillar_mean_absolute_displacement.pdf, and pillar_force_absolute.pdf and correspond to the variation of the pillar mean row and column displacements, pillar mean absolute displacement, and pillar absolute force with respect to frame number. We note here that if 2 pillars are tracked, the results will be visualized on the same plots.

pillar directional displacement visualization strain visualization


As mentioned above, we have validated the tissue tracking mode of our code against synthetic data and manual tracking. We include here one set of results corresponding to each validation approach. More information can be found in the main paper and the supplementary document.

Against synthetic data

sub-domain visualization

sub-domain visualization     sub-domain strains

Against manual tracking

For this validation approach, we compare the displacements in x (horizontal or column) and the displacements in y (vertical or row) at "n" points (in this example 30 points) that are automatically tracked by the code (Optical Flow) and those tracked manually by two different evaluators (P1 and P2).

sub-domain visualization

To-Do List

  • Expand the test example dataset
  • Generalize the pillar tracking functionality
  • Compare pillar tracking functionality to tools available in the literature
  • Extend the software capabilities to include tracking of calcium images
  • Explore options for additional analysis/visualization

References to Related Work

[1] Legant, W. R., Pathak, A., Yang, M. T., Deshpande, V. S., McMeeking, R. M., & Chen, C. S. (2009). Microfabricated tissue gauges to measure and manipulate forces from 3D microtissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(25), 10097-10102.

Related work can be found here:

  • Das, S. L., Sutherland, B. P., Lejeune, E., Eyckmans, J., & Chen, C. S. (2022). Mechanical response of cardiac microtissues to acute localized injury. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 323(4), H738-H748.

Related repositories include:

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact Emma Lejeune or Hiba Kobeissi


Thank you to Shoshana Das for providing the example tissue included with this repository. And -- thank you to Chad Hovey for providing templates for I/O, testing, and installation via the Sandia Injury Biomechanics Laboratory repository.