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Microbundle Pillar Track Repository

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Table of Contents

Project Summary

The MicroBundlePillarTrack software is an adaptation of MicroBundleCompute software and is developed specifically for tracking the deformation of the pillars or posts of beating microbundles in brightfield movies. We consider two types of pillar-based microbundle platforms: 1) "Type 1" which consist of standard experimental microbundle platforms termed microbundle strain gauges and 2) "Type 2" experimental platforms which correspond to non-standard platforms termed FibroTUGs as described in detail in [1] and [2]. In this repository, we share the source code, steps to download and install the software, and tutorials on how to run its different functionalities.

As with MicroBundleCompute, MicroBundlePillarTrack requires two main inputs: 1) two separate binary masks for each of the microbundle pillars or posts and 2) consecutive movie frames of the beating microbundle. Within our pipeline, the pillar masks are generated automatically by either implementing a straightforward threshold based segmentation or by employing a fine-tuned version of the Segment Anything Model (SAM)[3]. Nevertheless, we retain the option for the user to input a manually or externally generated mask in case both of our automated approaches fail. Following pillar segmentation, fiducial markers identified as Shi-Tomasi corner points are computed on the first frame of the movie and tracked across all frames. From this preliminary tracking, we can identify whether or not the microbundle movie starts from a fully relaxed position (valley frame), identify the first valley frame if it is different from frame 0 (first frame), and adjust the movie accordingly. By tracking the adjusted movie, we obtain pillar positions across consecutive frames, and subsequently, we are able to compute the pillars' mean directional and absolute displacements. Additional derived outputs include microbundle twitch force and stress results, and temporal outputs that include pillar contraction and relaxation velocities as well as full width (or duration) at half maximum (FWHM) and full width (or duration) at 80 maximum (FW80M).


We are also adding new functionalities to the code as well as enhancing the software based on user feedback. Please check our to-do list.

Project Roadmap

In alignment with our long-term goal for developing open-source software for data curation and analysis from mainly brightfield movies of beating cardiac microbundles grown on different experimental constructs, we share here a tool for automated pillar analysis based on the validated MicroBundleCompute software.

At this point (January 2024), we have tested our code on approximately 1,500 examples provided by 2 different labs who implement different techniques. This allowed us to identify challenging examples for the software and improve our approach. We hope to further expand both our testing dataset and list of contributors. We share the complete dataset and provide more details about it on Dryad{UPDATE LINK}.

Specifically, through this collaborative endeavor we plan to proceed with the following roadmap: Preliminary Dataset + Software $\mapsto$ Published Software Package and Tutorial $\mapsto$ Preliminary Analysis of the Results $\mapsto$ Larger Dataset + Software Testing $\mapsto$ Statistical Model of Tissue Mechanical Behavior

Looking forward, we are particularly interested in expanding our dataset and performing further software testing. Specifically, we aim to 1) identify scenarios where our approach fails, 2) accommodate these cases if possible, and 3) identify and extract additional useful quantitative outputs. We will continue to update this repository as the project progresses.

Installation Instructions

Get a copy of the microbundle pillar track repository on your local machine

To get started with using MicroBundlePillarTrack easily, we provide a recorded installation guide and a brief tutorial in this demo. Alternatively, you can follow the steps below.

The best way to do this is to create a GitHub account and clone the repository. However, you can also download the repository by clicking the green Code button and selecting Download ZIP. Download and unzip the MicroBundlePillarTrack-master folder and place it in a convenient location on your computer.

Alternatively, you can run the following command in a Terminal session:

git clone

Following this step, MicroBundlePillarTrack folder will be downloaded in your Terminal directory.

Create and activate a conda virtual environment

  1. Install Anaconda on your local machine.
  2. Open a Terminal session (or equivalent) -- note that Mac computers come with Terminal pre-installed (type ⌘-space and then search for Terminal).
  3. Type in the terminal to create a virtual environment with conda:
conda create --name microbundle-pillar-track-env python=3.9.13
  1. Type in the terminal to activate your virtual environment:
conda activate microbundle-pillar-track-env
  1. Check to make sure that the correct version of python is running (should be 3.9.13)
python --version
  1. Update some base modules (just in case)
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Note that once you have created this virtual environment you can activate and deactivate it in the future -- it is not necessary to create a new virtual environment each time you want to run this code, you can simply type conda activate microbundle-pillar-track-env and then pick up where you left off (see also: conda cheat sheet).

Install microbundle pillar track

  1. Use a Terminal session to navigate to the MicroBundlePillarTrack-master folder or MicroBundlePillarTrack folder (depending on the method you followed to download the github repository). The command cd will allow you to do this (see: terminal cheat sheet)
  2. Type the command ls and make sure that the file pyproject.toml is in the current directory.
  3. Now, create an editable install of microbundle compute:
pip install -e .
  1. If you would like to see what packages were installed, you can type pip list

  2. Download the finetuned SAM checkpoints for pillar mask segmentation from here and save them in the src/microbundlepillartrack folder. It is critical that the downloaded checkpoints, microbundle_SAM_Type1_pillars.pth and microbundle_SAM_Type2_pillars.pth are saved in the same folder as the python script Note that you may need to unzip the downloaded files to obtain the desired .pth files.

  3. You can test that the code is working with pytest (all tests should pass):

pytest -v --cov=microbundlepillartrack --cov-report term-missing

As indicated by the shared badges above, the MicroBundlePillarTrack software has been tested on 3 operating systems, macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu with 97% coverage using GitHub Actions. We note that locally, we have tested the software on macOS Montery 12.7.1, Windows 10 22H2, and Ubuntu 20.04 with 100% coverage. Due to issues with loading model checkpoints with torch on Git LFS, we commented out 11 testing functions in the file found in the tests folder. For completeness and to check that the code is running 100% successfully, the user can uncomment these functions and rerun the command above.

  1. To run the code from the terminal, simply start python (type python) and then type from microbundlepillartrack import image_analysis as ia. For example:
(microbundle-pillar-track-env) hibakobeissi@Hibas-MacBook-Pro ~ % python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 13 2022, 16:12:19) 
[Clang 12.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from microbundlepillartrack import image_analysis as ia
>>> ia.hello_microbundle_pillar_track()
'Hello World!'


We include within this repository a tutorials folder containing and a single example folder, 2 python scripts for running the code in single file mode or in batch mode, a python script to convert .tif image sequence files to individual .TIF frames, a python script to convert the software outputs saved as individual text files into .csv files, and finally, a python script to output a summary of the maximum and average results at maximum contraction or relaxation saved as a .csv file. To run the tutorial, change your current working directory to the tutorials folder.

Data preparation

The data (frames to be tracked) will be contained in the movie folder. Critically:

  1. The files must have a .TIF extension.
  2. The files can have any name, but in order for the code to work properly they must be in order. For reference, we use sort to order file names. By default, this function sorts strings (such as file names) alphabetically and numbers numerically. Below are examples of good and bad file naming practices.
(microbundle-compute-env) hibakobeissi@Hibas-MacBook-Pro MicroBundleCompute-master % python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 13 2022, 16:12:19) 
[Clang 12.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> bad_example = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15"]
>>> bad_example.sort()
>>> print(bad_example)
['1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
>>> good_example = ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15"]
>>> good_example.sort()
>>> print(good_example)
['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']
>>> another_good_example = ["test_001","test_002","test_003","test_004","test_005","test_006","test_007","test_008","test_009","test_010","test_011","test_012","test_013","test_014","test_015"]
>>> another_good_example.sort()
>>> print(another_good_example)
['test_001', 'test_002', 'test_003', 'test_004', 'test_005', 'test_006', 'test_007', 'test_008', 'test_009', 'test_010', 'test_011', 'test_012', 'test_013', 'test_014', 'test_015']
  1. The provided script can be used to prepare a batch of .tif image sequence files into the format accepted by MicroBundlePillarTrack. To use the script, the data should be saved in a folder having the following original structure. As a side note, the files folder can have multiple .tif files but we include here a single example due to file size restrictions on GitHub.
|___ files

To run the provided script, simply do the following in a microbundle-pillar-track-env python terminal, where the variable input_folder is a PosixPath that specifies the relative path between where the code is being run (for example the provided tutorials folder) and the files folder that contains the .tif files to be analyzed.

(microbundle-pillar-track-env) hibakobeissi@Hibas-MacBook-Pro tutorials % python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 13 2022, 16:12:19) 
[Clang 12.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import tif_sequence_to_TIFF_frames as tsf
>>> input_folder = Path('PATH_TO_FILES')
>>> tsf.tif_to_TIFF_frames(input_folder)

After running, the folder structure should be similar to the example below, which is also the initial folder structure required for the pillar tracking code to work properly.

|___ files
        |___ tutorial_example
                    |___ movie
                            |___ *.TIF

Aside from the folder structure, the code requires that the frames in the movie folder span at least 3 beats. We mandate this requirement for better result outputs.

Current core functionalities

In the current version of the code, there are $3$ core functionalities available for pillar tracking (automatic mask generation, tracking, and results visualization). As a brief note, it is not necessary to use all functionalities (e.g., you can still provide an externally generated mask and skip the automatic mask generation step or skip the visualization step).

To be able to run the code, we stress that for the code snippets in this section, the variable input_folder is a PosixPath, as defined above, pointing to the folder that the user wishes to analyze.

Automatic mask segmentation

As mentioned above, we base our automatic pillar mask segmentation functionality on two different approaches: 1) a straightforward threshold-based approach and 2) an AI-based approach that implements a fine-tuned version of the Segment Anything Model (SAM)[3].

The choice of segmentation approach is automatically determined by the code based on the user's input for the microbundle type. For "Type 1" input data, the code first performs segmentation based on local otsu thresholding. In case this first segmentation attempt fails to identify a mask for each pillar, a second trial at segmentation is done using the fine-tuned SAM for "Type 1" data. We adopt this two-trial approach because simple thresholding works well with most data examples of "Type 1", is significantly faster, and is less computationally expensive than SAM. "Type 2" data, on the other hand, present more challenging examples for a simple thresholding approach; instead, pillar segmentation is directly performed using fine-tuned SAM for "Type 2" data.

Automatic pillar segmentation is performed by the function run_create_pillar_mask which requires 3 inputs: a PosixPath of the folder to be analyzed (input_folder), a PosixPath of the folder containing the fine-tuned SAM checkpoints (checkpoint_path), and the microbundle type (microbundle_type).

A straightforward method to run the segmentation step is to use the provided or script files. The only difference between the two files is that expects input_folder to point to a single data example folder containing a movie folder while expects input_folder to point to a folder containing several data example folders where each of these example folders contains a movie folder. In simpler terms, the former can be used to perform the analysis on a single file per run, while the latter script loops through all the examples within the main folder. An example input to either script files can be:

'''Indicate microbundle type'''   
microbundle_type = "type1" # Microbundle type can be either "type1" or "type2"

'''Indicate checkpoint path'''
checkpoint_path = Path('/LOCAL_PATH_TO_PACKAGE/MicroBundlePillarTrack/src/microbundlepillartrack')

Note that there is no need to provide input_folder when using this approach as it will be specified as a user input when calling the scripts as shown below.

Alternatively, the user can run the pillar tracking functions directly in a microbundle-pillar-track-env python terminal as we show below.

from microbundlepillartrack import create_pillar_mask as cpm
from pathlib import Path

input_folder = Path('PATH_TO_FILES/tutorial_example')
microbundle_type = "type1"
checkpoint_path = Path('/LOCAL_PATH_TO_PACKAGE/MicroBundlePillarTrack/src/microbundlepillartrack')
cpm.run_create_pillar_mask(input_folder, checkpoint_path, microbundle_type)

Finally, if both segmentation approaches fail, the user can still provide externally generated pillar masks. To do this, first the cpm.run_create_pillar_mask(input_folder, checkpoint_path, microbundle_type) line in the script file should be commented out, and second, a binary text file for each pillar mask saved as pillar_mask_1.txt and pillar_mask_2.txt where the mask region is denoted by "1" and the background by "0", should be provided in the masks folder. An alternative approach would be to finetune the segment anything model (SAM) for your dataset in specific. In the finetune_SAM folder, we provide an example script to perform this task and share an example training dataset.

Pillar tracking

The function run_pillar_tracking will automatically read the data specified by the input folder (tiff files and mask file), run tracking, and save the results as text files.

The run_pillar_tracking expects a number of user-defined parameters: 1) the tissue depth as estimated experimentally (tissue_depth), 2) a unit vector specifying the orientation of the pillars (pillar_orientation_vector: this input is optional; if kept as None, the unit vector is automatically computed along the line connecting the two pillar centroids), 3) the value of the pillar stiffness ($N/m$) (pillar_stiffnes) as measured experimentally, or 3a) the pillar profile (pillar_profile) as either rectangular or circular, 3b) pdms Young's modulus (pdms_E) in MPa, 3c) the pillar width (pillar_width) in $\mu m$, 3d) the pillar thickness (pillar_thickness) in $\mu m$, 3e) pillar diameter (pillar_diameter) in $\mu m$, 3f) pillar length (pillar_length) in $\mu m$, and 3g)force application location (force_location) in $\mu m$, two movie parameters 4) the length scale (ls) in units of $\mu m$/pixel and 5) the frames per second (fps), and finally 6) a boolean (split) specifying if the tracking is to be carried out per beat (if True) or per the entire movie (if False). More details about this functionality are provided below.

We currently output all displacement results in units of pixels, force results in units of $\mu N$, velocity results in $\mu m$/s, tissue stress output in MPa, and time intervals with respect to frame number. We note that for calculating the pillar force and tissue stress, we follow the approach detailed in [4] and elaborated on below, where the pillar is modeled as a cantilever. We are aware that different setups may have different pillar geometries and we plan to accommodate for this variation, as the need arises, in future iterations of the software. For calculating velocity outputs, we simply divide the displacement increments by the corresponding time intervals and implement a moving mean of window size 3 to smooth the resulting timeseries.

from microbundlepillartrack import pillar_analysis as pa
from pathlib import Path

'''Movie parameters: frames per second(fps) and length scale (ls) as micrometers/pixel'''
fps = 30 
ls = 4

'''Indicate microbundle type'''   
microbundle_type = "type1" # Microbundle type can be either "type1" or "type2"
'''Pillar stiffness can be directly provided: replace `None` by a value''' 
pillar_stiffnes = 2.677 # Provide this value in Newton per meter (N/m) 
''' Or calculated based on the specified pillar parameters (Change as suitable)'''
pillar_profile = 'circular' # Pillar profile can be either "rectangular" or "circular"
pdms_E = 1.61 # Provide this value in MPa
# If rectangular: 
pillar_width = 163 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
pillar_thickness = 33.2 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
# If circular:
pillar_diameter = 400 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)

pillar_length = 199.3 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)
force_location = 163 # Provide this value in micrometer (um)

pillar_orientation_vector = None
"""Type1 tissue depth"""        
tissue_depth = 350 # Provide this value in micrometer (um) (type 1)

''' Set to `True` to eliminate drift if observed in pillar results'''
split = False

pa.run_pillar_tracking(input_folder, tissue_depth, pillar_orientation_vector, pillar_stiffnes, pillar_profile, pdms_E, pillar_width, pillar_thickness, pillar_diameter, pillar_length, force_location, ls, fps, split)

Post-tracking visualization

The function visualize_pillar_tracking is for visualizing the pillar tracking results consisting of timeseries plots of pillar displacement, force, and contraction and relaxation velocities, in addition to tissue stress, as shown below. It takes length scale (ls) in units of $\mu m$/pixel, frames per second (fps), and (split) boolean as inputs. We note that in a continuous session, there is no need to redefine these parameters or to import the needed packages again. We include them in the example below for the sake of completeness only.

from microbundlepillartrack import pillar_analysis as pa
from pathlib import Path

'''Movie parameters: frames per second(fps) and length scale (ls) as micrometers/pixel'''
fps = 30 
ls = 4

''' Set to `True` to eliminate drift if observed in pillar results'''
split = False

pa.visualize_pillar_tracking(input_folder, ls, fps, split)

As demonstrated here, the entire tracking and visualization process is fully automated and requires very little input from the user.

First valley adjustment

To ensure that tracking is performed with respect to a fully relaxed tissue (i.e. a valley frame), we implement, within our computational pipeline, two functions, check_frame0_valley and adjust_first_valley, that check whether or not the input movie begins at a valley frame and automatically adjust the movie to begin at one, if required. A user warning is issued when the movie is adjusted specifying the new starting frame. The adjusted frame list is saved into the movie folder while the original frame files are retained in the unadjusted_movie folder.

Drift correction

From our extensive experience analyzing mainly brightfield movies of beating microbundles, a number of examples display non-trivial drift in the tracked results mainly due to imaging noise. We remove this drift by performing temporal segmentation into individual peaks, where the first frame of each beat is considered to be the reference for all output calculations within the beat.

We note that drift correction is not performed automatically; instead, a warning is issued to the user who can later decide whether or not to repeat tracking with beat splitting by setting the split input parameter to True. In some cases, high drift is caused by imaging artifacts such as shadows or degraded image quality that cannot be eliminated by splitting. When this happens, a warning is given to the user that drift is still present in the tracked results and that it is recommended to analyze only a portion of the movie. It is critical that a minimum of 3 beats is present in any movie to enable automatic analysis and carrying out the necessary adjustments and corrections.

Tissue stress computation

As aforementioned, twitch force, defined as indicated in the schematic below, is calculated by modeling the pillars or posts as cantilevers [4]. Tissue stress is then obtained by normalizing the mean of the two twitch forces obtained for each pillar by the cross-sectional area of the microbundle (depth $x$ width). To find this cross-sectional area, the user is required to provide the microbundle depth in $\mu m$. The microbundle width is calculated automatically by thresholding a region of the first frame centered around the microbundle, taking the average of the resulting binary mask along the column direction, and finally calculating the distance between the sharpest two changes in mean intensity indicating the transition from a dark background to a light tissue region and then back to a dark background. We note that microbundle width calculation is performed on a rotated frame such that a vector joining the centroids of the two pillars aligns with the horizontal direction.

For suboptimal examples, low contrast videos for instance, the calculated microbundle width may not be accurate. In these cases, a warning notifies the user of this possibility. Also, a binary mask of the region used for width calculation is saved to the masks folder as mid_tissue_mask.png to enable the user to assess the accuracy of the automated width estimation.


Running the code

Once the software is installed and the data is set up according to the instructions, running the code is quite straightforward. To run the tutorial example, navigate in the Terminal so that your current working directory is in the tutorials folder. To run the code on the provided single example, type:

python files/tutorial_example

And it will automatically run the example specified by the files/tutorial_example folder and the associated visualization function. You can use the to run your own code, you just need to specify a relative path between your current working directory (i.e., the directory that your Terminal is in) and the data that you want to analyze. Alternatively, you can modify to make running the code more convenient (i.e., remove command line arguments, skip some steps). Here is how the outputs of the code will be structured (in the same folder as input movie):

|___ example_data
|        |___ movie
|                |___"*.TIF"
|        |___ unadjusted_movie       (if original movie is adjusted)
|                |___"*.TIF"
|        |___ masks
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.txt"      
|                |___"pillar_mask_1.png"         
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.txt"
|                |___"pillar_mask_2.png"        
|                |___"pillar_masks_overlay.png" 
|                |___"mid_tissue_mask.png" 
|        |___ pillar_results
|                |___"orientation_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_beat_peaks.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_row.txt"                     (if split = False)
|                |___"pillar%i_col.txt"                     (if split = False)
|                |___"pillar%i_beat%i_row.txt"              (if split = True)
|                |___"pillar%i_beat%i_col.txt"              (if split = True)
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_velocity.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_contraction_vel_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_relaxation_vel_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_t50_beat_width_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_t80_beat_width_info.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_abs.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_row.txt"
|                |___"pillar%i_pillar_force_col.txt"
|                |___"tissue_width_info.txt"
|                |___"tissue_stress.txt"
|        |___ pillar_visualizations
|                |___"pillar_directional_displacement.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_mean_absolute_displacement.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_time_intervals.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_velocity_results.pdf"
|                |___"pillar_force_absolute.pdf"
|                |___"tissue_stress.pdf"

We note that we systematically denote the left pillar as pillar1 and the right one as pillar2 and accordingly, pillar_mask_1 corresponds to the left pillar while pillar_mask_2 corresponds to the right one.

Understanding the output files

The outputs of running the software will be stored in the pillar_results folder as text files. This folder contains 8 "info" text files: orientation_info.txt, pillar%i_beat_peaks.txt, pillar%i_info.txt, pillar%i_pillar_contraction_vel_info.txt, and pillar%i_pillar_relaxation_vel_info.txt, pillar%i_t50_beat_width_info.txt, pillar%i_t80_beat_width_info.txt, and tissue_width_info.txt.

The orientation_info.txt file stores information regarding the orientation of the unit vector connecting the pillar centroids (left pillar to the right one) with respect to the horizontal direction. It has three columns. Column 0 refers to the horizontal component of the direction vector while column 1 refers to its vertical component assuming that the origin of the orthonormal system is the bottom left corner of the frame. Column 2 refers to the angle (in radians) that this direction vector makes with the horizontal, with positive angles taken in the counterclockwise direction. For example, orientation_info.txt could contain:

1 0 0

This means that the unit vector along the line connecting the pillar centroids aligns with the horizontal direction (1,0) and as such makes an angle of 0 with it.

The pillar%i_beat_peaks.txt file contains the frame numbers at which beat peaks are identified and is outputted for each pillar. These frame numbers are in reference to the adjusted movie (or alternatively the original movie if it starts from a valley frame) 0 indexed. The file would have as many rows as the number of identified peaks. For example, pillar1_beat_peaks.txt could contain:


This means that the first identified beat peak occurs at frame 16, the second beat peak occurs at frame 40, and so on.

The pillar%i_info.txt file stores information pertaining to beat identification and segmentation and is unique for each pillar. It has three columns. Column 0 refers to the beat_number (e.g., beat 0 is the first beat, beat 1 is the second beat etc.). Column 1 refers to the first_frame of each beat. Column 2 refers to the last_frame of each beat. These will be the frame numbers in the adjusted movie (or alternatively the original movie if it starts from a valley frame) 0 indexed. For example, pillar1_info.txt could contain:

0 3 25
1 25 49
2 49 72

This means that beat 0 starts at frame 3 and ends at frame 25, beat 1 starts at frame 25 and ends at frame 49, and beat 2 starts at frame 49 and ends at frame 72. Note that if full beats cannot be segmented from the timeseries data there may be issues with running the code. Often, the visually apparent first and last beats will be excluded from this segmentation because we cannot identify clear start and end points.

The files pillar%i_pillar_contraction_vel_info.txt and pillar%i_pillar_relaxation_vel_info.txt contain the frame numbers with respect to the adjusted movie (or alternatively the original movie if it starts from a valley frame) 0 indexed, at which the maximum (peak) contraction or relaxation velocity occur respectively, for each pillar. Each file would have as many rows as the number of identified contraction or relaxation maxima. For example, either pillar1_pillar_contraction_vel_info.txt or pillar1_pillar_relaxation_vel_info.txt could contain:


This means that peak velocities, while the microbundle is contracting or relaxing, occur at frames 12, 36, 60, and 84.

The files pillar%i_t50_beat_width_info.txt and pillar%i_t80_beat_width_info.txt store information pertaining to the full width at half maximum (FWHM) and full width at 80 maximum (FW80M), respectively, for each pillar. Each of the two files contains 4 rows. Row 0 refers to the full_width of each beat at either half maximum or 80 maximum. Row 1 refers to width_heights, the value of the height (magnitude) of the mean absolute displacement at which the widths were evaluated in pixels. Rows 2 and 3 refer to the left_ips and right_ips, the interpolated positions of the left and right intersection points of a horizontal line at the evaluation height, respectively. We note that the values of widths and interpolated positions are given as frame numbers with respect to the adjusted movie (or alternatively the original movie if it starts from a valley frame) 0 indexed. Each of these files is expected to have dimension 4 x BB, where BB corresponds to the number of beats. For example, the pillar1_t50_beat_width_info.txt or pillar1_t80_beat_width_info.txt file could contain:

5.9 5.8 5.9 5.9
0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5
13.3 37.4 61.3 85.7
19.2 43.2 67.2 91.6

This means that for the 4 identified beats, the full width at either 50 or 80 maximum (depending on the text file being examined) is 5.9 frames for beat 0, 5.8 frames for beat 1, and 5.9 frames for beats 2 and 3 respectively. The value of the mean absolute displacement at which each of these widths was evaluated are 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, and 0.5 pixels respectively. Finally, a horizontal line extended at the evaluation height intersects beat 0 at frames 13.3 and 19.2, corresponding to a full width of 5.9 frames, beat 1 at frames 37.4 and 43.2 (resulting in a full width of 5.8 frames), beat 2 at frames 61.3 and 67.2 (resulting in a full width of 5.9 frames), and beat 3 at frames 85.7 and 91.6 (resulting in a full width of 5.9 frames).

Finally, the tissue_width_info.txt contains two values corresponding to the tissue width (in the row direction) measured at the center of the tissue mask. The first value is saved in units of pixels while the second one is in $\mu m$.

Aside from the info text files, the "row" and "col" files contain information regarding the row and column positions of the tracked marker (fiducial) points. For default pillar tracking without time segmentation, there will be one row-position file and one col-position file for the entire movie for each tracked pillar. Specifically:

  • pillar%i_row.txt will contain the image row positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i
  • pillar%i_col.txt will contain the image column positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i However, if the optional time segmentation step is run to remove any drift present in the tracked pillar results, there will be one row-position file and one col-position file for each beat as follows:
  • pillar%i_beat%i_row.txt will contain the image row positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i and beat %i
  • pillar%i_beat%i_col.txt will contain the image column positions of each marker for the pillar specified by %i and beat %i

In these text files, the rows correspond to individual markers, while the columns correspond to the frames. For example, if a file has dimension AA x BB, there will be AA markers and BB frames. For tracking without time segmentation, the number of frames will correspond to the total number of frames tracked, while for tracking with time segmentation, the number of frames will be the number of frames per beat.

The pillar%i_pillar_force_abs.txt, pillar%i_pillar_force_row.txt, and pillar%i_pillar_force_col.txt files will store results (in $\mu N$) corresponding to the mean absolute pillar force, mean pillar force in the row direction, and mean pillar force in the column direction respectively for each pillar. The files store timeseries results and have lengths equal to the number of input movie frames when time segmentation is skipped. Alternatively, if time segmentation is implemented, the timeseries results will have a length equal to the number of frames corresponding to the tracked beats (i.e. excluding the first and last beats).

Similarly, the tissue_stress.txt file will store the calculated tissue stress (in MPa) based on the average mean absolute force of the two pillars. Again, the file stores a timeseries result of length equal to the number of input movie frames when time segmentation is skipped, and a length equal to the number of frames corresponding to the tracked beats (i.e. excluding the first and last beats) if time segmentation is implemented.

Finally, the pillar%i_pillar_velocity.txt file stores the rate of contraction and relaxation of the microbundle in units of $\mu m$/s, as computed at each pillar. The length of the timeseries result stored in this file is equal to the number of input movie frames minus the moving mean window size, when time segmentation is skipped. Alternatively, if time segmentation is implemented, the timeseries results will have a length equal to the number of frames corresponding to the tracked beats (i.e. excluding the first and last beats) minus the moving mean window size. For example, if 200 frames are tracked and the moving mean window size is 3, the length of the velocity timeseries will be 197.

For convenience, we also include 2 python scripts to 1) convert individual .txt result files into individual .csv files and 2) generate a summary .csv file of the maximum and average results at maximum contraction or relaxation. These 2 scripts can be run in a manner similar to running described above; just make sure to provide the correct inputs to each function.

Understanding the visualization results

The outputs of running the visualization code will be stored in the pillar_visualizations folder. Six timeseries plots should be contained here: pillar_directional_displacement.pdf, pillar_mean_absolute_displacement.pdf, pillar_force_absolute.pdf, tissue_stress.pdf, pillar_time_intervals.pdf, and pillar_velocity_results.pdf. These plots correspond to the variation of the pillar mean row and column displacements, pillar mean absolute displacement, pillar absolute force, and mean tissue stress with respect to frame number, as well as full width at half and 80 maximum and pillar contraction and relaxation velocity with respect to time (s), respectively. We note that the results of the two tracked pillars will be visualized on the same plots except for tissue_stress which is taken as the average of the two pillar results. We include below 4 example output plots.

pillar directional displacement visualization   pillar stress

pillar time intervals   pillar velocity

In all cases, the output visualizations are stored as .pdf files for higher resolution.

To-Do List

  • Expand the test example dataset
  • Explore options for additional analysis/visualization


[1] Kobeissi, Hiba et al. (2024). MicroBundleCompute: Automated segmentation, tracking, and analysis of subdomain deformation in cardiac microbundles. PLOS One.

[2] Kobeissi, Hiba et al. (2023). Engineered cardiac microbundle time-lapse microscopy image dataset [Dataset]. Dryad.

[3] Kirillov, Alexander, et al. (2023). Segment anything. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02643

[4] Legant, Wesley R. et al. (2009). Microfabricated tissue gauges to measure and manipulate forces from 3D microtissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(25), 10097-10102.

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Contact Information

For additional information, please contact Emma Lejeune or Hiba Kobeissi


Thank you to Shoshana Das and Samuel DePalma for providing the example tissues included with this repository. And -- thank you to Chad Hovey for providing templates for I/O, testing, and installation via the Sandia Injury Biomechanics Laboratory repository.


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