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plt-racket 5.3.6
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Closes Homebrew/legacy-homebrew#22420.

Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
  • Loading branch information
Josh-Tilles authored and adamv committed Dec 19, 2013
1 parent 68acc34 commit b296d2e
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 9 deletions.
56 changes: 47 additions & 9 deletions Formula/plt-racket.rb
Expand Up @@ -2,26 +2,64 @@

class PltRacket < Formula
homepage ''
# Use GitHub tarball as the release tarball doesn't have
# everything needed for building on OS X
url ''
sha1 '313425909ff8d956c3e99d0a2b5b3cb12d0f98ad'
url ''
sha1 '6b0e7a11bb3ae6480b99db346e5b503a97539e6b'

depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion #

depends_on 'glib'
depends_on 'cairo'
depends_on 'pango'
depends_on 'jpeg'
depends_on 'gtk+'
depends_on 'gmp'
depends_on 'mpfr'

option 'without-docs', 'Don鈥檛 build documentation. (saves around 150 MB)'

def install
cd 'src' do
args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
"--prefix=#{prefix}" ]

if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
args += ["--enable-mac64", "--enable-sgc", "--disable-gracket"]
args << '--disable-mac64' if not MacOS.prefer_64_bit?

args << '--disable-docs' if build.include? 'without-docs'

# There's a mysterious error that afflicts non-Mavericks users. The
# problem seems to disappear if we deparallelize the `raco` process.
ENV['PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS'] = '--workers 1'

system "./configure", *args
system "make"
ohai "Installing may take a long time (~40 minutes)" unless ARGV.verbose?
system "make install"

test do
# Make sure the GUI-related dynamic libraries are available.
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libcairo") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libffi") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libgio-2.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libjpeg") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libglib-2.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libpango-1.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libgmodule-2.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libpangocairo-1.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libgobject-2.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libpixman-1") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libgthread-2.0") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libpng15") (exit 1))'

# Make sure the math-related dynamic libraries are available.
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libgmp") (exit 1))'
system bin/'racket', '--eval', '(require ffi/unsafe) (or (ffi-lib "libmpfr") (exit 1))'

def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
If you want to use the DrRacket IDE, we recommend that you use
the PLT-provided packages from

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