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A plantastic place for all who would like to discover, explore and express their love for plants.

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This is a place for every and all that want to be closer to the world of green. On this myGreenfriends e-commerce website I share plants, plantastic stories, info and tell one or two jokes. The e-commerce website is developed for the actual plants I have in my private home. The main goal of the website will provide users the ability to browse through different plants found in my home and have the ability to purchase them. This might scale into an actual plant store in the future.

The website will consist of a login page, a signup page and a main page displaying the plants available to buy. Once a product is added to the users cart, they will be able to purchase by entering delivery and payment details. User profile will allow the user to view a history of their purchases. Creating an account will allow customer to change their passwords and registered addresses, and also login with existing Google accounts.

This website is built with Django Python Web Framework and Stripe (a payment processing platform) to provide a fully functional e-commerce website.

If you would like to test the payment functionality of this project, please use the following payment details:

Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 CVC: any 3 digit number Expiration Date: Any future date


A live demo can be found here

Table of Contents


User stories

User Story ID As a I want to be able to… In order to …
Registration and User Accounts
1 Shopper & Site Guest Register for an account Have an account to view my current & past orders
2 Shopper & Site Guest Login with Gmail Acc I'd like the flexibility to login with any account i.e Google
3 Shopper & Site Guest Login and Logout Quickly and easily retrieve personal information image
4 Shopper & Site Guest Recover my password If I forget my password, Recover access to my account,
5 Shopper & Site Guest Receive an email conformation Verify my registration was successful and receive info
6 Shopper & Site Guest Have a personalized user profile To view my personal information such as payment information and order history
Site Navigation
7 Shopper View a list of plants Figure out what i want
8 Shopper View plant details To view plant description and care info
9 Shopper View the cart details To manage my purchase
10 Shopper Adjust the quantity of items in my cart or remove them To manage my purchase
11 Shopper View more pictures To see more pictures and realistic view
Purchasing and Checkout
12 Customer View plants in my cart to be purchased Identify the plants and total cost before checkout
13 Customer Adjust the quantity or remove items in my cart Easily make changes before checkout
14 Customer Enter my payment information Check out easily with no problems
15 Customer View an order confirmation after checkout Verify there are no mistakes with my info
Sorting and Filtering
16 Shopper Sort the list of plants I'd like the ability to sort by plant price, by name and by size
17 Shopper Search for a plant by name or description Quickly find the plant I am interested in by inserting it's name
Plant Care
18 Shopper /Site Guest Get Plant tips & ideas By having a possible blog option
19 Shopper/ Site Guest Know more about the vision By reading through blog posts


The overall strategy is for site guests or potential customers to be able to purchase my house plants and to set up a profile in order to view past orders, to save delivery and payment information with the possibility of returning to the website to purchase again. My goal in the design was to make it as easy as possible for users to view all the plants available and checkout as fast as possible, to have a clean look with no clutter or information overload by having a user-friendly and minimalistic design. The Homepage tells a story of what the site is about, and the logo which I had designed by a third party vendor on Fiverr makes it eyecatching, and helps visitors navigate to the plants by clicking the logo in the Nav bar. My backgroung overlays are specifically chosen to set the tone of the webiste mellow and planty, all downloaded from pexel, and plant uploads taken by myself and presets done in Lightroom Adobe. The Quicksand font sets the tone too, and so do the color themes mainly Green and white pallets.


For customers, I want to provide them with an easy to understand and use tool. The idea is to have customers return ASAP and thus making things easier such like logging in with Google API, helping for a faster, quicker shopping experience.

  • The ability to reset passwords.
  • Edit Cart by removing and updating chose plants in the checkout menu.
  • Store personal shopping information and previous orders
  • Ability to Create an account and store account in database
  • Functionality to login and log out of user profile


Initial wireframes were done on paper and pen, I'll probably at a later stage add a design made in Balsamic, it was a bit challenging to figure out how I wanted the UX to be, although my idea was to maintain a clean and minimalistic look, and easy to use. The look and feel are intentionally planned for mobile and desktop.


Home Page

Login/Signup Page

Products Page

Products Detail Page

Shopping Cart

Checkout Page

Order confirmation Page

Database Schema

In my development environment in Gitpod the SQLite3 DB was used, however in deploying to Heroku it uses Postgresql, the transition was smooth in terms of fieldsets and keys. The structure of the products, cart and checkout apps were derived from Code institue study material.

Profiles app: To store customer data such like delivery info.

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Phone Number default_phone_number CharField max_length=20, null= True, blank =True
Street Address default_street_address CharField max_length=80, null= True, blank =True
Town or City default_town_or_city CharField max_length=40, null= True, blank =True
Postcode default_postcode CharField max_length=20, null= True, blank =True
Country default_country CountryField blank_label ='Country', null = True, blank=True
user user OneToOneField

Categories: Purpose to segment plants into types or groups.

Name Database Key Field Type Validation/Requirements
Name name CharField max_length=200
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=200, null=True, blank=True

Products app: Displays all the plants in the store

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Category default_category ForeignKey max_length=20, null= True, blank =True
SKU default_sku CharField max_length=80, null= True, blank =True
Name default_name CharField max_length=40, null= True, blank =True
Description default_description TextField max_length=20, null= True, blank =True
Care default_care CountryField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True.
Size default_size TextField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Price default_price DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Image_url default_image_url URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Image default_care ImageField null=True, blank=True

Extra to products app: Displays all the plants in the store

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
product default_product ForeignKey 'Product', default=None, on_delete=models.CASCADE
images default_images ImageField upload_to = 'images/'

Blog: Read up on what we are about and what sparks my interest

Name Database Key Field Type Validation/Requirements
author User ForeignKey User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, blank=True
title title CharField max_length=120, null=True, blank=False
subtitle subtitle CharField max_length=120, null=True, blank=False
body body SlugField
created_at created DateTimeField auto_now=True, null=False
updated_at updated DateTimeField auto_now=True, null=False
status choices IntegerField blank=True, null=True, default=""
slug slug SlugField unique=True, max_length=250, default=None

After creating the apps and their models, python makemigrations was run in the terminal to create the initial model package and python migrate was then used to apply the model to the database and create the table.

Throughout the development, I had adjusted fields were necessary.


My idea for the design is to have colour relating to plants and greenhouse kind of look. Chosen colours where gold, orange or essentially brown theme colour palette, this will help users associate with the act of beer brewing.


Existing Features

  • Profile page - Allow the user to insert their billing/shipping information. If the user is logged in during checkout or when trying to fill out the contact form, their personal information will already be populated. On the profile page, the user will be able to view their past orders and click on them to once again view the order summary. The profile link in the navbar is only available to users who are logged in.
  • Login/Register page - Created with Django- Allauth, the login and register has all of the standard features to create a new user. Styling was customized to make it unique. There are pages included to handle: Sign up - requires username, email, password twice and an email will be sent with a verification link Login - requires either username or email and password with a toast message confirming successfully signed in, includes Google login ability Logout - Once completed logout, a toast message confirming successfully logged out Forgot password - requires email and email will be sent to link to update password
  • Login with Google OAuth login capabilities.
  • Products - Shoppers can view all plants, or view by category, or view by sorting either price or naming. Ability to search for words found in plant names or descriptions.
  • Plant view - The user/shopper has the ability to view more pictures if the product contains more pictures, and view care details
  • Cart - Users can add or delete services to their cart which will be saved in the backend right away. As a user logs out the cart will be remembered in the system to be finished later. When the customer checkout, a secured payment can be made with credit card is complete. The main goal of the profile page is to allow the user to insert their billing/shipping information. If the user is logged in during checkout or when trying to fill out the contact form, their personal information will already be populated. On the profile page, the user will be able to view their past orders and click on them to once again view the order summary. The profile link in the navbar is only available to users who are logged in.
  • Blog - Ability to view and readup on latest blogs organised in first created order.
  • Order confirmation page - The Order Confirmation page has a heading at the top to thank the user for shopping on the site. Below the heading the user will get a message to let them know the order has been confirmed and that they will recieve an e-mail confirmation. The confitmaion has an unique order number and the date and time of the sale. Below this is all the order details which has the details of the product, delivery and the billing information. The page has a button on the botton of the page which is keep shopping and that will bring the user back to the products page.
  • Checkout Page - Forms containing user details and address, followed by payment information. If the user enters an incorrect card number they will be shown that they have entered an incorrect card number. But if the card number is correct they will be able to enter the details without any error notification. Overview of order summary displaying the image, name, quantity, sub total, order total, delivery and grand total.

Future Features

  • Add bidding functionality: Users will now bid on plants that are on auction, bid end date will be set, and sold to highest bidder.
  • Error Pages Add custom 404/500 error messages
  • Email of confirmation order After successfully ordering a product, email confirmation is sent for order to the user's email
  • Blog system Allow guests to add comments a blog post, and like buttons
  • Delivery Tracking - Product Delivery tracking system, basically a small system that has some statuses like IN_TRANSIT, DELIVERED, RETURNED etc for the status of the delivery.


  • GitHub Wiki TOC generator - Generates a MarkDown TOC online
  • HTML - To create the basics
  • CSS - To improve placements and design
  • JavaScript - The engine to create user interaction
  • Python - Programming language
  • Postgresql - Opensource database to save the transactions, profile, and orders
  • Django - Web framework in python
  • Bootstrap - To make the design responsive
  • Font Awesome - Easy icon access for the icons

Python & Django Libraries

  • pillow - Python Imaging Library
  • Stripe - Credit card payments and transaction security
  • boto3 - To connect to AWS
  • django-allauth - Authentication, registration & account management
  • django-countries - Provides country choices for use with forms
  • django-phonenumber-field - A Django library which interfaces with python-phonenumbers to validate
  • django-crispy-forms - Controls the rendering behaviour of Django forms
  • django-filter - Easy searching and filtering query sets
  • oauthlib - Allow OAuth with social accounts

JavaScript Libraries

  • Stripe - For credit card transactions
  • jQuery - To improve input field feedback



Code Validation

Devices used to Test

The myGreenfriends website was tested with the following devices:

MacBook Pro Laptop HP Pavilion Laptop Samsung Galaxy S9 Mobile Lenovo Thinkpad, Chromium iPhone XS Max

Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox

Experience for mobile devices could not view the bottom of carts due to overlapping footer.(FIXED)

Manual Testing

Please visit the manual testing file here.

  • Feedback from Users;
    • The add log form seemed to have been allowing creation of log with empty fields. (FIXED)
    • More feedback

Avoid use of placeholder values to label or explain input Severity: 8 A placeholder attribute should not be used as a label. The placeholder is a short hint intended to aid the user with data entry. The placeholder may not be available to assistive technology and thus may not be relied upon to convey an accessible name or description -- it acts similar to fallback content.

Chrome Developer Tools and Gitpod vscode

Constantly used to ensure the app is mobile-first, and works well with all kinds of devices and provide real-time ability to identify errors in my HTML code, and helped me troubleshoot my HTML/CSS.

Gitpod terminal providing lint issues and problems when it comes to the different scripts/languages.

Further more for css testing I used this site reported 1 errors. (fixed)

Used the DOM to detect how to properly fix issue with Fade in Overlay CSS hover effect not functioning well for mobile devices, and inserted necesarry media queries in CSS to fix the issue, the text now no longer overlaps the image background when size decreases.

W3C CSS Validator reported 6 errors and several warnings.

HTML valid according to site

Random User Testing

Sent to friends, family and collegues fro the manual testing.

Python Testing

I used PEP8online together with gitpod Problem tab to observe errors and warnings. At the moment errors have been fixed, only warnings exist naming the warning "line too long"

Other testings

The following tests have been used to ensure proper site functionality:

  • GTmetrix: To test on website loading times.
  • Unicorn Revealer: Inspecting on overflow errors.
  • JSHint: A static code analysis tool for JavaScript.
  • Gitpod: Using the built-in tools to test on proper code, like flake8 linter.
  • Travis: from the start of the project to ensure commits where good.

SQLite Testing

Two ways to test that when a user signed up they were stored in the database or it worked;

  • Used a sqlite database viewer to look at the row that was added to the table

Known Bugs

  • Stopped code refactoring due to many errors and bugs it was causing with webhooks etc.

Expected Behavior

  • Email confirmation not being received by end users.(FIXED)

  • webhook specific payment_success_intent failing after code refactoring


This project was developed using the GitPod ( In GitHub the repository is (

Below is the way to deploy the files to Github:

  1. Log into GitHub.
  2. From the list of repositories on the screen, select ‘Honey20103/mygreenfriends’
  3. From the menu items near the top of the page, select ‘Settings’.
  4. Scroll down to the ‘GitHub Pages’ section.
  5. Under ‘Source’ click the drop-down menu labelled ‘None’ and select ‘Master Branch’

Below is the way to deploy the files to Heroku:

  1. From by GitPod terminal log into my Heroku account by typing in 'heroku login' and press return .
  2. I then press any key on the keyboard to continue and it will log me into my heroku account.
  3. In GitPod terminal I push the files to Heroku by typing in 'git push heroku master'.
  4. From heroku I click on my project which is 'poster-king'.
  5. I then click on Deploy which is a tab along the top.
  6. From this page I scroll down to the bottom and click on 'Deploy Branch' and make sure 'master' is selected.
  7. After this is then lets me know it is seccessfully deployed and can be found at (

Heroku up Heroku

To deploy the project to Heroku, follow the steps above in "Local Deployment", then complere the following steps:

  1. Register/sign in for Heroku.Heroku
  2. Once signed in, click the "new" button on the dashboard to create a new application.
  3. Name the App and choose the region you are currently in. to set up an app 'myGreenfriends'
  4. To use the Postgres database for deployment, select 'Heroku Postgres' as a free add-on.
  5. After the app is created, go to the 'Settings' tab and click on the 'Reveal Config Variables' button. Input the following values:
Key Value
DATABASE_URL Heroku Postgres database url
SECRET_KEY secret key used for your Django project
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY obtained through your Stripe account
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY obtained through your Stripe account
STRIPE_WH_SECRET obtained through your Stripe account
ADMINS_EMAIL email admin for the emails feature
  1. Create a requirements.txt file in your gitpod terminal/

     pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
  2. Create a Procfile with the following content

     echo web: gunicorn mug_shots.wsgi:application > Procfile
  3. Set up the database with Postgres.

     python3 makemigrations
     python3 migrate
     python3 loaddata products
     python3 loaddata categories
  4. Create a Superuser for your project to work as an admin. Add the following command to the terminal, then create username and password for the superuser.

     python3 createsuperuser
     python3 loaddata blog
  5. You can now run the cloned application to test it using the following command:

    python3 runserver
  6. Commit these changes to your repository:

    git add .
    git commit -m "<your commit message here>"
  7. With these changes made and commited in gitpod, log into heroku and enter your login credentials.

    heroku login -i
  8. Once you have successfully logged into Heroku from the terminal, link your Heroku app to your remote repository

    heroku git:remote -a <your app name here>
  9. Finally, push the project to Heroku

    git push heroku master
Hosting media files with AWS

The static files and media files for this project are currently hosted in an AWS S3 Bucket. To host them, you need to create an AWS account and create your S3 bucket, making sure to allow public access. After creating an account and uploading the files, the following environment variables should be added via the settings or .env file.

    USE_AWS (set to True)
Sending Emails with Gmail

In order to send real emails from the website, you must connect it to a Gmail account. Either use an existing Gmail account or create a new one, then sign in and navigate to the Google Account Security page. From here, create two-step authentication by creating an App password for a Django app. Add the following environment variables to your settings or .env file.


Finally add Google API key in django admin under Social Applications for the Google login to function

App Link

When your build is successful your app would be deployed at similar link: to this one.



All text content for this system were written by me and product pictures of my home plants.


Background overlays images from:


  • Multiple images on products link
  • Admin nested inline help link
  • link
  • Django 3.0 documentation link
  • How to handles names for blogs link
  • control date templates link
  • How to Authenitcate using Google link


A plantastic place for all who would like to discover, explore and express their love for plants.






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