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🎮 Two old-school games with fancy features and GUI.

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Snake game with an AI bot

welcome page game interface

Levels in the snake game

  • The game sets levels by placing several walls on the grids. In this game, there are three types of wall:

    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
    • Oblique (with random angel)

    ( Every single wall object is guaranteed to be consecutive, whilst the connections between every two walls are random in order to prevent the wall-bricks from scattering all over the grid. )

  • Different game levels correspond to different numbers of wall-brick.

  • Before the game started, players can use the game menu to choose 3 different levels:

    • Easy level: 4 wall-bricks
    • Normal level: 12 wall-bricks
    • Hell level: 20 wall-bricks

( If no level is chosen, then no wall will be placed whatsoever (the Default level) )

Two-player mode

  • Before the game started, players can use the game menu to choose the "Two-player mode" option to add another player;
  • The original player, the host, controls the green snake with Up, Down, Right, Left-Key; the second player, the rival, controls the blue snake with W, S, A, D-Key;
  • In the game, the two snakes can only collide with itself but not with each other.

Snake AI

  • Before the game gets started, players can use the game menu to choose the "Battle with AI" option which will generate a blue AI snake as the rival;

  • The AI algorithm is implemented as follows:

    • the AI snake is able to find the closest apple in the grid and go straight to it so that the AI can grow as fast as possible;

    ( This is a time-race game that could also have multiple apples in the grid. Those are additional features that will be described below. )

    • the AI snake is provided with a "vision" of the grid in a 7 grid-cell radius (adjustable) from its head so that it can "look" 7 steps further;
    • the 4 directions: East, West, North, South are ranked based on this "vision". The AI snake will then make a decision by using a straightforward greedy algorithm.
    • as a result, the AI is able to grow as fast as possible and, avoid walls, bombs (described below) and its body (most of the time).

Game menu

  • Before the game started, players are provided with a GUI menu as shown on the first page;
  • On the menu, users can
    • choose the game level;
    • choose the number of apples that maintained during the game;
    • choose the number of bombs that maintained during the game;
    • choose the "Two-player mode" and "Battel with AI" options;
    • set the snake speed;
    • set the timer value;
    • get started by clicking the start button (cancel by closing the menu window right away);

Nicer Snake graphics

  • The graphics of both the host and rival snakes have been improved;
  • The graphics of the apple has been improved;
  • The graphics of the background (the grid) has been improved;
  • The graphics of the game over screen has been improved in a way that user can see the winner or loser together with the higher score;
  • The graphics of the game menu has been improved.
  • Added Bombs and walls graphics;
  • Added timer area;

Updated features of the snake game

Variable number of apples

  • In the beginning, players are able to choose the number of apples, from 1 (default) to 5 (adjustable), that maintained during the game;

Variable number of bombs

  • In the beginning, players are able to choose the number of bombs, from 0 (default) to 10 (adjustable), that maintained during the game;
  • Each bomb will cause the snake to loose one trunk of its body. The game will end when any snake with only head remains hits the bomb.

A race against time

  • In this game setting, players can customize the timer before the game starts;
  • When time out occurs, the snake with a longer body wins.

Maintain Reversibly

  • All game options ( two-player mode, AI mode, multi-items, etc.) are reversible;

Run the project from CLI

$ source /etc/profile.d/
$ gradle run

Tetris game

welcome page game interface

Hold tetromino

  • Users can use W-key to hold the current tetromino. As most of the Tetris games, this option will be disabled until the newly generated tetromino properly land.

Display next blocks

  • The next 3 tetrominoes will be displayed on the right-hand side of the board.

Better Tetris graphics

  • The held tetromino will be displayed along with the next coming tetrominoes on the right-hand side of the board;
  • The finish screen has been improved.

Upated features

  • A welcome GUI with keyboard control instruction is added.

Run the project from CLI

$ source /etc/profile.d/
$ gradle run