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Full-Stack Next.js Application

Project Description

During my journey with the Next.js course, I built a simplified version of a financial dashboard. This project is the culmination of learned skills and knowledge where I have implemented several practical web development areas using Next.js.


  • Public Home Page: The application features a publicly accessible homepage.
  • Login Page: The application includes a login page, ensuring only authenticated access to the dashboard.
  • Protected Dashboard: The dashboard is protected by authentication, leading to the display of user-specific information.
  • Invoice Management: Users can add, edit, and delete invoices, thereby offering interactivity and dynamic data rendering.

Behind the scenes, a database was setup to support the functioning of the dashboard.

What I Learned:

  • Styling & Optimizations: I learned the different approaches to style a Next.js application and successfully optimized images, links, and fonts for better performance.
  • Routing & Fetching Data: The course helped me to understand Next.js file-system routing, creating nested layouts and pages, and best practices for setting up a database on Vercel for fetching and streaming data.
  • Search & Pagination: I implemented search and pagination functionalities using URL Search Params.
  • Mutating Data: I gained practical knowledge of mutating data using React Server Actions and revalidated the Next.js cache accordingly.
  • Error Handling: I learned to handle general and 404 not found errors effectively.
  • Server-Side Validation & Accessibility: I implemented server-side form validation and learned techniques to improve the application's accessibility.
  • Authentication: The application features authentication using NextAuth.js and Middleware, enabling secure access.
  • Metadata: I understood the importance of adding metadata to prepare the application for social sharing.

System Requirements

  • Node.js 18.17.0 or later installed. Download here.
  • Operating systems: macOS, Windows (including WSL), or Linux.
  • Vercel account