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Research work with Dr. John Femiani, the minespline project is a library for grouping potential detections of landmines into curves. This library can also be used for grouping detections of any field of points.

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The minespline project is a library for grouping potential detections of landmines into curves. This library can also be used for grouping detections of any field of points.

Example Usage

The following example geojson files can be found in the data directory

MinelineHardCases1_1 geojson file

python -m minespline.mineliner evaluate MinelineHardCases1_1.geojson
Input Output

VeryHardWithoutDistractors_1 geojson file

python -m minespline.mineliner evaluate VeryHardWithoutDistractors_1.geojson
Input Output

VeryHardWithDistractors_4 geojson file

python -m minespline.mineliner evaluate VeryHardWithDistractors_4.geojson
Input Output


  • Anaconda3, for python 3.7+ must be installed.


  1. Obtain the sourcecode. If you have access to the git repo, then you can use

    git clone
  2. Use anaconda to install the project dependancies. This will create our own virtual python environment called ML (for Mine Lines).

    cd minespline
    conda env create
    • If you already have an ML environment for this project, you should instead update it using
    conda env update


Before doing anything, make sure the ML environment is active

conda activate ML

If you want to run one of the command below from a script, you can use

conda run -n ML <Rest of the command goes here>

which will run the script in the appropriate environment.


conda activate ML

# The most recent "very hard" examples
python -m minespline.mineliner evaluate ./data/test/very-hard/*.geojson

# Plot an example at a different threshold and throw away the output
python -m minespline.mineliner --max-spacing 9 --top-k 10 --threshold 0.00001 show data/test/RealCurvilinearData/RealDat_Curvi_1_1.geojson --plot -o /dev/null

Finding Minelines

From the command line interface (CLU)

(ML)$  python -m minespline.mineliner --help 


  --min-length INTEGER  The minimum length of a path  [env var: ML_MIN_LENGTH;
                        default: 3]
  --top-k INTEGER       The number of paths to return (in descending order)
                        [env var: ML_TOP_K; default: 3]
  --max-it INTEGER      The max length of a path  [env var: ML_MAX_IT;
                        default: 9223372036854775807]
  --threshold FLOAT     The minimum probability of a path  [env var:
                        ML_THRESHOLD; default: 1e-35]
  --spacing FLOAT       The mine spacing, in meters.  [env var: ML_SPACING;
                        default: 8]
  --std-along FLOAT     The standard deviation in mine spacing along the mine
                        line, in meters.  [env var: ML_STD_ALONG; default:
  --std-across FLOAT    The STD in mine spacing across the mine line, in
                        meters.  [env var: ML_STD_ACROSS; default: 0.0625]
  --max-spacing FLOAT   The maximum distance between two mines  [env var:
                        ML_MAX_SPACING; default: 17]
  --prob-miss FLOAT     The probability of a false-negative in the input  [env
                        var: ML_PROB_MISS; default: 0.05]
  --no-guess-spacing    Do not guess the spacing -- instead use the value
                        passed in or specified in the file  [env var:
                        ML_NO_GUESS_SPACING; default: False]
  --no-progress         Disable progress bars  [env var: ML_NO_PROGRESS;
                        default: False]
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  evaluate  Process many files and summarize results, saving a CSV and
  show      Process a single input file and save the results, optionally...

Will provide help that is most up to date. Most of the options allow you to set parameters that control mine processing.

At the time of this writing the CLI has two main commands:

(ML)$  python -m minespline.mineliner  show --help


  Process a single input file and save the results, optionally showing a

  -o, --output FILENAME  GeoJSON formatted output  [env var: ML_SHOW_OUTPUT]
  --plot                 Display a plot of the results  [env var:
  --help                 Show this message and exit.
(ML) $ python -m minespline.mineliner  evaluate --help
Usage: evaluate [OPTIONS] [FILES]...

  Process many files and summarize results, saving a CSV and plots of each

  -o, --outdir DIRECTORY  Directory to save per-file results  [env var:
  --p-sep FLOAT           Set the difference in means (-1 means leave alone)
                          [env var: ML_EVALUATE_P_SEP; default: -1]
  --p-std FLOAT           Set the std. of each class (before clipping to 0/1)
                          (-1 means leave alone)   [env var:
                          ML_EVALUATE_P_STD; default: -1]
  --drop FLOAT            Fraction of positive examples to drop  [env var:
                          ML_EVALUATE_DROP; default: 0]
  --rep INTEGER           Number of times to process each file  [env var:
                          ML_EVALUATE_REP; default: 1]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
Ingest COBRA data

We operate on GEOJSON files and GEOTIFF files. Other formats used e.g. by COBRA are converted.

python -m minespline.ingest_cobra --help
Sample a Markov-Chain of Mines

Given inital points with confidence values that can be interpreted as probabilities, we randomly sample a sequence of mines that form a markov chain. We assign a probability to the entire chain. The output is a single GEOJSON file with a linestring for the entire path, point features for each mine, and line features for each edge.

python -m minespline.sample --help


Research work with Dr. John Femiani, the minespline project is a library for grouping potential detections of landmines into curves. This library can also be used for grouping detections of any field of points.






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