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Hans Wobbe edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 43 revisions
Welcome to my hello-world wiki!

Table of Contents

( 2018- ) For the moment ...

  • I remain focused on Content creation (not program enhancements)
  • My goal is to host a TwFive file here at GitHub. For that ...
    • I will need to create a new file since my existing ones are too full of "stuff".
  • For now, use the wiki(s) for "just text" to reduce frivolus Commits. In the mean time, continue relying on DropBox & exploring other options (like DiiGo, given its Outliner capabilities)
    • Evaluating this Site's Gist capabilities for my Status comments.
  • I need more practice with Branches and PullPequests.
    • This may be achieved by starting with some text blocks.
  • I am trying to confirm that I have an adequate understanding of Branches and Forks
    • I can edit the Master, but seem to be having a bit of trouble creating a new Branch.
  • GitHub projects that interest me ...


major FireFox upgrade(s)

These caused considerable TiddlyWiki confusion and resolution activity as Browser developers continue their "lock-down" efforts.



  • I seem to be missing the subtleties of Branches & Commits.
  • I likely have created some inconsistencies already.
  • Clones may well be independent copies.
    • careless changes will then need to be reconciled.
  1. I unintentionally deleted my most recent changes by experimenting with a Branch & Pull Request.
    1. No real loss, so mostly a positive learning experience.


  • The ToC for this wiki make it easier to craft deeper pages.
  • ...



  • This is just a learning exercise.
    • I am however, making a few notes regarding the issue of whether or not to use a local Git version that sync back here.
    • There are several contenders (so far) ...
      • The one provided by Git
      • The two provided by Atlassian
        • BitBucket
        • SourceTree
  1. I am starting to "follow" and "watch" other participants such as ...
    1. ...
  2. I am making a few related notes in the wiki and I am watching the reports of my activity to ensure that I have an adequate understanding of how to work in this environment.



Some preliminary comments ...

  • I use ...
    • wiki(s) a LOT! (especially TiddlyWik)

.... PdWorks (especially for Tasks)
.... Diigo ...... Bookmarks (several thousands, all tagged consistently with myTW_ways)
...... Annotations (generally private, simply to avpid cluttering the views of others)
...... Outliners
.... link to mySchedudles
.... (Docs, ... )Google .. It's way past time to update my image.
  • ...


  • ...
  • started adding a bit of styling for this environment via Headings
  • confirmed linking directly to Wiki pages works
  • 2017-05: inter-linking with DebateGraph
  • 2017-02-19: Added a picture

  • review how to select the wiki MarkUp type.
  • The control is obvious in Edit View.
  • TweH
  • MyNewPage
Clone this wiki locally