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Releases: Hymore246/GS4-Character-Planner

Hymore Character Planner v2.6.5

13 Dec 14:40
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-Version 2.6.5- (Date: 12/13/2018)

-Added more comments in various places

-Added Divine Incarnation (1650) to the Summation table

Hymore Character Planner v2.6.4

27 Jan 22:09
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-Version 2.6.4- (Date: 1/27/2017)

-Added some rudimentary error handling for the planner. If the planner crashes, it will attempt to write a stack trace of the error to "error log.txt" and if the planner was run via a command prompt it will print the stack trace to the prompt as well. Hopefully, this will allow for better debugging when the planner encounters a problem.

-Characters can "training ahead" in skills by one level. For example, a Warrior could train in One-handed Edged 4 times at level 0 with the cost being 12/6 (2/1 + 2/1 + 4/2 +4/2)
-When training for a set number of ranks in a skill (as opposed to training a set rate (1x, 2.5x, etc)), the planner will attempt to "front load" the skill ranks in a cost effect manner instead of unnecessary spreading the ranks out across the level range.

-Maximum weight for all Gear is now 999 lb.

Hymore Character Planner v2.6.3

02 Dec 00:45
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-Version 2.6.3- (Date: 12/1/2017)
-Fixed a bug that was preventing converted training points from unconverting

-Added the Quickstrike maneuver back to the maneuver list. I didn't realize it was still in the game!

-Fixed a bug that was preventing converted training points from unconverting

-Fixed a bug that prevented existing effects from updating correctly
-Fixed a bug that would cause the "Type" field to change to the wrong value when updating a "Katar" or "Katana, (One-handed)" gear
-Fixed several bugs that were messing up the gear and efffects ordering menus
-Added new effects: Disease Resistance (104), Poison Resistance (105), Faith's Clarity (1603), Rejuvenation (1607), Encumbrance Potion, Encumbrance Charm
-In co-ordination with Arcane Symbols and Magic Item Use giving bonus CS when using items, I've added "Casting Strength (Arcane Symbols)" and "Casting Strength (Magic Item Use)" effects to the Special Abilities category and added two versions of the "Mystic Focus (1711)" effect: "Mystic Focus (1711) Arcane Symbols" and "Mystic Focus (1711) Magic Item Use".
-Added the following effects for use as part of Spellburst calculations. They do not have any other function at this time:
--Water Walking (112), Fasthr's Reward (115)
--Unpresence (204), Purify Air (207)
--Relieve Burden (314), Soul Ward (319)
--Presence (402), Lock Pick Enhancement (403), Disarm Enhancement (404)
--Foraging (603), Skinning (604), Whispering Willow (605), Sneaking (617)
--Invisiblity (916)
--Iron Skin (1202), Blink (1214)
--Arm of the Arkati (1605)

-Removed redudant code from multiple formulas to save space.
-Spell effect with lore benefits now take profession into account when calculating bonuses and will only use 1/2 lore ranks for non-native major spell circles and 1/3 lore ranks for non-native profession spell circles
-Vigor (1616) now counts toward spellburst
-Fixed a bug that prevented Armor Blessing from working with the Bolt AS calculation
-Added new formulas:
--Roundtime & Qstrike Stamina Cost
--Armor Use - Action & Roundtime Penalties
--Armor Use - Spell Hindrance
--Arcane Symbols - CS, Max Spell, Duration
--Magic Item Use - CS, Max Spell, Duration
--Lore Summations
--Bard Spellsong Duration
--Empath Imprint Chance & Max
--Resources - Maximums & Recovery

-Added Summation table. This table tracks all the bonuses given from every Lore skill and is meant to be used with the Lore Summations formula.

Hymore Character Planner v2.6.2

05 Aug 18:40
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-Version 2.6.2- (Date: 8/5/2017)
-Health resource calculation now uses the proper formula for health gain instead of increasing health by 5 per Physical Fitness rank.

-Fixed an error that prevented training in Armor Specializations.

-Fixed a formatting problem with the effect scaling rows in the effect dialog box
-4 new effect Categories:
--Special Abilities: For effects that are gained through skills ranks (Stamina Burst) or as something or certain professions can do (Meditate). 3 Effects
--Generic Bonus: This set of 19 effects allows you to add from a +1 to a +100 bonus to any type of AS, DS, CS, or TD. These are meant to represent non-standard bonuses that come from unique or rare items and other sources.
--Enhancive (Resources): These effects allow you to enhance the maximum and recovery bonus for health, mana, stamina, and spirit. 8 effects total.
--Items: The 43 effects in this category are based of the enhancive items created through alchemy. Other items that don't fit into other categories are here too such as Defense Bonus Item.

-Added new formulas:
--First Aid - Bandage Duration & Herb RT
--Mana Control - Mana Pulse & Spellup
--Trading - Skill Boost
--Resources - Maximums & Recovery
-The effects "Kneeling" and "Lying Down" now properly calculate Ranged AS when using a crossbow.
-Added additional Effects that are not in the brand new categories:
--Manna (203), Tend Lore (206), Symbol of Proselyte (340), Mana Focus (418), Assume Aspect (650) Bear, Core Tap (950), Vigor (1608)
--Armor Blessing, Armored Evasion, Combat Toughness, Shield Forward
--Sigil of Concentration, Sigil of Mending

Hymore Character Planner v2.6.1

30 Jun 00:12
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-Version 2.6.1- (Date: 6/29/2017)
-Attempting to run Planner.exe without GS4_Planner.db in the same directory will now display an error message box.
-Trying to close the Planner will now display a quiting comfirmation message box.
-Selecting "New Character" from the Planner's File menu will now display a comfirmation message box.

-Fixed an error in the Health resource calculation.

-Fixed a long standing bug that would cause skills to cost slightly more than normal when double or triple training.
-Fixed a bug caused by loading multiple character files in a row.
-The Sum Cost field of the Skills panel will now display the correct total skill point cost.
-Fixed a error in the Regain TP calculation that was causing all Spell Research skills to always refund 0 MTP.
-Changed the "training push back" error message to be more readable.

-An error box will appear if you select "Attack Strength (Other Hand Weapon)" with an invalid off-hand item.
-All Defense Strength calculations now take overtraining in Armor Use into account when calculating Armor Hindrance Factor.
-Added "Unarmed Attack Factor (UAC)" to the Physical Combat category.
-Added "Multi Opponent Combat - FoF, Mstrike" to the new Physical Skills category.
-Added a new effect: Beacon of Courage (1608)

-Zealot (1617) - The lore effect now reduces the DS penalty instead of increasing it.
-Cloak of Shadows (712) - Fixed a bug in the TD calculation

-Ranger's Combat Maneuver skill cost is now 6/4 instead of 5/4
-Ranger's Perception skill cost is now 0/2 instead of 0/3

Hymore Character Planner v2.6

09 May 00:23
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-Version 2.6- (Date: 5/8/2017)
-Added the Progression Panel. This panel lets users see how their statistics and skills placement affects their AS, DS and more as the level up by creating an interactive line graph. Takes Gear and Effects into consideration when calculating the formulas.
-Massive changes to the database. Many, many new effects added.
-The scrollbars on the Skills, Maneuvers, Postcap, and Loadout panels are always visible.
-Fixed a few dialog box bugs

Hymore Character Planner v2.5

29 Aug 00:54
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-Version 2.5- (Date: 8/28/2016)
-Added the Misc Panel. This panel will keep track of guild skill ranks and permanent character choices that do not belong in other panels.
-Added the Loadout Panel. This panel lets you set what gear and spells your character is wearing.
-Fixed an error that was causing save files to be erased when saving with postcap skill training.

-The Professions table now contains 6 new columns for the guild skills for each profession
-Added Guild Skill prerequisites to Steady Shield and Disarming Presence shield maneuvers
-Added several new tables: Weapons, Armor, Shields, Effects.

-Added Guild Skill prerequisites to the shield maneuvers Steady Shield and Disarming Presence.
-The Add Maneuver dialog box also shows the type of each prerequisite using an abbreviation. For example "CM" stands for combat maneuver and "GS" stands for guild skill.

-Planner now correctly gives up and displays an error box if the character would never have enough maneuver points to complete their maneuver training when trying to calculate a training plain.
-Fixed a bug calculating that made the total cost for maneuvers display incorrectly if more than one maneuver was trained at the same experience interval.
-Fixed several display bugs for manuever costs in the training build list frame.

Hymore GS4 Character Planner v2.4.2

21 May 17:19
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Version 2.4
Adds the Post Cap Panel and various other changes and bug fixes.
Check the Change Log.txt file for a full list of changes.

-Version 2.4.2- (Date: 5/31/2016)
Fixed a bug that was causing the planner to crash when the user tried to add an new Manevuer in the Maneuvers panel.

-Version 2.4.1- (Date: 5/28/2016)
Made a change to to allow it to run on MAC OSX.

Hymore GS4 Character Planner v2.3

24 Jan 23:47
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--Version 2.3--

-The File dropdown menu option "New Character" now clears the entire Planner to allow for easy creation of a new character.
-The File dropdown menu option "Load Character" prompts the user for a GS4 Character .txt file and will populate the Planner with that character's build information. This action does not perform any calculations however.
-The File dropdown menu option "Save Character As ..." lets the user save their work in the Planner to a .txt file. This file will contain the character's profession, race, base statistics, skills build, and all maneuver builds. No calculation are saved to this file.
-Removed the file. The contents of this file where combined into
-A large amount of code was moved from other .py files into the Character class now located in to allow for easier access by all Planner files and for save/loading character files.
-All files where restructured to removed redundancy and make the code cleaner.
-All files have more comments to explain what is going on.
-The Planner can no longer be resized or maximized.
-When a popup box appear on any panel, you can no longer interact with the main Planner GUI until the popup box closes.
-Fixed a lot of errors in the GS4 SQL database.

-You can use the Up and Down arrows to move between the statistic boxes.
-Changing professions no longer makes the Planner lag for 2-3 seconds.

-Calculating a character's build has been redone and improved. In addition to allow users to use a rate (2x, 1.5x, etc) for a skill goal, user can specify the number of ranks they want total. (ie 24 ranks of Arcane Symbols)
-The Planner will attempt to train in as many skills each level but will stop if it cannot fully train all the ranks in each skill. For rates this is the calculated number for that level (2x is 2 ranks, 1.5x might be 1 or 2 ranks) while numbers are ALL the ranks. If the Planner does stop because it can't train all the ranks, a push back occurs. This will move all remaining untrained ranks for that skill and all the ranks for EVERY SKILL below it on the training schedule will be moved to the next level, combining them with any existing training at that level. In short, if you can't train everything, the planner will keep trying every level until you can train all the ranks or you exceed a target level in a skill.
-Calculating a build that cannot achieve all the ranks of a skill in its indicated level range will cause an error box to appear to inform the user. This also aborts any further skill schedule calculations.
-The schedule calculation takes skill subgroups (Spell Research, everything that falls under a specific Lore) into consideration when determine skill costs and max ranks.
-You can use the mouse wheel to scroll in the build and schedule frames if they contain enough data.

-Similar to the Skills Panel, this panel will use a push back if it cannot train every rank for a maneuver at a given level.
-The schedule calculation takes maneuver prerequisites into consideration when determining if you can train in a maneuver. This will trigger a push back and will try again each level until it can train all the ranks or it ends with an error.
-You can use the mouse wheel to scroll in the build and schedule frames if they contain enough data.

Hymore GS4 Character Planner v2.2

28 Nov 18:22
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--Update v2.2--

-Added Maneuvers Panel.