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Hyomoto edited this page Mar 11, 2023 · 7 revisions
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LDtkLoader( verbose = false )

Name Type Purpose
verbose bool If true, will output additional messages. Mainly for debugging.


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open( filename, [objectMap], [tilesetMap] )

Returns: bool Whether or not an error occurred.

Throws: LDtkError Signals: open

Name Type Purpose
filename string The name of the file to open.
objectMap struct A struct containing key-value pairs in the form LDtk-Asset.GMObject
tilesetMap struct A struct containing key-value pairs in the form LDTk-Asset.GMTileset

Attempts to open the provided file and parse the contents. If an exception occurs, such as the file did not exist, an LDtkError is thrown.

reload( levelId )

Returns: undefined

Signals: reload

Name Type Purpose
levelId string The level id (LDtk level name) to reload.

Attempts to reopen the level source file and parse it. This is typically only used by by the file watcher, but you can manually trigger a reload by calling it.

listen( signal, method )

Returns: ref

Name Type Purpose
signal string The name of the signal to listen to.
method method The method to call when the signal is triggered.

Attaches the given method to be called when signal is triggered. LDtkLoader only has two signals, "open" and "reload".

unlisten( signal, ref )

Returns: ref

Name Type Purpose
signal string The name of the signal to unlisten from.
ref ref The method that should be removed from the signal.

Removes the given method from the signal. Typically this would be the return from listen.

signal( signal, value )

Returns: undefined

Name Type Purpose
signal string The name of the signal to transmit to.
value any A value that will be passed into the methods attached to the signal.

This function is called as needed by LDtkLoader. However, if you wish to create your own signals this is how you would call them when needed.

watch( ... )

Returns: undefined

Name Type Purpose
... string Any number of filenames and/or directories.

Adds the given files to the file watcher. Either a specific file can be provided, or a directory/mask. If the latter is provided, all files in the given directory or matching the provided mask will be added. When a file change is detected, a reload on that level will be triggered.


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Name Type Initial Purpose
mappings struct {} Contains two structs, objects and tilesets used to lookup LDtk assets by their GM equivalents.
levels struct {} A struct allowing look up of LDtkLevels via byId, byKey or byIid
enums struct {} A struct of all LDtk enumerators.
tilesets struct {} A struct of all LDtk tilesets
uids struct {} A struct of all uids via byId or byKey
signals struct {} A struct of all signal listeners by signal.
path string "" Mostly used for live reloading, an absolute path to the source file.
source string "" The name of the source file.
verbose bool false Whether or not verbose messages should be used.
watcher Id.TimeSource undefined If instantiated, this is the pointer to the time source used by the file watcher.
watchList Array [] A list of files to be watched by the file watcher.


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Name Value Purpose
LDTK_WATCHER_TICK_RATE 0.5 How often the watcher should "tick" and check for file updates.