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IBM Code Model Asset Exchange: Facial Age Estimator with TensorFlow.js

You can run this demo app in your local environment if you have Node.js or Docker installed.

Run in Node.js

If you have Node.js installed:

  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd fae-tfjs
  2. Install dependencies

    $ npm install
  3. Run app

    $ node app.js
  4. In your browser, visit localhost:3000.

Run in Docker image

If you have Docker installed:

  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd fae-tfjs
  2. Build the Docker image

    $ docker build -t fae-tfjs .
  3. Run the Docker container

    $ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 fae-tfjs
  4. In your browser, open localhost:3000 and enable the web camera

  5. Obtain the container id and stop the Docker container

    $ docker ps 
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  ...
     3...6              fae-tfjs             ...
    $ docker stop 3...6