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ljbennett62 edited this page May 7, 2018 · 6 revisions

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Short Name

Blockchain for Donation Tracking

Short Description

Blockchain Network for validating pledges and tracking funds made by the government for the humanitarian causes

Offering Type

Emerging Tech - Blockchain


The goal of this pattern is to build a 3-member blockchain application using the IBM Blockchain Platform, consisting of the following entities: an organization representing a government entity, an organization representing Global Citizen(i.e. NGO ) focused on the provision of aid, and an organization representing Aid organization receiving the funds from governments for the humanitarian causes


By Ishan Gulhane






In this pattern, we build a 3-member network consisting of Government, AID org, and Global Citizen organizations using IBM Blockchain Platform’s Starter Plan. The Government organization pledge for funds the humanitarian cause. Global citizen validates the pledge and tracks the funds made by the government on the blockchain network. AID organization will periodically receive the funds from the government organization for different causes. After completing this pattern, you will learn to create, configure and interact with the Blockchain service on starter plan using composer playground and composer rest server.

Flow Diagram



  1. Generate the Business Network Archive(BNA) file
  2. Create Blockchain Service
  3. Configure the Blockchain Service
  4. Install runtime and start the business network
  5. Interact with the business network

Included Components



Blog Post

Authored by Porter Stowell

Entering the Age of Accountability

Our society has problems that do not seem to vanish even as prosperity reigns. Extreme poverty, hunger, and health issues still impact millions every year. There is no need for this type of suffering when there is ample food and medical supplies available. However, getting aid to the right people at the right time takes money and lots of it! Anyone can be a donor. It doesn’t matter if you make 30,000 a year or 300k. We can all afford the joys of giving. But less of us are giving. In fact, volunteering and charitable giving overall has dropped around 11% since the early 2000s. One of the reasons cited is that there is no transparency that gives the donor confidence that the dollar they gave is going to the person in greatest need. If only there was a way to trust that my donation was getting to the right people…

Blockchain is a technology that can provide the transparency that donors desire. It has the ability to provide clarity on how money flows through organizations that provide aid, getting all the way down to the vaccine bought and the person who even received the shot. This is a bold reinvention of how all of us view philanthropy and is unfortunately not something that can happen overnight. What is important that we agree that this level of transparency will in fact encourage more donations and that we are committed to taking the first and smallest step towards making this vison of the future a reality.

From a blockchain perspective, if our goal is to build this donor network where do we begin? Let’s begin with the largest and most impactful donors; governments. Governments make pledges (i.e. a commitment of a specific amount of money given over a defined period of time) and then make periodic fund transfers to fulfill their pledge. Major advances in both global health and hunger if every government gave what they promised on time. While politicians celebrate the moment that the pledge is made, the people have little to no visibility on whether those promises were ever fulfilled.

Global Citizen is the voice of the people in matters of philanthropic accountability. Their mission is to empower those who want to see real change and improvement for society to have a voice. With blockchain, Global Citizen can show constituents exactly who is fulfilling their promises for a variety of causes and rally them to meet their goals on time. IBM partnered with Global Citizen to create a blockchain challenge so that developers can see first-hand the power of blockchain technology and that it is so much more than just crypt-currencies.

WHAT IS THE GLOBAL CITIZEN CHALLENGE: The Force for Good Blockchain Challenge with IBM & Global Citizen aims to empower developers to construct the first step within a large network; donation tracking. The challenge was inspired by the United Nation's #Envision2030 initiative. What is the first step? Validating pledges and fund transfers made by governments for humanitarian causes such as global health and extreme poverty.

THE CHALLENGE Your mission is to build a 3-member network on IBM Blockchain Platform (Government, AID org, and Global Citizen). Where the Government would make a pledge, have the pledge register on the ledger, then every fund transfer related to that pledge would be validated by both Global Citizen and the AID org who received the cash. Complete and submit your MVP application to us by May 19th and you may just find yourself with a VIP ticket to a Global Citizen Festival to see artists such as Beyonce, Tiesto, Coldplay, and more up close and personal.

WHY PARTICIPATE: • Chance to win a VIP ticket to a Global Citizen Festival (The top 5 rated submissions will win!) • Chance to earn points and engage in our Coder Community (Check out our rewards) • Opportunity to contribute to a project that has a high chance of becoming a reality • A more fun way to learn how to code a basic financial transparency network with other developers that comes with plenty of help and direction from industry experts • Recognition from IBM on your blockchain efforts IS THIS THE RIGHT CHALLENGE FOR YOU? This is a challenge for developers. Even though you may be a Blockchain novice, see how far you can get! We are confident that if you are willing to learn, you can make more progress than you think. Spoiler Alert: The Blockchain part is the easy part!

NOT A DEVELOPER? Try it anyways! Diving into some of technical themes highlighted in each step of the challenge will make you that much better at blockchain as well as your understanding of the technology and its application. You can also join our weekly Business Innovator’s Call where we discuss all the blockchain business trends and models you can handle.

Global Citizen & IBM want you and others to have a powerful voice as an activist and a technologist. Participate and you will hopefully realize EXACTLY what we mean. Good luck!