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jdv-ibm edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the libgroupsig wiki!

libgroupsig is a cryptographic library for group signatures, designed to make life easier to whoever wants to build a system based on primitives of this type. It currently supports 4 different schemes (with more in the works) through a unified API. This means that you can leverage the functionality provided by any of those schemes, essentially with the same function calls. It is also easily extensible (as much as possible), allowing the addition of new schemes with minimal changes to the existing code-base. Any new scheme will be accessible through the same API.

Still not convinced? The core library is implemented in C, but wrappers are available for Java, Node.js, and Python, facilitating integration in systems based on those languages.

Dependency-wise, it only requires: OpenSSL for internal, lower-level, cryptographic tasks (e.g., hashing) and big numbers management; and MCL for pairing-based cryptographic operations. For building, it relies on CMake for the core library, Maven for the Java wrapper, and NPM for the Node.js wrapper.

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