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Salvo Virga edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

Safety Configuration

In our Safety Configuration we usually set the following :

  1. Joint Limits
    we set the joint limits of the individual joints to be 1-2 degrees lower than the mechanical ones:
    i.e. [-169:169, -119:119, -169:169, -119:119, -169:169, -119:119, -174:174]
    This is done to not allow the robot to don't go over its mechanical possibilities.
    By default, the robot will break and stop any motion when it reaches its limits. However, breaking is not instantaneous, so the robot might end its motion outside its limits and cause problems. Enforcing lower limits we allow it to have more distance for breaking.

  2. Speed Limit In different use modes (T1, T2, AUT), the robot will have different maximum speed.
    Nevertheless, it is convenient to have a safe hardware stop to be sure the robot will stop if the set velocity is exceeded.

Other application specific setting might be :

  • Max external Cartesian Force at the TCP
  • Max external torque
  • Limited workspace

These are settings for a rather specific application that requires some human interaction etc, so we don't usually add them to the standard Safety Configuration.
A good idea is to create additional ESM and switch between them within the Java code (You don't know what ESMs are? Check on the KUKA manuals! They are useful).

Here you can have a look at a basic Safety Configuration we usually use :

safety conf

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