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Sense is a very high level, functional programming language for creating software by writing only the absolute necessary information and not a single line above that.



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Sense Lang

Sense is a VHLL (very high level lang.), FP (functional programming) language that builds a layer of abstraction above the industry standard general purpose programming languages (like Java, Kotlin, Kotlin, Swift, JS, Python) with the purpose to create software without caring about implementation details.

"Programming is a game of information and logic, not of libraries, frameworks and terminology."
— Iliyan Germanov, creator of SenseLang

⚠️ SenseLang is in ideation phase and everything may change, disappear or be discontinued if there's no point of it. Feedback, contributions and support are very welcome! ✔️


Sense purpose is to create software fast and express domain (business) logic by providing only the 100% necessary information and not a single line above that. Meaning that when you're writing Sense you won't care about:

  • boilerplate code
  • complex design patterns
  • libraries & frameworks
  • threading

Programming in Sense should be about thinking and expressing your logic freely in a concise, type-safe and functional way.


  • Easy to learn: minimal and simple syntax.
  • Focus only on what matters: write only what matters - domain logic and algorithms.
  • Platform agnostic: Android, iOS, Web, Desktop, Backend
  • Frameworks/libraries agnostic: you can target which libs/frameworks you want and the Sense Compiler will generate the code for you.


  • Performance: such high-level of abstraction certainly comes with some efficiency costs.
  • ⚠️ Experimental: WIP to be developed.
  • No adoption & community: if Sense makes sense maybe one day millions of devs would use it.

Sense Lang: correctness, simplicity, and convenience over efficiency, low-level control and implementation details.

"Sense" name meaning:

  • "sense" like a purpose.
  • "sense" like a feeling.
  • "sense" like make sense.

Sense Ideology

Every program is essentially a domain data representation of a problem fed into a chain of functions that transforms input A->B->C->N and produces side-effects along the way.

Sense is designed to easily model any domain into data, express your domain logic into functions with cases f :: A -> B | C, handle side-effects (IO) and $(state) gracefully.

Sense Syntax

If you're not familiar with Haskell and FP, Sense's syntax will not make sense to you at first. So take a deep breath and let's begin with an example.

readUserAge :: Int

isAdult :: Int -> Bool
age> age > 18

data WithAlcohol
data NoAlcohol

cocktailType :: Bool -> WithAlcohol | NoAlcohol
adult > if(adult)
  True> WithAlcohol
  False> NoAlcohol

serveCocktail :: WithAlcohol | NoAlcohol -> String
WithAlcohol> "Adults cocktail." 
NoAlcohol> "Kids cocktail."

cocktailMixer :: Unit
|> readUserAge |> isAdult |> cocktailType
|> serveCocktail |> print

OR types x: A | B | C

Meaning that x can be of either type A, B or C

graph LR;

x("x :: A | B | C")
f("f :: A | B | C -> String")

x -- "Case 1" --> A
x -- "Case 2" --> B
x -- "Case 3" --> C

A --> f
B --> f
C --> f

Case-matching a:A> {code}

f :: A | B | C -> String
a:A> "Case A: " + a
B> "Case B"
C> "Case C"

Executes {code} with an argument a if it matches type A. Used to match | OR types - something like a weird if.

Case Syntax: argName(optional) : ArgType (optional)> {code}


sayNumber :: Int -> String
x> if(x > 10)
  True> if(x == 13)
    True> log("The number is 13!") 
    > "It's 13."
    False> "It's greater than 10 and not 13."
  False> "It's less than 10."

Functions f :: Input -> Output


  • functionName :: A, B, C -> T

functionName is a function that accepts A, B and C types and returns T as output.

  • version :: String

version is a function that accepts Unit (nothing as input) and returns String

Unit = nothing


Our first Sense function:

helloWorld :: Unit
> print("Hello, world")

And a more realistic example:

userStatus :: User | Admin -> String
User> "Basic user"
adm: Admin> let level = adm.accessLevel
> if(adm.isActive)
  True> "Active admin, level " + level
  False> "Inactive admin, level " + level

The last line of case in a function always returns a value.

Calling functions

To invoke a function simply f(arg1, arg2, ... , argN).

Function Composition |>

f :: A -> B
g :: B -> C
h :: C -> D

comp :: A -> C
|> f |> g |> h
// equivalent to a> f(a) |> g |> h

The |> operator feeds a value from the left side to a function on the rigth side.


Immutable let

  • Declare: let varName: VarType = value.
  • Read, just: varName

Mutable state

  • Declare: state x: X = initalValue.
  • Read, just: x
  • Update: x = newValue.

Global state & variables

let step = 10
state counter = 0

$(step, counter) // gives access to "step" and "counter"
stepUp :: Int
> counter += step
> counter


  • Int: integer (long size).
  • Decimal: double precision.
  • String: just a string.
  • Unit: nothing.

Primitive modifiers

T?: optional

Optional value of type T. You can case-match via:

doubleOrZero :: Int? -> Int
x> x * 2 // non-null optional
null> 0 // optional is null

Tupple (A, B)

Self-explanatory will document later.

Array [T]

Self-explanatory will document later.

Data types data

data BasicRole
data AdminRole

data User(
  firstName: String
  lastName: String?
  role: BasicRole | AdminRole
  friends: [User]
  monthYear: (Int, Int)
  height: Decimal

All data fields in Sense are immutable.

Sense Std Library

Everything else like Bool, for, Map, Stack, Graph, map, filter, DateTime, etc is included with the standard library.

Sense Demo

At the core of Sense is decision-makig, the "case-matching": what to do when case X happen and what can happen when you do Y operation.

To minimize confusion, we'll assume that every program can be represented by a graph of functions (decisions) and analyze a concrete example.

Login/Register email example

graph LR;

emailInput -- "email: String" --> validateEmail
validateEmail -- "Valid(email)" --> sendCheckEmailReq
validateEmail -- "Invalid" --> emailInput  
sendCheckEmailReq -- "Taken(email)" --> login
sendCheckEmailReq -- "Available(email)" --> register
sendCheckEmailReq -- "HTTPErr" --> emailInput
login -- "LoginPass(email)" --> inputPass
register -- "RegPass(email)" --> inputPass  

inputPass -- "pass: String, LoginPass | RegPass" --> validatePass
validatePass -- "Invalid, LoginPass | RegPass" --> inputPass
validatePass -- "RegisterReq(email, pass)" --> sendRegisterReq
validatePass -- "LoginReq(email, pass)" --> sendLoginReq    

It's a common use-case to do validation, send HTTP requests and based on their response execute different logic. Here's how this can be implemented in Sense.


inputEmail :: String
> inputField("email")  

data ValidEmail(
 email: String
data Invalid  
validateEmail :: String -> ValidEmail | Invalid
// pseudo validation  
email> if(contains('@', email) && length(email) > 3)
  True> ValidEmail(email)
  False> Invalid

data Taken(
  email: String
data Available(
  email: String
sendCheckEmailReq :: ValidEmail -> Taken | Available | HttpErr 
valid> send("/checkEmail", valid)
  response: Ok> if(response.body == "taken")
    True> Taken(email)
    False> Available(email)
    // HttpErr> case can be skipped
data LoginUI
data RegisterUI
data None  
data UIState(
  state: LoginUI | RegisterUI | None

state uiState = UIState(None)  
data LoginPass(
  email: String
data RegPass(
  email: String
login :: Taken -> LoginPass 
taken> uiState = LoginUI // modify state
> LoginPass(
register :: Available -> RegPass
avail> uiState = RegisterUI
> RegPass(

inputPass :: LoginPass | RegPass -> (String, LoginPass | RegPass)
login: LoginPass> (inputField("login_pass"), login)
reg: RegPass> (inputField("reg_pass"), reg)  

data RegisterReq(
  email: String
  pass: String
data LoginReq(
  email: String
  pass: String
validatePass :: String, LoginPass | RegPass -> LoginReq | RegisterReq | Invalid
pass, type> if(length(pass) > 6)
  True> type // valid password
    LoginPass> LoginReq(, pass=pass)
    ReqPass> RegisterReq(, pass=pass)
  False> Invalid

program :: LoginReq | RegisterReq
|> inputEmail |> validateEmail
  Valid|> sendCheckEmailReq
    Taken|> login |> passFlow
    Available|> register |> passFlow
    HttpError> program() // restart
  Invalid> program() // restart
passFlow :: LoginPass | RegPass -> LoginReq | RegisterReq
|> inputPass |> validatePass
  Invalid> passFlow() // repeat flow

Try Sesnse

Will host simple Sense playground when the Sense Compiler is ready.


Does SenseLang make sense to you? Help us make it better:

  • give feedback
  • contribute
  • join the team
  • help us find funding

WIP: Have feedback? Want to join the project? Please, drop me a line at


Sense is a very high level, functional programming language for creating software by writing only the absolute necessary information and not a single line above that.








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