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Ipor Power Token

Detailed documentation can be found in IPOR Gitbook


Pre-run steps

  • Install node and npm.

How to compile

  • Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Run npm run compile.

How to run the tests

  • Run npm run test.

How to deploy to mainnet/testnet

You can use hardhat and modify the script in scripts/ to deploy the smart contracts to the mainnet or testnet.

Steps required to deploy on a local network

  • Deploy staked token contract
          const StakedToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MockStakedToken");
          stakedToken = (await StakedToken.deploy(
              "Staked Token",
              await admin.getAddress()
          )) as MockStakedToken;
  • Deploy LpTokens contracts
          const LpTokenDai = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MockLpToken");
          lpDai = (await LpToken.deploy(
              "Lp Dai",
              await admin.getAddress()
          )) as MockLpToken;
          const LpTokensUsdc = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MockLpTokens");
          lpUsdc = (await LpTokensUsdc.deploy(
              "Lp Usdc",
              await admin.getAddress()
          )) as MockLpTokens;
  • Deploy PowerToken contract as proxy
    const PowerToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("PowerToken");
    powerToken = (await upgrades.deployProxy(PowerToken, [stakedToken.address], {
        initializer: "initialize",
        kind: "uups",
        })) as PowerToken;
  • Deploy LiquidityMining contract as proxy
      const LiquidityMiningFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("LiquidityMining");
      const liquidityMiningProxy = (await upgrades.deployProxy(LiquidityMiningFactory,
                    [[ lpUSDC, lpDAI], powerTokenProxy.address, STAKED_TOKEN],
                      initializer: "initialize",
                      kind: "uups",
      )) as LiquidityMining;
  • Setup LiquidityMining address in power token contract
      await powerToken.setLiquidityMiningAddress(liquidityMiningProxy.address);

Structure fo the repository

  • contracts/ contains all the smart contracts.
    • interfaces/ contains all the interfaces.
    • libraries/ contains all the libraries.
    • mocks/ contains all the mock contracts.
    • mining/ contains all the contracts related to liquidity mining.
    • security/ contains all the contracts related to security.
    • tokens/ contains all the contracts related to power token.
  • scripts/ contains all the scripts to deploy smart contracts.
  • test/ contains all the tests.

Analyse the contracts with slither

  • Install remixd
  • Install Slither, remixd -i slither
  • Run slither . to verify contract

How to run the coverage

  • run brew install ekhtml
  • run brew install lcov
  • run mkdir coverage
  • run forge coverage --report lcov && genhtml --branch-coverage --output-dir coverage