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working repository for the the IST daslab micronet challenge


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Distiller MicroNet

UPDATE: The final score is 0.3772, in the argument is_not_quantized of ops_non_linearity should be set to True value for the evaluation.

This repository contains our solution for the NeurIPS 2019 MicroNet challenge. It includes a copy of the Distiller repository (it is copied instead of forked in order to keep the code private before submission time), as well as the final model and evaluation scripts. See below for setup instructions, model description and results in terms of competition's metrics.

NOTE: the scores are updated!


First, clone the forked distiller repository.

$ git clone

If you want to use GPU support, ensure that your CUDA.version==10 and install compatible PyTorch before distiller installation from the official site. After repository is cloned run

$ cd distiller-MicroNet
$ pip install -e .

Google Cloud. If you are using Google cloud or otherwise want to start installation from scratch, the Cookbook may be useful.

Final checkpoint. Download final model checkpoint file effnet_imagenet_train_quantized_best.pth.tar. After that move it to folder distiller-MicroNet/imagenet_efficientnet/checkpoints.


To use EfficientNet achitecture there are two options.

Option 1. Using manual installation described here here.

Option 2. Using pip install:

$ pip install efficientnet_pytorch

As current pip version has bugs a hand-fix decribed in commit is required. (UPDATE: the pip version is fixed now.)


The following issues are system and setup dependent.

When trying to import pytorch on MacOSX, you may get libomp.dylib can't be loaded error. Then do brew install libomp.

If you get AttributeError: 'os' module does not have 'sched_getaffinity' method, which is likely to occur in MacOSX and some Linux distributions, try replacing the line with os.cpu_count().

Also, do not forget source


In general, the approach follows two steps.

First, we prune the model layer-wise with desired target sparsity levels (specified in imagenet_efficientnet/schedules/pruning2.yaml) using Automated Gradual Pruner.

After that, we quantize the weights and activations to 4 BITS and use quantized aware training procedure with knowledge distillation to fine-tune the model (specified in imagenet_efficientnet/schedules/quantize_aware_training.yaml with bits for layers) for 1 epoch.

Notes: We do not quantize the bias term and first convolution (_conv_stem layer of PyTorch model) including its activations, the last linear layer weight is quantized to a fractional number of BITs 2.5 the activations of this layer are not quantized.


The results of final model are listed in the table below. We provide them in terms MBytes and MFLOPs for easier proof-checking against the organizers' computation of EfficientNet storage and FLOPs. For details on competition metrics evaluation see the corresponding section.

Metric Our Model Vanilla model Relative improvement (Our/Vanilla)
Storage 2.4472 MBytes (611808 params) 15.5263 MBytes 0.1576
FLOPs 304.8332 MFLOPs 1079.3237 MFLOPs 0.2824

Final relative MobileNetV2 score:

611808 / 6.9M + 304833216 / 1170M = 0.0887 (storage) + 0.2605 (math ops) = 0.3492 (overall score)

Reproducing the checkpoints

Go to the imagenet_efficientnet/ folder. The first step of the whole procedure is pruning. To invoke pruning run

$ bash scripts/

under the imagenet_efficientnet/ directory. You might need to modify the GPU_IDS (--gpus), number of workers (-j), batch size (-b) and path to ImageNet (DATAPATH) according to your machine configs. Probably you will need to modify experiment name (EXP_NAME) and path to the chekpoint dir (CHECKPOINT_ROOT) to be more suitable for you.

Note: the checkpoint for this step is available at imagenet_efficientnet/checkpoints dir named effnet_imagenet_prune_base2_best.pth.tar. For evaluation of checkpoints see corresponding section.

After that, quantization follows. It can be invoked with command

$ bash scripts/

Please note, that as before you should change some values according to your machine config.

Evaluation of checkpoints

To evaluate the checkpoint model Top-1 on ImageNet you should modify checkpoint path ('CHECKPOINT') in scripts/ accordingly. For final model evaluation modify checkpoint path as follows


After these modifications, invoke Top-1 evaluation running:

$ bash scripts/

MicroNet Competition metrics (storage and flops)

We accompany our submission with the evaluation script to compute storage requirements (as MBytes and as millions of params) and number of FLOPs. In addition to that, the final score (relative to MobileNetV2) is computed.

To invoke the metrics script run

$ python

under the scripts folder. The script is rather simple and is fully contained in For flops we modify the model forward and upload the weights to compute resulting metric. This pipeline is implemented in scripts/ We consider residual connections, activations and batch norm flops among others in this procedure.

FLOPs computation details

By default, distiller quantizes input to all layers which are quantized themselves. Therefore, for each forward run through a quantized layer the quantization level for math operations is determined by the number of bits in parameters (e.g. weights are generally quantized, and biases not).

The quantized layers in distiller by default perform output quantization (even though the bias parametes are not quantized). To account for that, for drop-out and relu operations, that were before the quantized layer, we have a gain in FLOPs as this ops do not change the "quantization" properties. For skip connection, swish-activation (EfficientNet feature), bn layers and avg pooling we count the FLOPs in full precision.

In scripts/ each ops counter has a flag which determines whether consider qunatized ops or full precision ones. UPDATEE: additions are now counted at 32 bit precision.


If you have any questions regarding evaluation, reproduction step or the implementation of competition metrics, feel free to contact us on:


working repository for the the IST daslab micronet challenge







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