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DAU format

Clerik edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 11 revisions

Currently, the DAU files are delivered in .geojson format.

The .geojson files are structured like this:

  • type
  • name
  • crs (defines the format?)
    • type = name
    • properties
  • features (list)
    • type = Feature
    • properties
      • time (the point in time the data point was sent in)
      • startlat
      • startlong
      • endlat
      • endlong
      • torrsprederaktiv (either null, f, or t)
      • plogaktiv (either null, f, or t)
      • vatsprederaktiv (either null, f, or t)
      • materialtype_kode
      • from_vegref
      • to_vegref
      • id
      • the_geom (SRID=xxxxx;LINESTRING(x y,x y,x y))
      • name
      • descriptio
      • timestamp
      • begin
      • end
      • altitudemo
      • tessellate
      • extrude
      • visibility
      • draworder
      • icon
      • name_2
      • descript_2
      • timestam_2
      • begin_2
      • end_2
      • altitude_2
      • tessella_2
      • extrude_2
      • visibili_2
      • draworde_2
      • Icon_2
    • Geometry
      • type = Linestring (a collection of coordinates mapping the route driven)
      • Coordinates (2d list, start and end coordinates)

So in order to acces a datapoint in the geojson file, write for example

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