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How to use GitHub issues?

Thomas Götschi edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

a little bit of guidance on the use of GitHub Isssues for ITHIM-R

  • issues can be anything from general discussions to very specific tasks, questions, problems
  • try not to mix unrelated stuff, avoid laundry lists. - instead, start new issues, and link them
  • you can refer to other issues using #issuenumber as a link
  • you can tag collaboraters with @username
  • you can use various markdown format features. Checklists in particular can be helpful
  • you can assign issues and label them. Make generous use of labels!
  • you can link to wiki pages, or anything else
  • under settings you can set up how you want to be notified about changes to issues (typically set to alerts on issues that you are tagged in)
  • you can respond to issues through your email client (but pls delete earlier messages below your response)

Overwhelmed by the number of issues piling up?

  • we will try to maintain some order - feel free to contribute your part
  • learn how to use filters: you can sort by label, or latest edits, etc.
  • projects: as we clarify project and tool structure, we can group issues into "github projects". A neat feature to organize muliple issues (related to a common topic) along structures like task status, timeline, or similar. (see projects tab in Github)
  • keeping issues sorted is much easier if above guidelines are followed, and in particular if you make good use of labels. Feel free to create new ones as you see fit.
  • finally, don't hesitate to merge "parallel issues" (manual copy paste), edit conversation to remove clutter, close issues, start transfering finalized contents to the wiki.
  • for all such maintenance tasks, contact @gotom22 if you have any questions.

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