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Hybridge in ESSI

Andy Smith edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 11 revisions

What is it?

The Hybridge gem ingests CSV files generated by CDM Bridge in order to import content from CONTENTdm.


Add this line to Gemfile gem 'hybridge', git: ''

Run bundle install

Run installer rails g hybridge:install

Hyrax vs. Hyku consideration

Hybridge is meant to be run inside a Hyku applications. The following steps can be followed in order for Hybridge to work in a Hyrax application such as ESSI.

controller file

Changes are required in the hybridge ingest controller. Create a local override file at app/controllers/hybridge/ingest_controller.rb.

Copy content from revised controller gist into file.

ingest directory

The above file requires that an ingest directory be configured.

config.hybridge_directory = '/dir/for/hybridge/ingest'

This configuration can be placed in the config/environment/* files.

generic work type

Currently, hybridge appears to only work for Generic Works. ESSI includes the GenericWork model, but not the form. Running the work type generator, but ignoring the model creation, takes care of this.

rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork