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Troubleshooting tips

Randall Floyd edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Admin sets

Various issues with the default admin set and permission templates can arise when Fedora/Solr/database are out of sync. The default admin set is persisted to Fedora but the permission templates are persisted to the database. If the latter is cleared and Fedora/Solr are not, the condition may be caught gracefully in the UI but can be more fatal to direct use of ActiveFedora (i.e. via ingest scripts.)

You can try fixing this in the console with:

Hyrax::PermissionTemplate.create!(source_id: AdminSet::DEFAULT_ID)

Or it may be best to clear everything and initialize the admin set from scratch:

rake db:drop
rake db:migrate
rm -rf tmp/solr-development
rm -rf tmp/fcrepo4-development-data
rake hydra:server
rails hyrax:default_admin_set:create