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Merge pull request #58 from IainNZ/jump010
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WIP: JuMPeR v0.2
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IainNZ committed Sep 1, 2015
2 parents f4519cd + f40022b commit 0dfb26f
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Showing 28 changed files with 2,308 additions and 1,213 deletions.
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions .travis.yml
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language: cpp
- gcc
language: julia
- linux
- release
- nightly
email: false
- JULIAVERSION="juliareleases"
- JULIAVERSION="julianightlies"
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:staticfloat/julia-deps -y
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:staticfloat/${JULIAVERSION} -y
- sudo apt-get update -qq -y
- sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev libgmp-dev julia -y
- git config --global "Travis User"
- git config --global ""
- if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
sudo: false
- gfortran
- liblapack-dev
- libgmp-dev
- libglpk-dev
- julia -e 'versioninfo(); Pkg.init(); Pkg.clone(pwd())'
- if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
- julia -e 'Pkg.add("JuMP"); Pkg.checkout("JuMP")'
- julia -e 'Pkg.clone(pwd())'
- julia -e 'Pkg.test("JuMPeR", coverage=true)'
- if [ $JULIAVERSION = "juliareleases" ]; then julia -e 'Pkg.clone("")'; fi
- if [ $JULIAVERSION = "juliareleases" ]; then julia -e 'Pkg.test("DDUS")'; fi
- julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("JuMPeR")); Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(Coveralls.process_folder())'
- julia -e 'Pkg.add("Coverage")'
- julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("JuMPeR")); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(process_folder())'
- julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("JuMPeR")); using Coverage; Codecov.submit(process_folder())'
382 changes: 381 additions & 1 deletion

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion REQUIRE
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
julia 0.3
JuMP 0.9
JuMP 0.10 0.11
178 changes: 103 additions & 75 deletions example/portfolio.jl
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@@ -1,121 +1,149 @@
# JuMPeR
# Julia for Mathematical Programming - extension for Robust Optimization
# See
# portfolio.jl
# Use the CovarOracle defined in oracle_covar.jl to solve an asset
# allocation problem. Solves for multiple values of Γ and shows the
# distribution of returns of the optimal portfolio for each value.

using JuMPeR
# JuMPeR -- JuMP Extension for Robust Optimization
# Copyright (c) 2015: Iain Dunning
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# example/portfolio.jl
# Solve a robust portfolio optimization problem. Can choose between:
# - Polyhedral or ellipsoidal uncertainty sets
# - Reformulation or cutting planes

# Load packages
# Modelling
using JuMP, JuMPeR
# For generating data
using Distributions
using Gurobi
# Only needed for Julia 0.3, used for factorizing covariance matrix
using Compat

# Global configuration
# Number of stocks
const NUM_ASSET = 10

# Number of samples of past returns
const NUM_SAMPLES = 1000
# Uncertainty set type (:Polyhedral or :Ellipsoidal)
#const UNCERTAINY_SET = :Polyhedral
const UNCERTAINY_SET = :Ellipsoidal
# Seed the RNG for reproducibilities sake

# generate_data
# Sample returns of the assets. The parameters of the assets are fixed, we
# simply make num_samples draws from the joint distribution.
# Returns matrix with the samples in rows, each column is an assets
function generate_data(num_samples::Int)
data = zeros(num_samples, NUM_ASSET)
# Sample returns of the assets from a multivariate normal distribution.
# Returns a matrix with the samples in rows & each column is an asset.
function generate_data()
data = zeros(NUM_SAMPLES, NUM_ASSET)

# Linking factors
beta = [(i-1.0)/NUM_ASSET for i = 1:NUM_ASSET]
# Linking factors to induce correlations
β = [(i-1.0)/NUM_ASSET for i in 1:NUM_ASSET]

for sample_ind = 1:num_samples
# Common market factor, mean 3%, sd 5%, truncate at +- 3 sd
for i in 1:NUM_SAMPLES
# Common market factor, μ=3%, σ=5%, truncated at ±3σ
z = rand(Normal(0.03, 0.05))
z = max(z, 0.03 - 3*0.05)
z = min(z, 0.03 + 3*0.05)

for asset_ind = 1:NUM_ASSET
# Idiosyncratic contribution, mean 0%, sd 5%, truncated at +- 3 sd
asset = rand(Normal(0.00, 0.05))
asset = max(asset, 0.00 - 3*0.05)
asset = min(asset, 0.00 + 3*0.05)
data[sample_ind, asset_ind] = beta[asset_ind] * z + asset
for j in 1:NUM_ASSET
# Idiosyncratic contribution, μ=0%, σ=5%, truncated at ±3σ
r = rand(Normal(0.00, 0.05))
r = max(r, 0.00 - 3*0.05)
r = min(r, 0.00 + 3*0.05)
data[i,j] = β[j] * z + r

return data

# solve_portfolio
# Solve the robust portfolio problem given a matrix of past returns and
# a degree of conservatism, Γ. The particular problem solved is
# Solve the robust portfolio problem given a matrix of past returns.
# The particular problem solved is
# max z
# s.t. ∑ xi = 1
# ∑ ri*xi ≥ z ∀ r ∈ R
# xi ≥ 0
# where R is CovarOracle's set, an ellipse centered on the mean return
# and tilted using the covariance of the returns
# s.t. ∑ rᵢ xᵢ ≥ z ∀ r ∈ R # Worst-case return
# ∑ xᵢ = 1 # Is a portfolio
# xᵢ ≥ 0
# where R is one of the uncertainty sets:
# R = { (r,z) | r = μ + Σ^½ z,
# Polyhedral: ‖z‖₁ ≤ Γ, ‖z‖∞ ≤ 1
# Ellipsoidal: ‖z‖₂ ≤ Γ
# }
function solve_portfolio(past_returns, Γ)
# Setup the robust optimization model
m = RobustModel(solver=GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0))

# Create the CovarOracle
setDefaultOracle!(m, CovarOracle(past_returns, Γ))

# Variables
@defVar(m, obj) # Put objective as constraint (epigraph form)
@defVar(m, 0 <= x[1:NUM_ASSET] <= 1) # Fractional allocation
m = RobustModel()

# Uncertainties
@defUnc(m, r[1:NUM_ASSET]) # The returns
# Each asset is a share of the money to invest...
@defVar(m, 0 <= x[1:NUM_ASSET] <= 1)
# ... and we must allocate all the money.
@addConstraint(m, sum(x) == 1)

# JuMPeR doesn't support uncertain objectives directly.
# Uncertain objectives, should put the objective function as
# a constraint (epigraph form)
@defVar(m, obj)
@setObjective(m, Max, obj)

# Portfolio constraint
@addConstraint(m, sum(x) == 1)
# The uncertain parameters are the returns for each asset
@defUnc(m, r[1:NUM_ASSET])

# The uncertainty set requires the "square root" of the covariance
μ = vec(mean(past_returns, 1)) # Want a column vector
Σ = cov(past_returns)
L = full(@compat chol(Σ, Val{:L})) # Σ^½
# Define auxiliary uncertain parameters to model underlying factors
@defUnc(m, z[1:NUM_ASSET])
# Link r with z
@addConstraint(m, r .== L*z + μ)
if UNCERTAINY_SET == :Polyhedral
@addConstraint(m, norm(z, 1) <= Γ) # ‖z‖₁ ≤ Γ
@addConstraint(m, norm(z, Inf) <= 1) # ‖z‖∞ ≤ 1
@addConstraint(m, norm(z, 2) <= Γ) # ‖z‖₂ ≤ Γ

# The objective constraint - uncertain
@addConstraint(m, obj - dot(r, x) <= 0)
# The objective function: the worst-case return
@addConstraint(m, obj <= dot(r, x))

# Solve it, report statistics on number of cutting planes etc.
#println("Solving model for Γ=$Γ")
#solveRobust(m, report=true)
#println("Objective value: ", getValue(obj))
# Solve it

# Return the allocation and the worst-case return
return getValue(x), getValue(obj)

# simulate
# Generate some past returns, then obtain portfolios for different values
# of Γ to see the effect of robustness on the distribution of returns
function simulate(num_past, num_future)
# Generate some past returns, obtain portfolios for different
# values of Γ, and analyze distribution of returns
function simulate()
# Generate the simulated data
past_returns = generate_data(num_past)
future_returns = generate_data(num_future)
past_returns = generate_data()
future_returns = generate_data()

# Print table header
println(" Γ| Min| 10%| 20%| Mean| Max")
for Γ in [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
println(" Γ | Min | 10% | 20% | Mean | Max | Support")
for Γ in 0:NUM_ASSET
# Solve for portfolio
x, obj = solve_portfolio(past_returns, Γ)
# Evaluate portfolio returns in future
future_z = future_returns*x[:]
future_z = future_returns*x
min_z = future_z[1]*100
ten_z = future_z[int(num_future*0.1)]*100
twenty_z = future_z[int(num_future*0.2)]*100
ten_z = future_z[div(NUM_SAMPLES,10)]*100
twenty_z = future_z[div(NUM_SAMPLES, 5)]*100
mean_z = mean(future_z)*100
max_z = future_z[end]*100
@printf(" %3.1f| %5.1f| %5.1f| %5.1f| %5.1f| %5.1f\n",
Γ, min_z, ten_z, twenty_z, mean_z, max_z)
support = sum(x .> 1e-6) # Number of assets used
@printf(" %4.1f | %6.2f | %6.2f | %6.2f | %6.2f | %6.2f | %7d\n",
Γ, min_z, ten_z, twenty_z, mean_z, max_z, support)

simulate(1000, 1000)

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