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Project 3: Date-a-base

View Site Here Heroku


  • Clone or download the repo
  • Run yarn init in the CLI
  • Run mongod, yarn seed, yarn serve:backend and yarn serve:frontend in the CLI



Date-a-Base is a virtual community where everyone can find and share advices about beautiful and funny locations in London and surroundings, suitable for a dating. The type of locations meet a wide range of preferences which can be filtered depending on the expectations. Launch on Heroku. Check out the GitHub Repo

Project Brief

The brief requirements were:

  • Build a full-stack application by making your own backend and your own front-end
  • Use an Express API to serve your data from a Mongo database
  • Consume your API with a separate front-end built with React
  • Be a complete product which most likely means multiple relationships and CRUD functionality for at least a couple of models
  • Implement thoughtful user stories/wireframes that are significant enough to help you know which features are core MVP and which you can cut
  • Have a visually impressive design
  • Have automated tests for at least one RESTful resource on the back-end. Improve your employability by demonstrating a good understanding of testing principals.
  • A working app hosted on the internet


​ We spend the first day exploring ideas and throughly planning our project. This included:




Trello board

ezgif com-video-to-gif (1)

Languages and Technologies Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • React and React extensions
  • Webpack
  • Bulma
  • Node JS
  • Babel
  • Insomnia
  • External API
  • Monogdb
  • Express
  • Heroku
  • Google Fonts


7 days


All Features:

  • Register an account
  • View all locations in a list view and map view
  • Filter through an index of locations based on date number, type of dating exp and budget.
  • Read About, Contact and Terms and Conditions

Registered Users can:

  • Add more workspaces
  • Update entered workspaces
  • Log in and out
  • View other users profiles
  • Make and delete their comments
  • Like and Dislike locations
  • Create a user profile and update their profile

Wins and Blockers



Date-a-base is a location based site and images are a core part of our site. We decided that we would prefer to use FileStack as an image uploader rather than just using image urls. It looks neater and uploading the image to the page was an extra win. This was achieved by re setting the formData state with the uploaded image.

  buttonText="Upload Photo"
  onSuccess={(result) => this.handleUploadImages(result)}
{this.state.formData.image && <img src={this.state.formData.image} />}


As our site is about helping users make decisions, we wanted to make filters a big component - hence their placement on the landing page. Aside from using React-Select to format the filter dropdowns, the logic involved getting the data from the dropdowns, storing it in state, then passing this over to the locations index page so that it shows a pre-filtered list of locations. Else the user can go straight to the index page.

  <div className="field">
    <label className="label has-text-left">Budget</label>
      onChange={selected => this.handleFilter(selected, 'cost')}
      value={budgetOptions.find(option => option.value === this.state.cost)}

Contact form

We created a contact form using Nodemailer. This was just an added gesture to make our users free to provide us with critics and suggestions! This contact form was linked to a gmail account that was created for this project.

const mailer = require('../lib/mailer')
const { USER } = require('../config/environment')

function emailRoute(req, res, next){
  const name =
  const email =
  const message = req.body.message
  const content = `name: ${name} \n email: ${email} \n message: ${message} `

  const mail = {
    from: name,
    to: USER,
    subject: 'New Message from Contact Form',
    text: content

  mailer.sendMail(mail, (err) => {
    if (err) next(err)
    else res.json({ message: 'Message sent' })

module.exports = {
  email: emailRoute



As part of our project brief, we implemented test driven development. Once our backend was completed, we conducted our tests using Chai and Mocha to test our various endpoints. Here's and example of a test conducted on our index page:

it('should return an array of objects', done => {
    .end((err, res) => {
      res.body.forEach(location => {



As a team, we wanted our navbar to be visually appealing and have common features such as updating navbars as well as routing. In order to update our users avatar, we took advantage of storing information in local storage and then retrieving the image url. We had a couple issues with the images not automatically updating unless the user signed in again. We overcome this issue by:

  <div className="dropdown-menu" id="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
    <div className="dropdown-content">
      <Link to={`/profiles/${Auth.getUser()._id}`} className="dropdown-item">
      My Profile
      <a className="dropdown-item"  onClick={this.logout}>
static getUser() {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'))

User Profile

A blocker we experience was adding additional information to the user profile without requesting this when they signed up. We managed to achieve this by using a profiles endpoint created in the backend and updated the formData.

handleSubmit(e) {

  axios.put(`/api/profiles/${}`, {...this.state.formData}, {
    headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${Auth.getToken()}` }
    .then(res => {
      toast.success('User suceessfully updated')
    .catch(err => this.setState({ errors: }))


Future Features

  • Address lookup function consuming a public API to auto populate address
  • Improving User Experience based on user critic

Course Curriculum

Details of my training and links to more projects whilst at General Assembly - 12 Week Immersive.

Week 1-3 | Module One - Fundamentals

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Sass
  • JavaScript

Week 4

Project 1 : Frogger | GitHub | gh-pages

Week 5 | Module Two - React

  • React.js
  • Routing
  • Third-party APIs

Week 6

Project 2 : CocktailBored | GitHub | gh-pages

Week 7-8 | Module Three - Node and Express

  • RESTFUL Routing
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Token Authentication & Session Authentication
  • API Creation
  • Mocha and Chai

Week 9

Project 3 : Date-a-base | GitHub | Herouku

Week 10-11 | Module Four - Python and Django

  • Python
  • SQL
  • Django
  • Token Authentication

Week 12

Project 4 : Space | GitHub | Herouku


Adesola Oni-Shogbonyo
Email :
Portfolio | Linkedin | GitHub


No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 95.9%
  • CSS 3.9%
  • HTML 0.2%