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Benchmark, Completion, and Stretch Goals

quetzaluz edited this page Aug 15, 2013 · 12 revisions

Benchmark and Planning Goals

  • Select and render the API data in some fashion.
  • If we find XML only data related to our project, convert this data.
  • Have shareable URLs associated with data views.
  • Create mockups for essential views.
  • Prioritize and assign feature implementation.

Completion Goals

  • Landing page
  • Obtain geolocation data or ask for it, put up a view of the local representatives.
  • If no location data is present, federal view or fact sheet.
  • Federal overview page
  • Comparison screens
  • Bills
  • Funding
  • Individual data views
  • Legislation - bill voting patterns, relevant industries or issues
  • Social - 'BFF' bill co-sponsorship data, social media activity
  • Activity - Attendance, number of bills, etc.
  • Finance - Contributions out of state vs. in state, industries.
  • Thematic "Fact Sheet" pages, not API call heavy.
  • Sectors
  • Companies
  • PACs
  • Rankings for representatives according to these metrics, which allows for...
  • "Top 3 Representatives" page showcasing leaders in categories:
  • In State Funding
  • Out of State Funding
  • Bills Passed
  • Bills Sponsored
  • Attendance - Present
  • Attendance - Absent

Stretch Goals

  • Optimize the amount of data loaded in API calls and cache.
  • Integrate state specific API data for at least one state.
  • Dialogs explaining how we calculated our custom metrics
  • Polish documentation related to our project
  • Produce a complimentary blog/information page promoting the app.
  • Keyword/'hashtag' based alerts notifying users up upcoming legislation and current activity.
  • Forms allowing users to easily contact people.