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Views and Components

Gregory Hilkert edited this page Aug 15, 2013 · 6 revisions


Entrance View

  • Interactive stuff front and center! * bills to funding
    • committees to funding
  • Interesting Data (example queries)
  • Awesome interactivity (css3 animations, d3 stuff, etc)
  • Personalized
  • Hashtag Input - Keep track of and alert users about new updates
  • Location Based Lookup of things (reps, bills, industries)

Interesting Facts View

  • Top 3 reps
  • In State Funding
  • Out of State Funding
  • Bills Passed
  • Bills Sponsored
  • Attendance Present
  • Attendance Absent
  • Ethics Investigations Count
  • Top 5
  • Sectors
  • Companies
  • PACs
  • Individuals

Location Aware View

  • Fed Reps
  • Legislation
  • bills to funding
  • committees to funding
  • themes or industry
  • Social
  • small group vs widespread
  • do they cross the aisle
  • deleted tweets
  • Contributions
  • Number of bills
  • attendance metric
  • themes or industry
  • bill pass metric
  • State Reps



  • Bi-Partisan - Do they work across the aisle?
  • Activity - Do they sponsor bills and vote on others? Do they miss votes?
  • Lone-Wolf - Do they sponsor and co-sponsor with the same people routinely?
  • Funding-Locality - In vs Out Funding
  • Funding vs Salary - Are they worth the salary we pay them?
  • Number of Constituents
  • Measure activity against incumbency (break down voting history based on years on the job)
  • Bill pass - bills sponsored vs bills sent to congress vs bills passed vs bills vetoed
  • Ethics Investigation - Count of ethics committee investigations
  • previous career - is this available or accurate?

Ind Compare

  • Funding
  • Sectors
  • Companies

Ideas for Components

  • Bills related to a company / industry that funds the sponsors and co-sponsors
  • Bio Information
  • Committees vs Industry Funding for Rep
  • Deleted Tweets API - sunlight



  • Bio
  • Committees
  • Bills
  • Sponsored
  • Co-Sponsored
  • Funding
  • Sectors
  • Companies
  • Locale (In vs Out State)
  • Type (PAC vs Ind)
  • Votes
  • History
  • Attendance