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Extremely light and powerful Node JS reverse proxy and forward-proxy


  • Follows KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle, lighter than every other competitors
  • Focus on High Performance and High availability
  • Easy to fork and modify


  • Flexible and easy routing
  • Easy to deploy and upgrade without downtime
  • Secured by default in a carefully systemd sandbox
  • Seamless SSL Support (HTTPS -> HTTP proxy)
  • Automatic HTTP to HTTPS redirects
  • Works with Let's Encrypt, activate https as soon as a certificate is available
  • Multi-thread (cluster by default)
  • DNS Failover
  • Websockets, HTTP2
  • Zero Point of Failure (multi-server master-slave config)
  • Zero downtime: register and unregister routes, add certificates without restarting
  • Passes tests of heavily used node-http-proxy module but without memory leaks and with better performance
  • Reload-safe: if config file is broken, it keeps previous config in memory and in the disk (zero downtime)
  • (TODO) Includes awesome statistics
    • top-10 slowest queries
    • histogram per hour, per response time
    • send real-time statistics to Netdata


In production with systemd (Ubuntu/Debian ONLY)

GoHA relies on systemd to run with a high level of security and availability.

It provides automatic deployment scripts and a CLI for administration

  # Download the binary
  # To install it, execute the installation command directly from the binary and follow instructions
  ./goha-linux-1-0-0-beta-2 install

Now GoHA is installed and running. See the Configuration part below to configure the proxy.

By default, the service is installed in /usr/local/bin/goha and run with goha user. The working directory, where the configuration is stored, is /var/www/goha. It is possible to overwrite this values with environment variables GOHA_USER and GOHA_WORKDIR.

For development or testing purpose

  • For testing purpose
  # If you want to just execute "in place" for testing purpose
  # Create a working directory
  mkdir ~/goha
  # Download executable
  # And start goha directly in the directory (=the working directory)
  ./goha-linux-1-0-0-beta-2 go
  • For development:
  # Clone the source code and run:
  npm install
  # start the proxy locally without systemd
  bin/goha go
  # tests
  npm test
  # build binary
  npm run build

Command Line Interface

  goha [commands]

  #  Production commands. For Linux only, GoHA must be installed before:
  #    start          : Start the proxy
  #    stop           : Stops the proxy
  #    reload         : Reloads the configuration or upgrade seamlessly (no socket lost, no packet lost)
  #    log            : Shows logs in realtime
  #    restart        : Restarts completely the proxy with service interruption
  #    --version [-v] : Get current version
  #    --help [-h]    : Show this help
  #  Installation and tests commands:
  #    install  : Install the proxy as a systemd service (Linux only)
  #               Options:
  #                 --non-interactive : install without user interaction
  #                 --no-start        : do not start or restart service
  #    go       : Start the proxy without systemd, only for test purpose


GoHA can be configured with three methods

  • [method 1] : a static JSON file
  • [method 2] : an HTTP API, which updates the static JSON file. Available only if the method 1 is used.
  • [method 3] : a dynamic Javascript file which build and exports the JSON configuration file.

Configuration files are stored in the working directory in $GOHA_WORKDIR (/var/www/goha by default).

Here is the file structure of the working directory:

  |- config.json          # [method 1] user-defined configuration file
  |- config.js            # [method 3] user-defined javascript which exports the configuration
  |- .config-runtime.json # last valid configuration file currently used in production (DO NOT MODIFY).
  |- backup
    |- config-20210505121001.json # automatic backup of previous configuration file
    |- config-20210603121011.json # GoHA keeps all history for the moment
  | middleware
    |- loadBalancing.js  # (TODO) load balancing middleware functions    
    |- onRequest.js      # (TODO) on request middleware
    |- onResponse.js     # (TODO) on response middleware
  | public 
    |- 404.html          # (TO_IMPROVE) default mainteance or 404 error page

[method 1] config.json

Here are all options available in config.json

    "port" : 80,
    "portSSL" : 443,    // GoHA reads Let's Encript certificate automatically in /etc/letsencrypt/live
    "portAdmin" : 3000, // REST API to update configuration remotely (method 2) and dashboard + monitoring URLs
    "domains" : {
      // every request coming to will be routed to
      "" : "",
      ""   : "",
      // Underscore char can be used to deactivate a redirection wihout removing the line from the JSON [TODO]
      ""   : "",
      // Add custom headers like x-schema for ideos multitenant
      "" : { 
        "backends" : [{ "url" : "" }],
        "headers"  : {"x-schema" : "5000" }
      // Manage Load balancing
      "" : {
        "backends" : [
          { "url" : ""                    }, // backend server 1
          { "url" : ""                    }, // backend server 2, ...
          { "url" : "", "isReady" : false }, // if isReady is false, no requests will be sent to this backend
          { "url" : "", "version" : "2"   }  // routing by version
        "versioning" : {
          "header"  : "App-Version", // case-insensitive version header name
          "default" : "0",           // default version if client has no version header
        // Default load balancing method used if loadBalanceFn is undefined : Least Connection.
        // But you can overwrite it with this optional function.
        // For each request, a loop calls this function for each backend where isReady is true
        // It sends the request to the backend for which the function returns the lowest number
        // Be carefull, this function is stringified so you cannot use variable coming from outside
        "loadBalancingFn" : "", // [TODO]
        // custom error page if is not available
        "errorPage" : "custom404.html", // [TODO]
        // accept traffic coming from this interface only
        "listen" : "" // [TODO]
    // default error page if a website is not available
    "errorPage" : "404.html",
    // Automatically generate new domains with duplication rules.
    // Ex. duplicate all domains URL replacing "" by "" and ""
    "alternativeDomains" : {
      "" : ["", ""]

[method 2] REST API + Dashboard administration

GoHA listens portAdmin for administration if portAdmin is defined.

⚠️ Be careful, this port should not be publicly exposed even if its protected ⚠️ . You should allow access only through a VPN.

List of APIs:

  • GET / : [HTML] show a simple dashboard (TODO)
  • GET /config : [JSON] get current runtime config
  • POST /config : [JSON] overwrite existing configuration. All missing element are deleted ⚠️
  • PUT /config : [JSON] merge with existing configuration (update and add elements only)
  • GET /status : [HTML] status of GoHA (TODO)
  • GET /metric : [HTML] open metrics (TODO)

PUT /config

The configuration sent by API is merged with the existing one. It adds missing domains, modify existing attributes and it does not delete anything


The JSON format is exactly the same as the configuration file on the disk.


    "domains" : {
      "" : "", // add a domain


It returns the whole config in "data" attribute

    "data": {
      "domains" : {
        "" : "",
        ""   : ""  // existing config
    "message" : "success message"

[method 3] Javascript mode

The config file can be a dynamic Javascript file. So you can write code to generate a dynamic config file.

This file must export the config object.

  let config = {}; // same config as explained earlier
  module.exports = config;

⚠️ config.json is ignored if there is a config.js in the working directly.

Internal workflow

The master does little things. Everything is done in workers.

  • The master starts

    • It copies config.json to .config-runtime.json if the latter does not exists
    • It starts workers
  • When a worker starts

    • It read only .config-runtime.json
  • When the signal to reload the configuration is received

    • The master catches the signal
    • The master sends a message to one worker to test the new config.json
    • If the worker can read the configuration with success, it sends a "success" signal to the master
    • If the master receives the "success" signal, it replaces .config-runtime.json by the content of config.json and creates a backup of the previous config in backup directory
    • The master sends a signal to all workers to really reload the configuration by reading .config-runtime.json

.config-runtime.json can be different from config.json if the latter contains an error and cannot be loaded. In that case, .config-runtime.json is used as a backup to run the last working configuration in production (Very useful when the machine restarts).


You can use goha log to logs in live mode. It is a shortcut of journalctl -n 500 -f -u $GOHA_SERVICE_NAME

Log format : "[TYPE]" "LEVEL" "message"

  • [TYPE] can be

    • [APP] : application message, such as config reload, start/stop info
    • [REQ] : request logs
  • LEVEL can be

    • INFO : general info messages
    • ERROR : error messages
    • WARN : carning messages
  • message can be

    • for [APP] message, general info
    • for [REQ] see format below

GoHA relies on systemd to lotates logs

Logs output (TODO)

  [REQ] INFO GET /css/main.css unique_request_id
  [REQ] INFO GET /css/main.css unique_request_id 

Version routing

GoHA can route packets according to version header. Each backend must have a version.

  '' : {
    backends : [
      { url : '', version : '1'          },
      { url : '', version : '2'          }, // matches with version '2', '2.0', '2.1.1-beta'
      { url : '', version : '2.1'        }, // matches with version '2.1', '2.1.2', '2.1.2-beta'
      { url : '', version : '2010-01-01' }  // matches with version '2010-01-01', '2010-01-01.1020'
    versioning : {
      header  : 'App-Version', // case-insensitive version header name
      default : '1'            // default version if client has no version header

If there is a conflicts, GoHA selects the backend which has the longest version string. In the example above, if the client has a header "App-Version" : "2.1", the backend which has the port 8105 is choosen.

How to activate SSL?

GoHA redirects automatically the client to https if there is a corresponding certificate for the domain in /etc/letsencrypt/live.

GoHA does not generate and renew cerificates himself (For the moment, it must be done manually or in a cron tab).

Let's encrypt does not accept wildcard certificates, so we must generate one certificate per sub-domain/domain.

Let's encrypt cannot generate more than 5 certificates per week (rate limit), so take your time ;).

  1. Install Let's encrypt

    On ubuntu 16.04 LTS (source :

    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install certbot
  2. Generate a certificate for one domain

      certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/goha/public -d

    When the first certificate is created, change owner of these directory to make it GoHA-accessible:

      sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /etc/letsencrypt/
      sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/log/letsencrypt/
      sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/lib/letsencrypt/
  3. Reload GoHA

    goha reload

How to renew SSL Certificates ?

Each month, renew all certificates in a cron tab with

certbot renew
cd /var/www/goha/
goha reload

DNS Let encrypt

Load balancing

GoHA can be used for load balancing between many backends servers defined in an array like this:

'' : {
  backends : [
    { url: ''                    },
    { url: '' , isReady : false },// if isReady is false, no requests will be sent to this backend
    { url: ''                   } // by default : isReady : true
  loadBalancingFn : (req, backend) => { return backend.nbConnection }

GoHA uses "the least connections" algorithm by default. Read this doc about all possible load balancing algorithms

But you can overwrite with your own function or one of these built-in functions :

   * If the request is a GET, it redirects the URL `/render/<base64IPv4` to the
   * backend which matches with the <base64IPv4> encoded with Buffer.from(''.padEnd(15, ' ')).toString('base64');


Doc of postintall command line

# If the file cert.pem does not exists
(    [ ! -f \"./cert.pem\" ] 
# And npm install is executed without the option "--production" (used by Gihtub Actions to speed up npm install, avoiding devDeps)
  && [ -z \"$npm_config_production\" ]
# Generate a certificate for development
&& openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -subj \"/C=FR/ST=FR/L=Paris/O=Goha/OU=Goha/CN=localhost/\" -keyout ./privkey.pem -out ./cert.pem 
# Else, print a message
|| echo \"Default certificate already generated or production install\" "