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Minimal NeoVim Config and Docker

This repository contains a fairly minimal NeoVim configuration with language server protocol (LSP) support, snippets, and autocompletions, plus a Dockerfile to run the configuration in a container.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone


You'll need to have Docker installed on your local machine to build and run the container.

Building the Container

Use ./ to create the Docker image or just run the following command:

~$ docker build -t minimal-nvim .

This script will build the container and tag it with the name minimal-nvim.

Running the Container

There is a helper script to start up the container.

~$ ./

This script will run the container and mount the nvim/ directory as a volume, so any changes you make to the files in /root/.config/nvim while in the container, will also change the local files.

NeoVim Configuration

The configuration includes the following plugins (and perhaps more, I dunno, I had chatgpt generate this readme):

  • lazy.nvim plugin manager
  • plenary.nvim for utility functions
  • mason-lspconfig.nvim and mason.nvim for project management and LSP support
  • nvim-lspconfig for LSP support
  • nvim-cmp for autocompletion
  • LuaSnip for snippets
  • lspkind.nvim for icons in autocompletion
  • telescope.nvim for fuzzy searching
  • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting and indentation
  • project.nvim for project management
  • alpha-nvim for a startup screen
  • nvim-tree.lua for a file explorer
  • bufferline.nvim for a bufferline
  • which-key.nvim for key bindings
  • tokyonight.nvim for a colorscheme
  • vim-surround for working with surroundings
  • Comment.nvim for commenting code
  • nvim-autopairs for automatic pairing of brackets, quotes, etc.


Run neovim in docker to play around with config






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