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Security: IlicMiljan/Secure-Props

Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

The SecureProps team takes the security of our software seriously. If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in SecureProps, we encourage you to let us know right away. We will investigate all legitimate reports and do our best to quickly fix the issue. Here's how you can report a vulnerability:

Do not disclose the vulnerability publicly

To protect the SecureProps community, we ask that you send us a detailed report privately. Please do not publish the vulnerability publicly on forums, social media, or other platforms until we have addressed it.

How to Report a Security Vulnerability

To report a security issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Email us directly at Please include a detailed description of the issue, steps to reproduce the vulnerability, and, if possible, a proof-of-concept or exploit code.
  2. We strive to respond to security reports within 48 hours, acknowledging receipt of your report.
  3. After our initial response, we'll keep you informed of our progress toward a fix and full announcement, and we may ask for additional information or guidance.

What to Expect After Reporting

  • Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of your report within 48 hours.
  • Communication: We will maintain open and transparent communication with you to understand the vulnerability's scope and impact.
  • Confidentiality: We will work with you to ensure that we understand the issue fully without disclosing it to the public until an adequate assessment and response are prepared.
  • Patch and Update: We are committed to timely addressing of security issues. Once the vulnerability is investigated and a fix is available, we will release it as part of our regular update process.

Public Disclosure Timing

The SecureProps team strongly believes in responsible disclosure practices. Public disclosure of a vulnerability typically occurs after a fix is available, allowing for an adequate update period. We aim to work with the community to determine the most appropriate time for public disclosure and notification to users.

Security Practices and Encouragement

We encourage all users to keep their installations up-to-date and to use the latest version of SecureProps. For more information on secure practices and the latest updates, please visit our GitHub repository.

Learn more about advisories related to IlicMiljan/Secure-Props in the GitHub Advisory Database