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tamsen edited this page Nov 12, 2016 · 1 revision
Acronym/Term Definition
Allele A sequence of one or more basecalls at specific positions, that are characteristically observed together
BAI Binary alignment index file, containing index into a given BAM file.
BAM Binary alignment file, containing alignments of sequencing reads to a known reference genome.
CIGAR String that denotes the sequence of matches/mismatches, insertions, deletions, and soft-clipped bases in an alignment.
Direction Strand direction, either “forward” or “reverse”.
Fasta Text based format for represented nucleotide sequence(s).
gVCF Genome variant call file. This is the same format as a variant call file but includes reference and no calls. May be restricted to specific intervals.
MNV Multi-nucleotide variation.
Picard Industry standard toolset developed by the Broad Institute.
Reference Allele(s) which are the same as the reference genome.
SNV Single nucleotide variation.
SVC The Illumina Somatic Variant Caller, Pisces.
Variant Allele(s) which is different than the reference genome.
VCF Variant call file.
Qscore Phred quality score.
Wildtype Phenotype matching the reference.









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